execute channel program
Execute Channel Program

(EXCP) An IBM system for low-level file
access, where the programmer is completely responsible for
providing a list of device-specific "channel comands" to be
executed by I/O channels, control units and/or devices.
The operating system will simply check the "CCW" chains
for security purposes (access invalid memory or outside of
file extents) and then schedule them for execution.

podobné slovodefinícia
execute channel program
Execute Channel Program

(EXCP) An IBM system for low-level file
access, where the programmer is completely responsible for
providing a list of device-specific "channel comands" to be
executed by I/O channels, control units and/or devices.
The operating system will simply check the "CCW" chains
for security purposes (access invalid memory or outside of
file extents) and then schedule them for execution.


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