collocation,slovosled n: jadd
Collocation \Col`lo*ca"tion\, n. [L. collocatio.]
1. The act of placing; the state of being placed with
something else; disposition in place; arrangement.
[1913 Webster]

The choice and collocation of words. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Linguistics) a combination of related words within a
sentence that occurs more frequently than would be
predicted in a random arrangement of words; a combination
of words that occurs with sufficient frequency to be
recongizable as a common combination, especially a pair of
words that occur adjacent to each other. Also called
stable collocation. Combinations of words having
intervening words between them, such as verb and object
pairs, may also be collocations.
n 1: a grouping of words in a sentence
2: the act of positioning close together (or side by side); "it
is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors"
[syn: juxtaposition, apposition, collocation]

/koh'loh-kay`sh*n/ or /koh`loh-kay'sh*n/ (Or
"colocation") Providing network connections such as Internet
leased lines to several servers housed together in a
server room. This is typically provided as a commercial

The hyphenated form is correct and the most common on the web,
followed by "colocation". "collocation" (/ko`loh-kay'sh*n/,
not /koh'-/), is an old word with a similar meaning. It is
common in dictionaries and follows the pattern of other
Latin-derived words like collect, college, and collate, but is
least common on the web.

The verbal form is "to colocate" or "co-locate" (commonly
/koh'loh`kayt/, also (US) /koh`loh'kayt/).

COLLOCATION, French law. The act by which the creditors of an estate are
arranged in the order in which they are to be paid according to law. The
order in which the creditors-are placed, is also called collocation. Merl.
Rep. h.t. Vide Marshalling Assets.

podobné slovodefinícia
collocation,slovosled n: jadd
collocational,kolokační adj: Zdeněk Brož
Miscollocation \Mis*col`lo*ca"tion\, n.
Wrong collocation. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]
stable collocation
Collocation \Col`lo*ca"tion\, n. [L. collocatio.]
1. The act of placing; the state of being placed with
something else; disposition in place; arrangement.
[1913 Webster]

The choice and collocation of words. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Linguistics) a combination of related words within a
sentence that occurs more frequently than would be
predicted in a random arrangement of words; a combination
of words that occurs with sufficient frequency to be
recongizable as a common combination, especially a pair of
words that occur adjacent to each other. Also called
stable collocation. Combinations of words having
intervening words between them, such as verb and object
pairs, may also be collocations.
n 1: a grouping of words in a sentence
2: the act of positioning close together (or side by side); "it
is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors"
[syn: juxtaposition, apposition, collocation]

/koh'loh-kay`sh*n/ or /koh`loh-kay'sh*n/ (Or
"colocation") Providing network connections such as Internet
leased lines to several servers housed together in a
server room. This is typically provided as a commercial

The hyphenated form is correct and the most common on the web,
followed by "colocation". "collocation" (/ko`loh-kay'sh*n/,
not /koh'-/), is an old word with a similar meaning. It is
common in dictionaries and follows the pattern of other
Latin-derived words like collect, college, and collate, but is
least common on the web.

The verbal form is "to colocate" or "co-locate" (commonly
/koh'loh`kayt/, also (US) /koh`loh'kayt/).

COLLOCATION, French law. The act by which the creditors of an estate are
arranged in the order in which they are to be paid according to law. The
order in which the creditors-are placed, is also called collocation. Merl.
Rep. h.t. Vide Marshalling Assets.

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