galvanometer,galvanometr n: Zdeněk Brož
Galvanometer \Gal`va*nom"e*ter\, n. [Galvanic + -meter: cf. F.
galvanom[`e]tre.] (Elec.)
An instrument or apparatus for measuring the intensity of an
electric current, usually by the deflection of a magnetic
[1913 Webster]

Differential galvanometer. See under Differental, a.

Sine galvanometer, Cosine galvanometer, {Tangent
galvanometer} (Elec.), a galvanometer in which the sine,
cosine, or tangent respectively, of the angle through
which the needle is deflected, is proportional to the
strength of the current passed through the instrument.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: meter for detecting or comparing or measuring small
electric currents
podobné slovodefinícia
galvanometer,galvanometr n: Zdeněk Brož
moving-coil galvanometer
moving-coil galvanometer, n:
Cosine galvanometer
Galvanometer \Gal`va*nom"e*ter\, n. [Galvanic + -meter: cf. F.
galvanom[`e]tre.] (Elec.)
An instrument or apparatus for measuring the intensity of an
electric current, usually by the deflection of a magnetic
[1913 Webster]

Differential galvanometer. See under Differental, a.

Sine galvanometer, Cosine galvanometer, {Tangent
galvanometer} (Elec.), a galvanometer in which the sine,
cosine, or tangent respectively, of the angle through
which the needle is deflected, is proportional to the
strength of the current passed through the instrument.
[1913 Webster]
Differential galvanometer
Galvanometer \Gal`va*nom"e*ter\, n. [Galvanic + -meter: cf. F.
galvanom[`e]tre.] (Elec.)
An instrument or apparatus for measuring the intensity of an
electric current, usually by the deflection of a magnetic
[1913 Webster]

Differential galvanometer. See under Differental, a.

Sine galvanometer, Cosine galvanometer, {Tangent
galvanometer} (Elec.), a galvanometer in which the sine,
cosine, or tangent respectively, of the angle through
which the needle is deflected, is proportional to the
strength of the current passed through the instrument.
[1913 Webster]differential \dif`fer*en"tial\, a. [Cf. F. diff['e]rentiel.]
1. Relating to or indicating a difference; creating a
difference; discriminating; special; as, differential
characteristics; differential duties; a differential rate.
[1913 Webster]

For whom he produced differential favors. --Motley.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Math.) Of or pertaining to a differential, or to
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mech.) Relating to differences of motion or leverage;
producing effects by such differences; said of mechanism.
[1913 Webster]

Differential calculus. (Math.) See under Calculus.

Differential coefficient, the limit of the ratio of the
increment of a function of a variable to the increment of
the variable itself, when these increments are made
indefinitely small.

Differential coupling, a form of slip coupling used in
light machinery to regulate at pleasure the velocity of
the connected shaft.

Differential duties (Polit. Econ.), duties which are not
imposed equally upon the same products imported from
different countries.

Differential galvanometer (Elec.), a galvanometer having
two coils or circuits, usually equal, through which
currents passing in opposite directions are measured by
the difference of their effect upon the needle.

Differential gearing, a train of toothed wheels, usually an
epicyclic train, so arranged as to constitute a
differential motion.

Differential motion, a mechanism in which a simple
differential combination produces such a change of motion
or force as would, with ordinary compound arrangements,
require a considerable train of parts. It is used for
overcoming great resistance or producing very slow or very
rapid motion.

Differential pulley. (Mach.)
(a) A portable hoisting apparatus, the same in principle
as the differential windlass.
(b) A hoisting pulley to which power is applied through a
differential gearing.

Differential screw, a compound screw by which a motion is
produced equal to the difference of the motions of the
component screws.

Differential thermometer, a thermometer usually with a
U-shaped tube terminating in two air bulbs, and containing
a colored liquid, used for indicating the difference
between the temperatures to which the two bulbs are
exposed, by the change of position of the colored fluid,
in consequence of the different expansions of the air in
the bulbs. A graduated scale is attached to one leg of the

Differential windlass, or Chinese windlass, a windlass
whose barrel has two parts of different diameters. The
hoisting rope winds upon one part as it unwinds from the
other, and a pulley sustaining the weight to be lifted
hangs in the bight of the rope. It is an ancient example
of a differential motion.
[1913 Webster]
mirror galvanometer
Reflecting \Re*flect"ing\, a.
1. Throwing back light, heat, etc., as a mirror or other
[1913 Webster]

2. Given to reflection or serious consideration; reflective;
contemplative; as, a reflecting mind.
[1913 Webster]

Reflecting circle, an astronomical instrument for measuring
angless, like the sextant or Hadley's quadrant, by the
reflection of light from two plane mirrors which it
carries, and differing from the sextant chiefly in having
an entire circle.

Reflecting galvanometer, a galvanometer in which the
deflections of the needle are read by means of a mirror
attached to it, which reflects a ray of light or the image
of a scale; -- called also mirror galvanometer.

Reflecting goniometer. See under Goniometer.

Reflecting telescope. See under Telescope.
[1913 Webster]
Reflecting galvanometer
Reflecting \Re*flect"ing\, a.
1. Throwing back light, heat, etc., as a mirror or other
[1913 Webster]

2. Given to reflection or serious consideration; reflective;
contemplative; as, a reflecting mind.
[1913 Webster]

Reflecting circle, an astronomical instrument for measuring
angless, like the sextant or Hadley's quadrant, by the
reflection of light from two plane mirrors which it
carries, and differing from the sextant chiefly in having
an entire circle.

Reflecting galvanometer, a galvanometer in which the
deflections of the needle are read by means of a mirror
attached to it, which reflects a ray of light or the image
of a scale; -- called also mirror galvanometer.

Reflecting goniometer. See under Goniometer.

Reflecting telescope. See under Telescope.
[1913 Webster]
Sine galvanometer
Galvanometer \Gal`va*nom"e*ter\, n. [Galvanic + -meter: cf. F.
galvanom[`e]tre.] (Elec.)
An instrument or apparatus for measuring the intensity of an
electric current, usually by the deflection of a magnetic
[1913 Webster]

Differential galvanometer. See under Differental, a.

Sine galvanometer, Cosine galvanometer, {Tangent
galvanometer} (Elec.), a galvanometer in which the sine,
cosine, or tangent respectively, of the angle through
which the needle is deflected, is proportional to the
strength of the current passed through the instrument.
[1913 Webster]
Tangent galvanometer
Galvanometer \Gal`va*nom"e*ter\, n. [Galvanic + -meter: cf. F.
galvanom[`e]tre.] (Elec.)
An instrument or apparatus for measuring the intensity of an
electric current, usually by the deflection of a magnetic
[1913 Webster]

Differential galvanometer. See under Differental, a.

Sine galvanometer, Cosine galvanometer, {Tangent
galvanometer} (Elec.), a galvanometer in which the sine,
cosine, or tangent respectively, of the angle through
which the needle is deflected, is proportional to the
strength of the current passed through the instrument.
[1913 Webster]Tangent \Tan"gent\, n. [L. tangens, -entis, p. pr. of tangere to
touch; akin to Gr. ? having seized: cf. F. tangente. Cf.
Attain, Contaminate, Contingent, Entire, Tact,
Taste, Tax, v. t.] (Geom.)
A tangent line curve, or surface; specifically, that portion
of the straight line tangent to a curve that is between the
point of tangency and a given line, the given line being, for
example, the axis of abscissas, or a radius of a circle
produced. See Trigonometrical function, under Function.
[1913 Webster]

Artificial tangent, or Logarithmic tangent, the logarithm
of the natural tangent of an arc.

Natural tangent, a decimal expressing the length of the
tangent of an arc, the radius being reckoned unity.

Tangent galvanometer (Elec.), a form of galvanometer having
a circular coil and a short needle, in which the tangent
of the angle of deflection of the needle is proportional
to the strength of the current.

Tangent of an angle, the natural tangent of the arc
subtending or measuring the angle.

Tangent of an arc, a right line, as ta, touching the arc of
a circle at one extremity a, and terminated by a line ct,
passing from the center through the other extremity o.
[1913 Webster]
Torsion galvanometer
Torsion galvanometer \Torsion galvanometer\ (Elec.)
A galvanometer in which current is measured by torsion.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
astatic galvanometer
astatic galvanometer
n 1: has a moving magnet and astatic coils arranged to cancel
the effect of the Earth's magnetic field
ballistic galvanometer
ballistic galvanometer
n 1: a moving-coil galvanometer that measures electric charge
n 1: meter for detecting or comparing or measuring small
electric currents
moving-coil galvanometer
moving-coil galvanometer
n 1: a galvanometer that is operated by the force exerted by an
electric current flowing in a movable coil suspended in a
magnetic field

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