slovo | definícia |
hologram (encz) | hologram,hologram n: Zdeněk Brož |
hologram (czen) | hologram,hologramn: Zdeněk Brož |
hologram (gcide) | hologram \hol"o*gram\, n.
A photographic image giving the observer a seemingly
three-dimensional view of the represented object. The
three-dimensional effect is produced by exposing a
photographic recording medium to an interference pattern
generated by a coherent beam of light (as from a laser)
reflected from the subject, interacting with a beam directly
from the source. The full three-dimensional effect requires
illumination of the image with coherent light, but less
perfect three-dimensional visual effects may also be observed
when the hologram is illuminated with white light.
[PJC] |
hologram (wn) | hologram
n 1: the intermediate photograph (or photographic record) that
contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional
image by holography [syn: hologram, holograph] |
| |
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