Felis borealis
Lynx \Lynx\ (l[i^][ng]ks), n. [L. lynx, lyncis, Gr. ly`gx; akin
to AS. lox, G. luchs, prob. named from its sharp sight, and
akin to E. light. See Light, n., and cf. Ounce an
1. (Zool.) Any one of several species of feline animals of
the genus Felis, and subgenus Lynx. They have a short
tail, and usually a pencil of hair on the tip of the ears.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among the well-known species are the European lynx
(Felis borealis); the Canada lynx or loup-cervier
(Felis Canadensis syn. Lynx lynx); the bay lynx of
America (Felis rufa), and its western spotted variety
(var. maculata); and the pardine lynx (Felis pardina)
of Southern Europe.

2. (Astron.) One of the northern constellations.
[1913 Webster]
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