- servery
servers,servery n: pl. Zdeněk Brož

1. A program which provides some service to other (client)
programs. The connection between client and server is
normally by means of message passing, often over a
network, and uses some protocol to encode the client's
requests and the server's responses. The server may run
continuously (as a daemon), waiting for requests to arrive
or it may be invoked by some higher level daemon which
controls a number of specific servers (inetd on Unix).

There are many servers associated with the Internet, such as
those for HTTP, Network File System, {Network Information
Service} (NIS), Domain Name System (DNS), FTP, news,
finger, Network Time Protocol. On Unix, a long list can
be found in /etc/services or in the NIS database "services".
See client-server.

2. A computer which provides some service for other computers
connected to it via a network. The most common example is a
file server which has a local disk and services requests
from remote clients to read and write files on that disk,
often using Sun's Network File System (NFS) protocol or
Novell Netware on PCs. Another common example is a {web

[Jargon File]

podobné slovodefinícia
observers,pozorovatelé n: Zdeněk Brož
Observership \Ob*serv"er*ship\, n.
The office or work of an observer.
[1913 Webster]
redundant array of inexpensive servers
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Servers

(RAIS) The use of multiple servers to provide
the same service in such a way that service will still be
available if one or more of the servers fails. The term may
or may not imply some kind of load balancing between the
servers. See cluster.

The term "RAIS" follows RAID, which describes schemes for
resilient disk storage.

wide area information servers
Wide Area Information Servers

(WAIS) A distributed
information retrieval system. WAIS is supported by {Apple
Computer}, Thinking Machines and Dow Jones. Clients are
able to retrieve documents using keywords. The search returns
a list of documents, ranked according to the frequency of
occurrence of the keyword(s) used in the search. The client
can retrieve text or multimedia documents stored on the
server. WAIS offers simple natural language input,
indexed searching for fast retrieval, and a "relevance
feedback" mechanism which allows the results of initial
searches to influence future searches. It uses the {ANSI
Z39.50} service. Public domain implementations are

Other information retrieval systems include archie,
Gopher, Prospero, and web.

Usenet newsgroup: news:comp.infosystems.wais.

Telnet (telnet://


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