flash lights impressively
Flash Lights Impressively

(FLI) /FLY/ A joke assembly language
instruction first documented in the late 1970s in "The Hackers

The FLI instruction was frequently referred to by engineers
when minicomputers such as the DEC PDP-8, PDP-11 and
some early microcomputers such as the IMSAI and Altair
had dozens of front panel lights.

"When the computer is about to do some long I/O operation,
stick in a FLI so the accountants won't think the machine has
hung again."

podobné slovodefinícia
flash lights impressively
Flash Lights Impressively

(FLI) /FLY/ A joke assembly language
instruction first documented in the late 1970s in "The Hackers

The FLI instruction was frequently referred to by engineers
when minicomputers such as the DEC PDP-8, PDP-11 and
some early microcomputers such as the IMSAI and Altair
had dozens of front panel lights.

"When the computer is about to do some long I/O operation,
stick in a FLI so the accountants won't think the machine has
hung again."


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