- ženský, samičí, žena, samička
female,samice n: Zdeněk Brož
female,samičí Zdeněk Brož
female,samička n: Zdeněk Brož
female,žena Pavel Machek; Giza
female,ženská adj: Zdeněk Brož
female,ženský n: pl.
female,ženština n: Zdeněk Brož
Female \Fe"male\, n. [OE. femel, femal, F. femelle, fr. L.
femella, dim. of femina woman. See Feminine.]
1. An individual of the sex which conceives and brings forth
young, or (in a wider sense) which has an ovary and
produces ova.
[1913 Webster]

The male and female of each living thing. --Drayton.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A plant which produces only that kind of
reproductive organs which are capable of developing into
fruit after impregnation or fertilization; a pistillate
[1913 Webster]
Female \Fe"male\, a.
1. Belonging to the sex which conceives and gives birth to
young, or (in a wider sense) which produces ova; not male.
[1913 Webster]

As patient as the female dove
When that her golden couplets are disclosed. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Belonging to an individual of the female sex;
characteristic of woman; feminine; as, female tenderness.
"Female usurpation." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

To the generous decision of a female mind, we owe
the discovery of America. --Belknap.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) Having pistils and no stamens; pistillate; or, in
cryptogamous plants, capable of receiving fertilization.
[1913 Webster]

Female rhymes (Pros.), double rhymes, or rhymes (called in
French feminine rhymes because they end in e weak, or
feminine) in which two syllables, an accented and an
unaccented one, correspond at the end of each line.
[1913 Webster]

Note: A rhyme, in which the final syllables only agree
(strain, complain) is called a male rhyme; one in which
the two final syllables of each verse agree, the last
being short (motion, ocean), is called female. --Brande
& C.

Female screw, the spiral-threaded cavity into which
another, or male, screw turns. --Nicholson.

Female fern (Bot.), a common species of fern with large
decompound fronds (Asplenium Filixf[ae]mina), growing in
many countries; lady fern.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The names male fern and female fern were anciently
given to two common ferns; but it is now understood
that neither has any sexual character.

Syn: Female, Feminine.

Usage: We apply female to the sex or individual, as opposed
to male; also, to the distinctive belongings of women;
as, female dress, female form, female character, etc.;
feminine, to things appropriate to, or affected by,
women; as, feminine studies, employments,
accomplishments, etc. "Female applies to sex rather
than gender, and is a physiological rather than a
grammatical term. Feminine applies to gender rather
than sex, and is grammatical rather than
physiological." --Latham.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces
fertilizable gametes (ova) from which offspring develop;
"a female heir"; "female holly trees bear the berries"
[ant: androgynous, male]
2: characteristic of or peculiar to a woman; "female
sensitiveness"; "female suffrage" [syn: female, distaff]
3: for or pertaining to or composed of women or girls; "the
female lead in the play"; "a female chorus"
n 1: an animal that produces gametes (ova) that can be
fertilized by male gametes (spermatozoa) [ant: male]
2: a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies [syn:
female, female person] [ant: male, male person]
FEMALE, n. One of the opposing, or unfair, sex.

The Maker, at Creation's birth,
With living things had stocked the earth.
From elephants to bats and snails,
They all were good, for all were males.
But when the Devil came and saw
He said: "By Thine eternal law
Of growth, maturity, decay,
These all must quickly pass away
And leave untenanted the earth
Unless Thou dost establish birth" --
Then tucked his head beneath his wing
To laugh -- he had no sleeve -- the thing
With deviltry did so accord,
That he'd suggested to the Lord.
The Master pondered this advice,
Then shook and threw the fateful dice
Wherewith all matters here below
Are ordered, and observed the throw;
Then bent His head in awful state,
Confirming the decree of Fate.
From every part of earth anew
The conscious dust consenting flew,
While rivers from their courses rolled
To make it plastic for the mould.
Enough collected (but no more,
For niggard Nature hoards her store)
He kneaded it to flexible clay,
While Nick unseen threw some away.
And then the various forms He cast,
Gross organs first and finer last;
No one at once evolved, but all
By even touches grew and small
Degrees advanced, till, shade by shade,
To match all living things He'd made
Females, complete in all their parts
Except (His clay gave out) the hearts.
"No matter," Satan cried; "with speed
I'll fetch the very hearts they need" --
So flew away and soon brought back
The number needed, in a sack.
That night earth range with sounds of strife --
Ten million males each had a wife;
That night sweet Peace her pinions spread
O'er Hell -- ten million devils dead!
podobné slovodefinícia
- ženský, samičí, žena, samička
female,samice n: Zdeněk Brožfemale,samičí Zdeněk Brožfemale,samička n: Zdeněk Brožfemale,žena Pavel Machek; Gizafemale,ženská adj: Zdeněk Brožfemale,ženský n: pl. female,ženština n: Zdeněk Brož
female aristocrat
female aristocrat, n:
female body
female body, n:
female bonding
female bonding, n:
female chest
female chest, n:
female child
female child, n:
female circumcision
female circumcision, n:
female genital cutting
female genital cutting,ženská obřízka n: [med.] web
female genital mutilation
female genital mutilation,ženská obřízka n: [med.] web
female genital organ
female genital organ, n:
female genitalia
female genitalia, n:
female genitals
female genitals, n:
female horse
female horse, n:
female internal reproductive organ
female internal reproductive organ, n:
female mammal
female mammal, n:
female monarch
female monarch, n:
female offspring
female offspring, n:
female parent
female parent, n:
female person
female person, n:
female reproductive system
female reproductive system, n:
female sibling
female sibling, n:
femaleness,ženskost n: Zdeněk Brož
females,samice pl. Zdeněk Brožfemales,ženy n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
are you male or female?
aRe yoU Male or Female?,RUMF[zkr.]
divorced asian female
Divorced Asian Female,DAF[zkr.]
divorced black female
Divorced Black Female,DBF[zkr.]
divorced jewish female
Divorced Jewish Female,DJF[zkr.]
divorced white female
Divorced White Female,DWF[zkr.]
getting wet (female)
Getting Wet (female),GW[zkr.]
horny unattached female
Horny Unattached Female,HUF[zkr.]
male or female
Male Or Female,MORF[zkr.]
single black female
Single Black Female,SBF[zkr.]
single jewish female
Single Jewish Female,SJF[zkr.]
single white female
Single White Female,SWF[zkr.]
Female fern
Female \Fe"male\, a.
1. Belonging to the sex which conceives and gives birth to
young, or (in a wider sense) which produces ova; not male.
[1913 Webster]

As patient as the female dove
When that her golden couplets are disclosed. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Belonging to an individual of the female sex;
characteristic of woman; feminine; as, female tenderness.
"Female usurpation." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

To the generous decision of a female mind, we owe
the discovery of America. --Belknap.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) Having pistils and no stamens; pistillate; or, in
cryptogamous plants, capable of receiving fertilization.
[1913 Webster]

Female rhymes (Pros.), double rhymes, or rhymes (called in
French feminine rhymes because they end in e weak, or
feminine) in which two syllables, an accented and an
unaccented one, correspond at the end of each line.
[1913 Webster]

Note: A rhyme, in which the final syllables only agree
(strain, complain) is called a male rhyme; one in which
the two final syllables of each verse agree, the last
being short (motion, ocean), is called female. --Brande
& C.

Female screw, the spiral-threaded cavity into which
another, or male, screw turns. --Nicholson.

Female fern (Bot.), a common species of fern with large
decompound fronds (Asplenium Filixf[ae]mina), growing in
many countries; lady fern.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The names male fern and female fern were anciently
given to two common ferns; but it is now understood
that neither has any sexual character.

Syn: Female, Feminine.

Usage: We apply female to the sex or individual, as opposed
to male; also, to the distinctive belongings of women;
as, female dress, female form, female character, etc.;
feminine, to things appropriate to, or affected by,
women; as, feminine studies, employments,
accomplishments, etc. "Female applies to sex rather
than gender, and is a physiological rather than a
grammatical term. Feminine applies to gender rather
than sex, and is grammatical rather than
physiological." --Latham.
[1913 Webster]
Female rhyme
Rhyme \Rhyme\, n. [OE. ryme, rime, AS. r[imac]m number; akin to
OHG. r[imac]m number, succession, series, G. reim rhyme. The
modern sense is due to the influence of F. rime, which is of
German origin, and originally the same word.] [The Old
English spelling rime is becoming again common. See Note
under Prime.]
1. An expression of thought in numbers, measure, or verse; a
composition in verse; a rhymed tale; poetry; harmony of
language. "Railing rhymes." --Daniel.
[1913 Webster]

A ryme I learned long ago. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

He knew
Himself to sing, and build the lofty rime. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Pros.) Correspondence of sound in the terminating words
or syllables of two or more verses, one succeeding another
immediately or at no great distance. The words or
syllables so used must not begin with the same consonant,
or if one begins with a vowel the other must begin with a
consonant. The vowel sounds and accents must be the same,
as also the sounds of the final consonants if there be
[1913 Webster]

For rhyme with reason may dispense,
And sound has right to govern sense. --Prior.
[1913 Webster]

3. Verses, usually two, having this correspondence with each
other; a couplet; a poem containing rhymes.
[1913 Webster]

4. A word answering in sound to another word.
[1913 Webster]

Female rhyme. See under Female.

Male rhyme. See under Male.

Rhyme or reason, sound or sense.

Rhyme royal (Pros.), a stanza of seven decasyllabic verses,
of which the first and third, the second, fourth, and
fifth, and the sixth and seventh rhyme.
[1913 Webster]
Female rhymes
Female \Fe"male\, a.
1. Belonging to the sex which conceives and gives birth to
young, or (in a wider sense) which produces ova; not male.
[1913 Webster]

As patient as the female dove
When that her golden couplets are disclosed. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Belonging to an individual of the female sex;
characteristic of woman; feminine; as, female tenderness.
"Female usurpation." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

To the generous decision of a female mind, we owe
the discovery of America. --Belknap.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) Having pistils and no stamens; pistillate; or, in
cryptogamous plants, capable of receiving fertilization.
[1913 Webster]

Female rhymes (Pros.), double rhymes, or rhymes (called in
French feminine rhymes because they end in e weak, or
feminine) in which two syllables, an accented and an
unaccented one, correspond at the end of each line.
[1913 Webster]

Note: A rhyme, in which the final syllables only agree
(strain, complain) is called a male rhyme; one in which
the two final syllables of each verse agree, the last
being short (motion, ocean), is called female. --Brande
& C.

Female screw, the spiral-threaded cavity into which
another, or male, screw turns. --Nicholson.

Female fern (Bot.), a common species of fern with large
decompound fronds (Asplenium Filixf[ae]mina), growing in
many countries; lady fern.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The names male fern and female fern were anciently
given to two common ferns; but it is now understood
that neither has any sexual character.

Syn: Female, Feminine.

Usage: We apply female to the sex or individual, as opposed
to male; also, to the distinctive belongings of women;
as, female dress, female form, female character, etc.;
feminine, to things appropriate to, or affected by,
women; as, feminine studies, employments,
accomplishments, etc. "Female applies to sex rather
than gender, and is a physiological rather than a
grammatical term. Feminine applies to gender rather
than sex, and is grammatical rather than
physiological." --Latham.
[1913 Webster]
Female screw
Female \Fe"male\, a.
1. Belonging to the sex which conceives and gives birth to
young, or (in a wider sense) which produces ova; not male.
[1913 Webster]

As patient as the female dove
When that her golden couplets are disclosed. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Belonging to an individual of the female sex;
characteristic of woman; feminine; as, female tenderness.
"Female usurpation." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

To the generous decision of a female mind, we owe
the discovery of America. --Belknap.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) Having pistils and no stamens; pistillate; or, in
cryptogamous plants, capable of receiving fertilization.
[1913 Webster]

Female rhymes (Pros.), double rhymes, or rhymes (called in
French feminine rhymes because they end in e weak, or
feminine) in which two syllables, an accented and an
unaccented one, correspond at the end of each line.
[1913 Webster]

Note: A rhyme, in which the final syllables only agree
(strain, complain) is called a male rhyme; one in which
the two final syllables of each verse agree, the last
being short (motion, ocean), is called female. --Brande
& C.

Female screw, the spiral-threaded cavity into which
another, or male, screw turns. --Nicholson.

Female fern (Bot.), a common species of fern with large
decompound fronds (Asplenium Filixf[ae]mina), growing in
many countries; lady fern.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The names male fern and female fern were anciently
given to two common ferns; but it is now understood
that neither has any sexual character.

Syn: Female, Feminine.

Usage: We apply female to the sex or individual, as opposed
to male; also, to the distinctive belongings of women;
as, female dress, female form, female character, etc.;
feminine, to things appropriate to, or affected by,
women; as, feminine studies, employments,
accomplishments, etc. "Female applies to sex rather
than gender, and is a physiological rather than a
grammatical term. Feminine applies to gender rather
than sex, and is grammatical rather than
physiological." --Latham.
[1913 Webster]
adult female
adult female
n 1: an adult female person (as opposed to a man); "the woman
kept house while the man hunted" [syn: woman, {adult
female}] [ant: adult male, man]
adult female body
adult female body
n 1: the body of an adult woman [syn: adult female body,
woman's body]
adj 1: being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces
fertilizable gametes (ova) from which offspring develop;
"a female heir"; "female holly trees bear the berries"
[ant: androgynous, male]
2: characteristic of or peculiar to a woman; "female
sensitiveness"; "female suffrage" [syn: female, distaff]
3: for or pertaining to or composed of women or girls; "the
female lead in the play"; "a female chorus"
n 1: an animal that produces gametes (ova) that can be
fertilized by male gametes (spermatozoa) [ant: male]
2: a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies [syn:
female, female person] [ant: male, male person]
female aristocrat
female aristocrat
n 1: a woman who is an aristocrat [ant: male aristocrat]
female body
female body
n 1: the body of a female human being
female bonding
female bonding
n 1: the formation of a close personal relationship between
female chest
female chest
n 1: the chest of a woman [syn: female chest, bust]
female child
female child
n 1: a youthful female person; "the baby was a girl"; "the girls
were just learning to ride a tricycle" [syn: {female
child}, girl, little girl] [ant: boy, male child]
female circumcision
female circumcision
n 1: excision of the clitoris [syn: clitoridectomy, {female
female genital organ
female genital organ
n 1: external female sex organs; "in England `fanny' is vulgar
slang for female genitals" [syn: female genitalia,
female genitals, female genital organ, fanny]
female genitalia
female genitalia
n 1: external female sex organs; "in England `fanny' is vulgar
slang for female genitals" [syn: female genitalia,
female genitals, female genital organ, fanny]
female genitals
female genitals
n 1: external female sex organs; "in England `fanny' is vulgar
slang for female genitals" [syn: female genitalia,
female genitals, female genital organ, fanny]
female horse
female horse
n 1: female equine animal [syn: mare, female horse]
female internal reproductive organ
female internal reproductive organ
n 1: the reproductive organs of a woman
female mammal
female mammal
n 1: animals that nourish their young with milk
female monarch
female monarch
n 1: a female sovereign ruler [syn: queen, queen regnant,
female monarch] [ant: Rex, king, male monarch]
female offspring
female offspring
n 1: a child who is female [ant: male offspring, man-child]
female parent
female parent
n 1: a woman who has given birth to a child (also used as a term
of address to your mother); "the mother of three children"
[syn: mother, female parent] [ant: begetter,
father, male parent]
female person
female person
n 1: a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies [syn:
female, female person] [ant: male, male person]
female reproductive system
female reproductive system
n 1: the reproductive system of females
female sibling
female sibling
n 1: a person's sister [ant: male sibling]
n 1: the properties characteristic of the female sex [syn:
femaleness, feminineness] [ant: maleness,
FEMALE, n. One of the opposing, or unfair, sex.

The Maker, at Creation's birth,
With living things had stocked the earth.
From elephants to bats and snails,
They all were good, for all were males.
But when the Devil came and saw
He said: "By Thine eternal law
Of growth, maturity, decay,
These all must quickly pass away
And leave untenanted the earth
Unless Thou dost establish birth" --
Then tucked his head beneath his wing
To laugh -- he had no sleeve -- the thing
With deviltry did so accord,
That he'd suggested to the Lord.
The Master pondered this advice,
Then shook and threw the fateful dice
Wherewith all matters here below
Are ordered, and observed the throw;
Then bent His head in awful state,
Confirming the decree of Fate.
From every part of earth anew
The conscious dust consenting flew,
While rivers from their courses rolled
To make it plastic for the mould.
Enough collected (but no more,
For niggard Nature hoards her store)
He kneaded it to flexible clay,
While Nick unseen threw some away.
And then the various forms He cast,
Gross organs first and finer last;
No one at once evolved, but all
By even touches grew and small
Degrees advanced, till, shade by shade,
To match all living things He'd made
Females, complete in all their parts
Except (His clay gave out) the hearts.
"No matter," Satan cried; "with speed
I'll fetch the very hearts they need" --
So flew away and soon brought back
The number needed, in a sack.
That night earth range with sounds of strife --
Ten million males each had a wife;
That night sweet Peace her pinions spread
O'er Hell -- ten million devils dead!

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