good-tempered,veselé nálady Zdeněk Brož
good-tempered,vyrovnaný adj: Zdeněk Brož
Good-tempered \Good`-tem"pered\, a.
Having a good temper; not easily vexed or irritated. See

Syn: equable, even-tempered, placid.
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
adj 1: not easily irritated; "an equable temper"; "not everyone
shared his placid temperament"; "remained placid despite
the repeated delays" [syn: equable, even-tempered,
good-tempered, placid]
podobné slovodefinícia
good-tempered,veselé nálady Zdeněk Brožgood-tempered,vyrovnaný adj: Zdeněk Brož
good-temperedness, n:
equable even-tempered good-tempered placid
Good-natured \Good`-na"tured\, a.
Naturally mild in temper; not easily provoked; amiable;
cheerful; not taking offense easily; as, too good-natured to
resent a little criticism; the good-natured policeman on our
block; the sounds of good-natured play. Opposite of
ill-natured. [Narrower terms: {equable, even-tempered,
good-tempered, placid ] Also See: kind, pleasant,
agreeable, good-natured, pleasing.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. to one's own liking or feelings or nature; pleasing; -- of
people. Opposite of disagreeable.

Syn: agreeable, pleasing.
[WordNet 1.5]

Syn: Good-natured, Good-tempered, Good-humored.

Usage: Good-natured denotes a disposition to please and be
pleased. Good-tempered denotes a habit of mind which
is not easily ruffled by provocations or other
disturbing influences. Good-humored is applied to a
spirit full of ease and cheerfulness, as displayed in
one's outward deportment and in social intercourse. A
good-natured man recommends himself to all by the
spirit which governs him. A good-humored man
recommends himself particularly as a companion. A
good-tempered man is rarely betrayed into anything
which can disturb the serenity of the social circle.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: not easily irritated; "an equable temper"; "not everyone
shared his placid temperament"; "remained placid despite
the repeated delays" [syn: equable, even-tempered,
good-tempered, placid]
n 1: a cheerful willingness to be obliging [syn: {good-
temperedness}, good-humoredness, good-humouredness,

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