Garbo,Greta Garbo n: [jmén.] vl. jménem Greta Lovisa Gustaffson
(1905-1990), americká herečka švédského původu Petr Prášek
n 1: United States film actress (born in Sweden) known for her
reclusiveness (1905-1990) [syn: Garbo, Greta Garbo,
Greta Louisa Gustafsson]
podobné slovodefinícia
Garbo,Greta Garbo n: [jmén.] vl. jménem Greta Lovisa Gustaffson
(1905-1990), americká herečka švédského původu Petr Prášek
garboard, n:
garboard plank
garboard plank, n:
garboard strake
garboard strake, n:
garboil, n:
garbology, n:
greta garbo
Greta Garbo,Garbon: [jmén.] vl. jménem Greta Lovisa Gustaffson
(1905-1990), americká herečka švédského původu Petr Prášek
Engarboil \En*gar"boil\, v. t. [Pref. en- + garboil.]
To throw into disorder; to disturb. [Obs.] "To engarboil the
church." --Bp. Montagu.
[1913 Webster]
Garboard \Gar"board\, n. (Naut.)
One of the planks next the keel on the outside, which form a
garboard strake.
[1913 Webster]

Garboard strake or Garboard streak, the first range or
strake of planks laid on a ship's bottom next the keel.
[1913 Webster]
Garboard strake
Garboard \Gar"board\, n. (Naut.)
One of the planks next the keel on the outside, which form a
garboard strake.
[1913 Webster]

Garboard strake or Garboard streak, the first range or
strake of planks laid on a ship's bottom next the keel.
[1913 Webster]
Garboard streak
Garboard \Gar"board\, n. (Naut.)
One of the planks next the keel on the outside, which form a
garboard strake.
[1913 Webster]

Garboard strake or Garboard streak, the first range or
strake of planks laid on a ship's bottom next the keel.
[1913 Webster]
Garboil \Gar"boil\, n. [OF. garbouil; cf. Sp. garbullo, It.
garbuglio; of uncertain origin; the last part is perh. fr. L.
bullire to boil, E. boil.]
Tumult; disturbance; disorder. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: United States film actress (born in Sweden) known for her
reclusiveness (1905-1990) [syn: Garbo, Greta Garbo,
Greta Louisa Gustafsson]
n 1: the first wale laid next to the keel of a wooden ship [syn:
garboard, garboard plank, garboard strake]
garboard plank
garboard plank
n 1: the first wale laid next to the keel of a wooden ship [syn:
garboard, garboard plank, garboard strake]
garboard strake
garboard strake
n 1: the first wale laid next to the keel of a wooden ship [syn:
garboard, garboard plank, garboard strake]
n 1: a state of commotion and noise and confusion [syn:
tumult, tumultuousness, uproar, garboil]
n 1: the study of a society by analyzing its garbage
greta garbo
Greta Garbo
n 1: United States film actress (born in Sweden) known for her
reclusiveness (1905-1990) [syn: Garbo, Greta Garbo,
Greta Louisa Gustafsson]

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