grasshopper,luční koník Zdeněk Brož
grasshopper,saranče n: Zdeněk Brož
Grasshopper \Grass"hop`per\, n.
1. (Zool.) Any jumping, orthopterous insect, of the families
Acridid[ae] and Locustid[ae], having large hind legs
adapted for leaping, and chewing mouth parts. The species
and genera are very numerous and some are very destructive
to crops. The former family includes the Western
grasshopper or locust (Caloptenus spretus), noted for
the great extent of its ravages in the region beyond the
Mississippi. In the Eastern United States the red-legged
(Caloptenus femurrubrum and C. atlanis) are closely
related species, but their ravages are less important.
They are closely related to the migratory locusts of the
Old World. See Locust.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: The meadow or green grasshoppers belong to the
Locustid[ae]. They have long antenn[ae], large
ovipositors, and stridulating organs at the base of the
wings in the male. The European great green grasshopper
(Locusta viridissima) belongs to this family. The
common American green species mostly belong to
Xiphidium, Orchelimum, and Conocephalus.
[1913 Webster]

2. In ordinary square or upright pianos of London make, the
escapement lever or jack, so made that it can be taken out
and replaced with the key; -- called also the hopper.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mil.) An antipersonnel mine that jumps from the ground to
body height when activated, and explodes, hurling metal
fragments over a wide area.

4. A mixed alcoholic beverage containing cr[`e]me de menthe,
light cream, and sometimes cr[`e]me de cacao. The name
comes from its light green color.

Grasshopper engine, a steam engine having a working beam
with its fulcrum at one end, the steam cylinder at the
other end, and the connecting rod at an intermediate

Grasshopper lobster (Zool.) a young lobster. [Local, U. S.]

Grasshopper warbler (Zool.), cricket bird.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: terrestrial plant-eating insect with hind legs adapted for
leaping [syn: grasshopper, hopper]
2: a cocktail made of creme de menthe and cream (sometimes with
creme de cacao)
podobné slovodefinícia
grasshopper,luční koník Zdeněk Brožgrasshopper,saranče n: Zdeněk Brož
grasshopper mouse
grasshopper mouse, n:
grasshoppers,kobylky n: pl. Zdeněk Brožgrasshoppers,sarančata n: Zdeněk Brož
knee high to a grasshopper
knee high to a grasshopper,
long-horned grasshopper
long-horned grasshopper, n:
migratory grasshopper
migratory grasshopper, n:
short-horned grasshopper
short-horned grasshopper, n:
Grasshopper engine
Grasshopper \Grass"hop`per\, n.
1. (Zool.) Any jumping, orthopterous insect, of the families
Acridid[ae] and Locustid[ae], having large hind legs
adapted for leaping, and chewing mouth parts. The species
and genera are very numerous and some are very destructive
to crops. The former family includes the Western
grasshopper or locust (Caloptenus spretus), noted for
the great extent of its ravages in the region beyond the
Mississippi. In the Eastern United States the red-legged
(Caloptenus femurrubrum and C. atlanis) are closely
related species, but their ravages are less important.
They are closely related to the migratory locusts of the
Old World. See Locust.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: The meadow or green grasshoppers belong to the
Locustid[ae]. They have long antenn[ae], large
ovipositors, and stridulating organs at the base of the
wings in the male. The European great green grasshopper
(Locusta viridissima) belongs to this family. The
common American green species mostly belong to
Xiphidium, Orchelimum, and Conocephalus.
[1913 Webster]

2. In ordinary square or upright pianos of London make, the
escapement lever or jack, so made that it can be taken out
and replaced with the key; -- called also the hopper.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mil.) An antipersonnel mine that jumps from the ground to
body height when activated, and explodes, hurling metal
fragments over a wide area.

4. A mixed alcoholic beverage containing cr[`e]me de menthe,
light cream, and sometimes cr[`e]me de cacao. The name
comes from its light green color.

Grasshopper engine, a steam engine having a working beam
with its fulcrum at one end, the steam cylinder at the
other end, and the connecting rod at an intermediate

Grasshopper lobster (Zool.) a young lobster. [Local, U. S.]

Grasshopper warbler (Zool.), cricket bird.
[1913 Webster]
Grasshopper lobster
Grasshopper \Grass"hop`per\, n.
1. (Zool.) Any jumping, orthopterous insect, of the families
Acridid[ae] and Locustid[ae], having large hind legs
adapted for leaping, and chewing mouth parts. The species
and genera are very numerous and some are very destructive
to crops. The former family includes the Western
grasshopper or locust (Caloptenus spretus), noted for
the great extent of its ravages in the region beyond the
Mississippi. In the Eastern United States the red-legged
(Caloptenus femurrubrum and C. atlanis) are closely
related species, but their ravages are less important.
They are closely related to the migratory locusts of the
Old World. See Locust.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: The meadow or green grasshoppers belong to the
Locustid[ae]. They have long antenn[ae], large
ovipositors, and stridulating organs at the base of the
wings in the male. The European great green grasshopper
(Locusta viridissima) belongs to this family. The
common American green species mostly belong to
Xiphidium, Orchelimum, and Conocephalus.
[1913 Webster]

2. In ordinary square or upright pianos of London make, the
escapement lever or jack, so made that it can be taken out
and replaced with the key; -- called also the hopper.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mil.) An antipersonnel mine that jumps from the ground to
body height when activated, and explodes, hurling metal
fragments over a wide area.

4. A mixed alcoholic beverage containing cr[`e]me de menthe,
light cream, and sometimes cr[`e]me de cacao. The name
comes from its light green color.

Grasshopper engine, a steam engine having a working beam
with its fulcrum at one end, the steam cylinder at the
other end, and the connecting rod at an intermediate

Grasshopper lobster (Zool.) a young lobster. [Local, U. S.]

Grasshopper warbler (Zool.), cricket bird.
[1913 Webster]
Grasshopper warbler
Grasshopper \Grass"hop`per\, n.
1. (Zool.) Any jumping, orthopterous insect, of the families
Acridid[ae] and Locustid[ae], having large hind legs
adapted for leaping, and chewing mouth parts. The species
and genera are very numerous and some are very destructive
to crops. The former family includes the Western
grasshopper or locust (Caloptenus spretus), noted for
the great extent of its ravages in the region beyond the
Mississippi. In the Eastern United States the red-legged
(Caloptenus femurrubrum and C. atlanis) are closely
related species, but their ravages are less important.
They are closely related to the migratory locusts of the
Old World. See Locust.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: The meadow or green grasshoppers belong to the
Locustid[ae]. They have long antenn[ae], large
ovipositors, and stridulating organs at the base of the
wings in the male. The European great green grasshopper
(Locusta viridissima) belongs to this family. The
common American green species mostly belong to
Xiphidium, Orchelimum, and Conocephalus.
[1913 Webster]

2. In ordinary square or upright pianos of London make, the
escapement lever or jack, so made that it can be taken out
and replaced with the key; -- called also the hopper.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mil.) An antipersonnel mine that jumps from the ground to
body height when activated, and explodes, hurling metal
fragments over a wide area.

4. A mixed alcoholic beverage containing cr[`e]me de menthe,
light cream, and sometimes cr[`e]me de cacao. The name
comes from its light green color.

Grasshopper engine, a steam engine having a working beam
with its fulcrum at one end, the steam cylinder at the
other end, and the connecting rod at an intermediate

Grasshopper lobster (Zool.) a young lobster. [Local, U. S.]

Grasshopper warbler (Zool.), cricket bird.
[1913 Webster]Cricket \Crick"et\ (kr?k"?t), n. [OE. criket, OF. crequet,
criquet; prob. of German origin, and akin to E. creak; cf. D.
kriek a cricket. See Creak.] (Zool.)
An orthopterous insect of the genus Gryllus, and allied
genera. The males make chirping, musical notes by rubbing
together the basal parts of the veins of the front wings.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European cricket is Gryllus domesticus;
the common large black crickets of America are {Gryllus
niger}, Gryllus neglectus, and others.
[1913 Webster]

Balm cricket. See under Balm.

Cricket bird, a small European bird (Silvia locustella);
-- called also grasshopper warbler.

Cricket frog, a small American tree frog (Acris gryllus);
-- so called from its chirping.
[1913 Webster]
grasshopper warbler
Grasshopper \Grass"hop`per\, n.
1. (Zool.) Any jumping, orthopterous insect, of the families
Acridid[ae] and Locustid[ae], having large hind legs
adapted for leaping, and chewing mouth parts. The species
and genera are very numerous and some are very destructive
to crops. The former family includes the Western
grasshopper or locust (Caloptenus spretus), noted for
the great extent of its ravages in the region beyond the
Mississippi. In the Eastern United States the red-legged
(Caloptenus femurrubrum and C. atlanis) are closely
related species, but their ravages are less important.
They are closely related to the migratory locusts of the
Old World. See Locust.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: The meadow or green grasshoppers belong to the
Locustid[ae]. They have long antenn[ae], large
ovipositors, and stridulating organs at the base of the
wings in the male. The European great green grasshopper
(Locusta viridissima) belongs to this family. The
common American green species mostly belong to
Xiphidium, Orchelimum, and Conocephalus.
[1913 Webster]

2. In ordinary square or upright pianos of London make, the
escapement lever or jack, so made that it can be taken out
and replaced with the key; -- called also the hopper.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mil.) An antipersonnel mine that jumps from the ground to
body height when activated, and explodes, hurling metal
fragments over a wide area.

4. A mixed alcoholic beverage containing cr[`e]me de menthe,
light cream, and sometimes cr[`e]me de cacao. The name
comes from its light green color.

Grasshopper engine, a steam engine having a working beam
with its fulcrum at one end, the steam cylinder at the
other end, and the connecting rod at an intermediate

Grasshopper lobster (Zool.) a young lobster. [Local, U. S.]

Grasshopper warbler (Zool.), cricket bird.
[1913 Webster]Cricket \Crick"et\ (kr?k"?t), n. [OE. criket, OF. crequet,
criquet; prob. of German origin, and akin to E. creak; cf. D.
kriek a cricket. See Creak.] (Zool.)
An orthopterous insect of the genus Gryllus, and allied
genera. The males make chirping, musical notes by rubbing
together the basal parts of the veins of the front wings.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European cricket is Gryllus domesticus;
the common large black crickets of America are {Gryllus
niger}, Gryllus neglectus, and others.
[1913 Webster]

Balm cricket. See under Balm.

Cricket bird, a small European bird (Silvia locustella);
-- called also grasshopper warbler.

Cricket frog, a small American tree frog (Acris gryllus);
-- so called from its chirping.
[1913 Webster]
Locust \Lo"cust\, n. [L. locusta locust, grasshopper. Cf.
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of long-winged,
migratory, orthopterous insects, of the family
Acridid[ae], allied to the grasshoppers; esp., ({Edipoda
migratoria}, syn. Pachytylus migratoria, and {Acridium
perigrinum}, of Southern Europe, Asia, and Africa. In the
United States the related species with similar habits are
usually called grasshoppers. See Grasshopper.
[1913 Webster]

Note: These insects are at times so numerous in Africa and
the south of Asia as to devour every green thing; and
when they migrate, they fly in an immense cloud. In the
United States the harvest flies are improperly called
locusts. See Cicada.
[1913 Webster]

Locust beetle (Zool.), a longicorn beetle ({Cyllene
robini[ae]}), which, in the larval state, bores holes in
the wood of the locust tree. Its color is brownish black,
barred with yellow. Called also locust borer.

Locust bird (Zool.) the rose-colored starling or pastor of
India. See Pastor.

Locust hunter (Zool.), an African bird; the beefeater.
[1913 Webster]

2. [Etymol. uncertain.] (Bot.) The locust tree. See {Locust
Tree} (definition, note, and phrases).
[1913 Webster]

Locust bean (Bot.), a commercial name for the sweet pod of
the carob tree.
[1913 Webster]
Lubber grasshopper
Lubber \Lub"ber\, n. [Cf. dial. Sw. lubber. See Looby, Lob.]
A heavy, clumsy, or awkward fellow; a sturdy drone; a clown.
[1913 Webster]

Lingering lubbers lose many a penny. --Tusser.
[1913 Webster]

Land lubber, a name given in contempt by sailors to a
person who lives on land.

Lubber grasshopper (Zool.), a large, stout, clumsy
grasshopper; esp., Brachystola magna, from the Rocky
Mountain plains, and Romalea microptera, which is
injurious to orange trees in Florida.

Lubber's hole (Naut.), a hole in the floor of the "top,"
next the mast, through which sailors may go aloft without
going over the rim by the futtock shrouds. It is
considered by seamen as only fit to be used by lubbers.

Lubber's line, Lubber's point, or Lubber's mark, a line
or point in the compass case indicating the head of the
ship, and consequently the course which the ship is
[1913 Webster]
n 1: terrestrial plant-eating insect with hind legs adapted for
leaping [syn: grasshopper, hopper]
2: a cocktail made of creme de menthe and cream (sometimes with
creme de cacao)
grasshopper mouse
grasshopper mouse
n 1: insectivorous mouse of western North America
long-horned grasshopper
long-horned grasshopper
n 1: grasshoppers with long threadlike antennae and well-
developed stridulating organs on the forewings of the male
[syn: long-horned grasshopper, tettigoniid]
migratory grasshopper
migratory grasshopper
n 1: serious pest of grain-growing and range areas of central
and western United States
short-horned grasshopper
short-horned grasshopper
n 1: grasshopper with short antennae [syn: {short-horned
grasshopper}, acridid]

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