holograph,rukopisný dokument Zdeněk Brož
holograph \hol"o*graph\, v. t.
To produce a holographic image of, by holography.
Holograph \Hol"o*graph\, n. [L. holographus entirely autograph,
Gr. "olo`grafos; "o`los whole + gra`fein to write: cf. F.
holographe, olographe.]
1. A document, as a letter, deed, or will, wholly in the
handwriting of the person from whom it proceeds and whose
act it purports to be.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: handwritten book or document [syn: manuscript,
2: the intermediate photograph (or photographic record) that
contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional
image by holography [syn: hologram, holograph]
HOLOGRAPH. What is written by one's own hand. The same as Olograph. Vide

podobné slovodefinícia
holograph,rukopisný dokument Zdeněk Brož
holographic,holografický Jaroslav Šedivý
holographical, adj:
holography,holografie n: Zdeněk Brož
holograph \hol"o*graph\, v. t.
To produce a holographic image of, by holography.
[PJC]Holograph \Hol"o*graph\, n. [L. holographus entirely autograph,
Gr. "olo`grafos; "o`los whole + gra`fein to write: cf. F.
holographe, olographe.]
1. A document, as a letter, deed, or will, wholly in the
handwriting of the person from whom it proceeds and whose
act it purports to be.
[1913 Webster]
holograph \hol"o*graph\, v. t.
To produce a holographic image of, by holography.
[PJC]Holograph \Hol"o*graph\, n. [L. holographus entirely autograph,
Gr. "olo`grafos; "o`los whole + gra`fein to write: cf. F.
holographe, olographe.]
1. A document, as a letter, deed, or will, wholly in the
handwriting of the person from whom it proceeds and whose
act it purports to be.
[1913 Webster]
Holographic \Hol`o*graph"ic\, a.
1. Of the nature of a holograph; pertaining to holographs.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to holography or holograms; produced by
Holographic testament
Testament \Tes"ta*ment\, n. [F., fr. L. testamentum, fr. testari
to be a witness, to make one's last will, akin to testis a
witness. Cf. Intestate, Testify.]
1. (Law) A solemn, authentic instrument in writing, by which
a person declares his will as to disposal of his estate
and effects after his death.
[1913 Webster]

Note: This is otherwise called a will, and sometimes a last
will and testament. A testament, to be valid, must be
made by a person of sound mind; and it must be executed
and published in due form of law. A man, in certain
cases, may make a valid will by word of mouth only. See
Nuncupative will, under Nuncupative.
[1913 Webster]

2. One of the two distinct revelations of God's purposes
toward man; a covenant; also, one of the two general
divisions of the canonical books of the sacred Scriptures,
in which the covenants are respectively revealed; as, the
Old Testament; the New Testament; -- often limited, in
colloquial language, to the latter.
[1913 Webster]

He is the mediator of the new testament . . . for
the redemption of the transgressions that were under
the first testament. --Heb. ix. 15.
[1913 Webster]

Holographic testament, a testament written wholly by the
testator himself. --Bouvier.
[1913 Webster]
holography \ho*log"ra*phy\, v. t.
The process of producing holograms, usually requiring a
source of coherent light, as from a laser.
n 1: handwritten book or document [syn: manuscript,
2: the intermediate photograph (or photographic record) that
contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional
image by holography [syn: hologram, holograph]
adj 1: of or relating to holography or holograms
2: written entirely in one's own hand; "holographic document"
[syn: holographic, holographical]
3: written wholly in the handwriting of the signer; "a
holographic will"
adj 1: written entirely in one's own hand; "holographic
document" [syn: holographic, holographical]
n 1: the branch of optics that deals with the use of coherent
light from a laser in order to make a hologram that can
then be used to create a three-dimensional image

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