Environmental Audio eXtensions

(EAX) Something from Creative Labs for generating
sound effects.

EAX is a competitor to Aureal's A3D.

[Hardware or software?]

Environmental Audio eXtension (audio, Creative Labs)
podobné slovodefinícia
battleaxe,válečná sekera n: Zdeněk Brož
poleax, n:
poleaxe,bitevní sekera n: Zdeněk Brož
zeaxanthin, n:
Battle-ax \Bat"tle-ax`\ Battle-axe \Bat"tle-axe`\(-[a^]ks`), n.
A kind of broadax formerly used as an offensive weapon.
[1913 Webster]
Battle-ax \Bat"tle-ax`\ Battle-axe \Bat"tle-axe`\(-[a^]ks`), n.
A kind of broadax formerly used as an offensive weapon.
[1913 Webster]
Poleax \Pole"ax`\, Poleaxe \Pole"axe`\, n. [OE. pollax; cf. OD.
pollexe. See Poll head, and Ax.]
Anciently, a kind of battle-ax with a long handle; later, an
ax or hatchet with a short handle, and a head variously
patterned; -- used by soldiers, and also by sailors in
boarding a vessel.
[1913 Webster] poleaxepoleax \poleax\, poleaxe \poleaxe\v. t.
1. To fell with or as if with a poleax; -- often used
figuratively; as, the entire department was poleaxed after
the takeover.
[WordNet 1.5 + PJC]

2. Stunned; astonished;; as, we couldn't speak, poleaxed by
the sight in fronnt fo us.
Poleax \Pole"ax`\, Poleaxe \Pole"axe`\, n. [OE. pollax; cf. OD.
pollexe. See Poll head, and Ax.]
Anciently, a kind of battle-ax with a long handle; later, an
ax or hatchet with a short handle, and a head variously
patterned; -- used by soldiers, and also by sailors in
boarding a vessel.
[1913 Webster] poleaxepoleax \poleax\, poleaxe \poleaxe\v. t.
1. To fell with or as if with a poleax; -- often used
figuratively; as, the entire department was poleaxed after
the takeover.
[WordNet 1.5 + PJC]

2. Stunned; astonished;; as, we couldn't speak, poleaxed by
the sight in fronnt fo us.
Poleax \Pole"ax`\, Poleaxe \Pole"axe`\, n. [OE. pollax; cf. OD.
pollexe. See Poll head, and Ax.]
Anciently, a kind of battle-ax with a long handle; later, an
ax or hatchet with a short handle, and a head variously
patterned; -- used by soldiers, and also by sailors in
boarding a vessel.
[1913 Webster] poleaxepoleax \poleax\, poleaxe \poleaxe\v. t.
1. To fell with or as if with a poleax; -- often used
figuratively; as, the entire department was poleaxed after
the takeover.
[WordNet 1.5 + PJC]

2. Stunned; astonished;; as, we couldn't speak, poleaxed by
the sight in fronnt fo us.
Poleax \Pole"ax`\, Poleaxe \Pole"axe`\, n. [OE. pollax; cf. OD.
pollexe. See Poll head, and Ax.]
Anciently, a kind of battle-ax with a long handle; later, an
ax or hatchet with a short handle, and a head variously
patterned; -- used by soldiers, and also by sailors in
boarding a vessel.
[1913 Webster] poleaxepoleax \poleax\, poleaxe \poleaxe\v. t.
1. To fell with or as if with a poleax; -- often used
figuratively; as, the entire department was poleaxed after
the takeover.
[WordNet 1.5 + PJC]

2. Stunned; astonished;; as, we couldn't speak, poleaxed by
the sight in fronnt fo us.
Preaxial \Pre*ax"i*al\, a. (Anat.)
Situated in front of any transverse axis in the body of an
animal; anterior; cephalic; esp., in front, or on the
anterior, or cephalic (that is, radial or tibial) side of the
axis of a limb.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the
blade [syn: poleax, poleaxe]
2: a battle ax used in the Middle Ages; a long handled ax and a
pick [syn: poleax, poleaxe]
v 1: fell with or as if with a poleax [syn: poleax, poleaxe]
n 1: an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the
blade [syn: poleax, poleaxe]
2: a battle ax used in the Middle Ages; a long handled ax and a
pick [syn: poleax, poleaxe]
v 1: fell with or as if with a poleax [syn: poleax, poleaxe]
n 1: yellow carotenoid (isomeric with lutein and occurs widely
with it) that is the main pigment in yellow Indian corn
Environmental Audio eXtensions

(EAX) Something from Creative Labs for generating
sound effects.

EAX is a competitor to Aureal's A3D.

[Hardware or software?]

Environmental Audio eXtension (audio, Creative Labs)

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