- distribúcia, rozdelenie, rozdeľovanie
distribution,distribuce n:
distribution,distribuce výrobku [eko.] Veškeré nedopravní činnosti
usnadňující distribuci hotových výrobků od konečného výrobce ke
konečnému uživateli. Pojem zahrnuje pohyb zboží v rámci skladiště nebo
maloobchodního zařízení. RNDr. Pavel Piskač
distribution,rozdělení n: Zdeněk Brož
distribution,rozdělení n: [mat.] pravděpodobnosti Stanislav Horáček
distribution,rozdělování n: Zdeněk Brož
distribution,rozesílání n: Zdeněk Brož
distribution,rozložení n: [mat.] pravděpodobnosti Stanislav Horáček
distribution,rozvoz n: Zdeněk Brož
Distribution \Dis`tri*bu"tion\, n. [L. distributio: cf. F.
1. The act of distributing or dispensing; the act of dividing
or apportioning among several or many; apportionment; as,
the distribution of an estate among heirs or children.
[1913 Webster]

The phenomena of geological distribution are exactly
analogous to those of geography. --A. R.
[1913 Webster]

2. Separation into parts or classes; arrangement of anything
into parts; disposition; classification.
[1913 Webster]

3. That which is distributed. "Our charitable distributions."
[1913 Webster]

4. (Logic) A resolving a whole into its parts.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Print.) The sorting of types and placing them in their
proper boxes in the cases.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Steam Engine) The steps or operations by which steam is
supplied to and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke
of the piston; viz., admission, suppression or cutting
off, release or exhaust, and compression of exhaust steam
prior to the next admission.
[1913 Webster]

Geographical distribution, the natural arrangements of
animals and plants in particular regions or districts.

Syn: Apportionments; allotment; dispensation; disposal;
dispersion; classification; arrangement.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: (statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing
their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence [syn:
distribution, statistical distribution]
2: the spatial or geographic property of being scattered about
over a range, area, or volume; "worldwide in distribution";
"the distribution of nerve fibers"; "in complementary
distribution" [syn: distribution, dispersion] [ant:
compactness, concentration, denseness, density,
3: the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning
4: the commercial activity of transporting and selling goods
from a producer to a consumer

1. A software source tree packaged for
distribution; but see kit.

2. A vague term encompassing mailing lists and
Usenet newsgroups (but not BBS fora); any
topic-oriented message channel with multiple recipients.

3. An information-space domain (usually loosely
correlated with geography) to which propagation of a Usenet
message is restricted; a much-underused feature.

[Jargon File]

1. A software source tree packaged for distribution; but see kit. Since
about 1996 unqualified use of this term often implies ‘Linux
distribution’. The short form distro is often used for this sense.

2. A vague term encompassing mailing lists and Usenet newsgroups (but not {
BBS} fora); any topic-oriented message channel with multiple recipients.

3. An information-space domain (usually loosely correlated with geography)
to which propagation of a Usenet message is restricted; a
much-underutilized feature.
podobné slovodefinícia
- distribúcia, rozdelenie, rozdeľovanie
complementary distribution
complementary distribution, n:
distribution,distribuce n: distribution,distribuce výrobku [eko.] Veškeré nedopravní činnosti
usnadňující distribuci hotových výrobků od konečného výrobce ke
konečnému uživateli. Pojem zahrnuje pohyb zboží v rámci skladiště nebo
maloobchodního zařízení. RNDr. Pavel Piskačdistribution,rozdělení n: Zdeněk Broždistribution,rozdělení n: [mat.] pravděpodobnosti Stanislav Horáčekdistribution,rozdělování n: Zdeněk Broždistribution,rozesílání n: Zdeněk Broždistribution,rozložení n: [mat.] pravděpodobnosti Stanislav Horáčekdistribution,rozvoz n: Zdeněk Brož
distribution agreement
distribution agreement, n:
distribution channel
distribution channel,distribuční cesta Zdeněk Broždistribution channel,distribuční kanál Zdeněk Brož
distribution cost
distribution cost, n:
distribution free statistic
distribution free statistic, n:
distribution function
distribution function,
distribution furrow
distribution furrow,rozdělovací brázda [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
distribution law
distribution law, n:
distribution list
distribution list, n:
distribution network
distribution network,rozvodná síť (závlahová síť) [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
distribution of income
distribution of income,
distributional,distribuční adj: Zdeněk Brož
distributional effect
distributional effect,
distributionally regressive taxes
distributionally regressive taxes,distribučně regresivní
daně [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
distributions,distribuce pl. Zdeněk Brož
frequency distribution
frequency distribution, n:
income distribution
income distribution,
maldistribution,špatná distribuce maldistribution,špatné rozdělení
marginal productivity theory of income distribution
marginal productivity theory of income distribution,teorie mezní
produktivity rozdělování důchodů [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
normal distribution
normal distribution, n:
normal distribution curve
normal distribution curve,
poisson distribution
Poisson distribution,Poissonovo rozdělení n: [mat.] parkmaj
redistribution,přerozdělení n: Zdeněk Brožredistribution,redistribuce n: Zdeněk Brož
redistribution of income
redistribution of income,přerozdělení Mgr. Dita Gálováredistribution of income,přerozdělování důchodu Mgr. Dita Gálová
redistributional transfer payments
redistributional transfer payments,
sample distribution
sample distribution, n:
statistical distribution
statistical distribution, n:
(power) management and distribution system for the more electric aircraft
(Power) Management And Distribution System for the More Electric
aircraft,MADMEL[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
joint tactical information distribution system
Joint Tactical Information Distribution System,JTIDS[zkr.]
[voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
power management and distribution
Power Management and Distribution,PMAD[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
distribution charges
Overhead charges \O`ver*head" char"ges\, Overhead expenses
\O`ver*head" expenses\, etc. (Accounting)
Those general charges or expenses in any business which
cannot be charged up as belonging exclusively to any
particular part of the work or product, as where different
kinds of goods are made, or where there are different
departments in a business; -- called also fixed charges,
establishment charges, or (in a manufacturing business)
administration charges, selling charges, and
distribution charges, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Distributional \Dis`tri*bu"tion*al\, a.
Of or pertaining to distribution. --Huxley.
[1913 Webster]
Distributionist \Dis`tri*bu"tion*ist\, n.
A distributer. [R.] --Dickens.
[1913 Webster]
Geographical distribution
Geographic \Ge`o*graph"ic\, Geographical \Ge`o*graph"ic*al\, a.
[L. geographicus, Gr. ?: cf. F. g['e]ographique.]
Of or pertaining to geography.
[1913 Webster]

Geographical distribution. See under Distribution.

Geographic latitude (of a place), the angle included
between a line perpendicular or normal to the level
surface of water at rest at the place, and the plane of
the equator; differing slightly from the geocentric
latitude by reason of the difference between the earth's
figure and a true sphere.

Geographical mile. See under Mile.

Geographical variation, any variation of a species which is
dependent on climate or other geographical conditions.
[1913 Webster]Distribution \Dis`tri*bu"tion\, n. [L. distributio: cf. F.
1. The act of distributing or dispensing; the act of dividing
or apportioning among several or many; apportionment; as,
the distribution of an estate among heirs or children.
[1913 Webster]

The phenomena of geological distribution are exactly
analogous to those of geography. --A. R.
[1913 Webster]

2. Separation into parts or classes; arrangement of anything
into parts; disposition; classification.
[1913 Webster]

3. That which is distributed. "Our charitable distributions."
[1913 Webster]

4. (Logic) A resolving a whole into its parts.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Print.) The sorting of types and placing them in their
proper boxes in the cases.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Steam Engine) The steps or operations by which steam is
supplied to and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke
of the piston; viz., admission, suppression or cutting
off, release or exhaust, and compression of exhaust steam
prior to the next admission.
[1913 Webster]

Geographical distribution, the natural arrangements of
animals and plants in particular regions or districts.

Syn: Apportionments; allotment; dispensation; disposal;
dispersion; classification; arrangement.
[1913 Webster]
Redistribute \Re`dis*trib"ute\ (-tr?b"?t), v. t.
To distribute again.
[1913 Webster] -- Re*dis`tri*bu"tion (-tr?*b?"sh?n), n.
[1913 Webster]
bernoulli distribution
Bernoulli distribution
n 1: a theoretical distribution of the number of successes in a
finite set of independent trials with a constant
probability of success [syn: binomial distribution,
Bernoulli distribution]
binomial distribution
binomial distribution
n 1: a theoretical distribution of the number of successes in a
finite set of independent trials with a constant
probability of success [syn: binomial distribution,
Bernoulli distribution]
boltzmann distribution law
Boltzmann distribution law
n 1: (physics) a law expressing the distribution of energy among
the molecules of a gas in thermal equilibrium [syn:
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law, {Boltzmann
distribution law}]
complementary distribution
complementary distribution
n 1: (linguistics) a distribution of related speech sounds or
forms in such a way that they only appear in different
contexts [syn: complementary distribution,
n 1: (statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing
their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence [syn:
distribution, statistical distribution]
2: the spatial or geographic property of being scattered about
over a range, area, or volume; "worldwide in distribution";
"the distribution of nerve fibers"; "in complementary
distribution" [syn: distribution, dispersion] [ant:
compactness, concentration, denseness, density,
3: the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning
4: the commercial activity of transporting and selling goods
from a producer to a consumer
distribution agreement
distribution agreement
n 1: a contract governing the marketing of an item of
distribution channel
distribution channel
n 1: a way of selling a company's product either directly or via
distributors; "possible distribution channels are
wholesalers or small retailers or retail chains or direct
mailers or your own stores" [syn: distribution channel,
distribution cost
distribution cost
n 1: any cost incurred by a producer or wholesaler or retailer
or distributor (as for advertising and shipping etc)
distribution free statistic
distribution free statistic
n 1: a statistic computed without knowledge of the form or the
parameters of the distribution from which observations are
drawn [syn: nonparametric statistic, {distribution free
distribution law
distribution law
n 1: (chemistry) the total energy in an assembly of molecules is
not distributed equally but is distributed around an
average value according to a statistical distribution
distribution list
distribution list
n 1: list of names to whom a communication should be sent
adj 1: of or relating to spatial distribution; "distributional
n 1: a flat distribution having equal frequencies of occurrence
frequency distribution
frequency distribution
n 1: a distribution of observed frequencies of occurrence of the
values of a variable
gaussian distribution
Gaussian distribution
n 1: a theoretical distribution with finite mean and variance
[syn: normal distribution, Gaussian distribution]
maxwell-boltzmann distribution law
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law
n 1: (physics) a law expressing the distribution of energy among
the molecules of a gas in thermal equilibrium [syn:
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law, {Boltzmann
distribution law}]
normal distribution
normal distribution
n 1: a theoretical distribution with finite mean and variance
[syn: normal distribution, Gaussian distribution]
poisson distribution
Poisson distribution
n 1: a theoretical distribution that is a good approximation to
the binomial distribution when the probability is small and
the number of trials is large
n 1: distributing again; "the revolution resulted in a
redistribution of wealth"
sample distribution
sample distribution
n 1: items selected at random from a population and used to test
hypotheses about the population [syn: {sample
distribution}, sample, sampling]
statistical distribution
statistical distribution
n 1: (statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing
their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence [syn:
distribution, statistical distribution]
architecture neutral distribution format
Architecture Neutral Distribution Format

(ANDF) An emerging OSF
standard for software distribution. Programs are compiled
into ANDF before distribution and executables are produced
from it for the local target system. This allows software to
be developed and distributed in a single version then
installed on a variety of hardware.

See also UNCOL.

["Architecture Neutral Distribution Format: A White Paper",
Open Software Foundation, Nov 1990].

berkeley software distribution
Berkeley Software Distribution
Berkeley 4.2
Berkeley Unix
BSD Unix

(BSD) A family of Unix versions developed
by Bill Joy and others at the {University of California at
Berkeley}, originally for the DEC VAX and PDP-11
computers, and subsequently ported to almost all modern
general-purpose computers. BSD Unix incorporates paged
virtual memory, TCP/IP networking enhancements and many
other features.

BSD UNIX 4.0 was released on 1980-10-19. The BSD versions
(4.1, 4.2, and 4.3) and the commercial versions derived from
them (SunOS, ULTRIX, Mt. Xinu, Dynix) held the
technical lead in the Unix world until AT&T's successful
standardisation efforts after about 1986, and are still widely

See also Berzerkeley, USG Unix.


1. A software source tree packaged for
distribution; but see kit.

2. A vague term encompassing mailing lists and
Usenet newsgroups (but not BBS fora); any
topic-oriented message channel with multiple recipients.

3. An information-space domain (usually loosely
correlated with geography) to which propagation of a Usenet
message is restricted; a much-underused feature.

[Jargon File]
gaussian distribution
normal distribution
bell curve
Gaussian distribution

(Or "Gaussian distribution") The {frequency
distribution} of many natural phenomena such as the height or
intelligence of people of a certain age and sex. The formula
looks something like:

P(x) = e^(((x-m)/s)^2)

where P(x) is the probability of a measurement x, m is the
mean value of x and s is the standard deviation.

Also known as a "bell curve" because of its shape.

intermediate distribution frame
Intermediate Distribution Frame

(IDF) A network closet containing a secondary
hub, fed from the main hub.

leaf distribution limited
Leaf Distribution Limited

A UK connectivity software supplier which also provides
SERVELAN, a country-wide Internet access service.

E-mail: .

Address: 7 Elmwood, Chineham Business Park, Crockford Lane,
BASINGSTOKE RG24 0WG. Telephone: +44 (1256) 707 777. Fax:
+44 (1256) 707 555.

local multipoint distribution system
Local Multipoint Distribution System

(LMDS) A broadband wireless technology.

main distribution frame
Main Distribution Frame

(MDF) The network closet containing the main

multi-channel memorandum distribution facility
Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility

(MMDF) An electronic mail system for Unix(?)
which is much easier to configure than sendmail. The source
is available.

MMDF is a versatile and configurable mail routing system
(MTA) which also includes user interface programs (MUA).
It can be set up to route mail to different domains and
hosts over different channels (e.g. SMTP, UUCP). On
UNIX systems, its configuration begins with the
/usr/mmdf/mmdftailor file, which defines the machine and
domain names, various other configuration tables (alias,
domain, channel) and other configuration information.


normal distribution
normal distribution
bell curve
Gaussian distribution

(Or "Gaussian distribution") The {frequency
distribution} of many natural phenomena such as the height or
intelligence of people of a certain age and sex. The formula
looks something like:

P(x) = e^(((x-m)/s)^2)

where P(x) is the probability of a measurement x, m is the
mean value of x and s is the standard deviation.

Also known as a "bell curve" because of its shape.

poisson distribution
Poisson distribution

A probability distribution used to describe
the occurrence of unlikely events in a large number of
independent trials.

Poisson distributions are often used in building simulated
user loads.



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