podobné slovo | definícia |
allpowerful (mass) | all-powerful
- všemocný |
at the furthest (mass) | at the furthest
- najneskôr |
awful (mass) | awful
- strašný, hrozný |
awfully (mass) | awfully
- hrozne, strašne |
awfulness (mass) | awfulness
- hrôza |
be careful (mass) | be careful
- byť opatrný |
beautiful (mass) | beautiful
- nádherný |
beautifully (mass) | beautifully
- krásne |
befuddle (mass) | befuddle
- zmiasť |
blissful (mass) | blissful
- blažený, šťastný |
blissfully (mass) | blissfully
- báječne |
bountiful (mass) | bountiful
- štedrý |
careful (mass) | careful
- starostlivý, opatrný |
carefully (mass) | carefully
- pozorne, starostlivo |
chockfull (mass) | chock-full
- preplnený |
chokefull (mass) | choke-full
- preplnený |
chuckfull (mass) | chuck-full
- preplnený |
colorful (mass) | colorful
- farebný |
colourfulness (mass) | colourfulness
- farebnosť |
confuse (mass) | confuse
- pomýliť, zmiasť |
confused (mass) | confused
- zmätený |
confusion (mass) | confusion
- neporiadok, zmätok |
direful (mass) | direful
- hrozný |
distasteful (mass) | distasteful
- odporný, nechutný |
dolefulness (mass) | dolefulness
- smútok |
dreadful (mass) | dreadful
- hrozný, strašný |
dreadfully (mass) | dreadfully
- hrozne |
faithful (mass) | faithful
- verný |
faithfulness (mass) | faithfulness
- vernosť |
fearfully (mass) | fearfully
- strašne |
frankfurter (mass) | frankfurter
- párok |
frightful (mass) | frightful
- hrozný, strašný |
frightfully (mass) | frightfully
- hrozne, strašne |
fruitful (mass) | fruitful
- plodný, úrodný, produktívny |
fruitfully (mass) | fruitfully
- plodne, produktívne |
fuchsia (mass) | fuchsia
- fuksia |
fucker (mass) | fucker
- hajzel, vol |
fucking (mass) | fucking
- posratý |
fuddle (mass) | fuddle
- zmätok |
fuel (mass) | fuel
- pohonné hmoty, palivo |
fugitive (mass) | fugitive
- utečenecký, utekajúci, utečenec |
fugitive emissions (mass) | fugitive emissions
- emisia |
fuhrer (mass) | fuhrer
- vodca |
fulfil (mass) | fulfil
- vyplňovať, vyhovieť |
fulfill (mass) | fulfill
- vykonať, vyhovieť, vyplniť |
fulfilled (mass) | fulfilled
- splnený |
full (mass) | full
- naplnený, obsadený, celý, plný, plno, úplne |
full point (mass) | full point
- bodka |
full screen mode (mass) | full screen mode
- celo obrazovkový režim |
full stop (mass) | full stop
- bodka |
full up (mass) | full up
- obsadený |
fullback (mass) | fullback
- obrancafull-back
- obranca |
fullblooded (mass) | full-blooded
- čistokrvný, plnokrvný |
fullblown (mass) | full-blown
- rozvinutý, zrelý |
fullbodied (mass) | full-bodied
- šťavnatý |
fullcolour (mass) | full-colour
- plnofarebný |
fulldress (mass) | full-dress
- vyžadujúci formálne oblečenie |
fuller (mass) | fuller
- plnší |
fullfledged (mass) | full-fledged
- plne kvalifikovaný, plnohodnotný, plne rozvinutý |
fullfrontal (mass) | full-frontal
- neskrývaný |
fullgrown (mass) | full-grown
- dospelý, plne vyvinutý |
fulllength (mass) | full-length
- neskrátený |
fullness (mass) | fullness
- plnosť |
fullofthemoon (mass) | full-of-the-moon
- plný mesiac |
fullpage (mass) | full-page
- celostránkový |
fullscale (mass) | full-scale
- totálny |
fullsize (mass) | full-size
- v plnej veľkosti |
fulltime (mass) | full-time
- na plný úväzok |
fulltimer (mass) | full-timer
- pracovník na plný úväzok |
fully (mass) | fully
- úplne |
fume (mass) | fume
- fajčiť, zúriť |
fun (mass) | fun
- zábavný, zábava |
function (mass) | function
- funkcia, fungovať |
functioning (mass) | functioning
- pôsobenie |
functionless (mass) | functionless
- zbytočný |
functions (mass) | functions
- funkcie |
fundament (mass) | fundament
- základ |
fundamental (mass) | fundamental
- dôležitý |
fundamentalist (mass) | fundamentalist
- fundamentalistický, fundamentalista |
fundamentally (mass) | fundamentally
- zásadne |