slovo | definícia |
hpc (encz) | HPC,High Pressure Compressor [zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
překlad |
hpc (vera) | HPC
Handheld Personal Computer (PC), "H/PC"
hpc (vera) | HPC
High Performance Computing
| podobné slovo | definícia |
hpc (encz) | HPC,High Pressure Compressor [zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
překlad |
ahpcrc (wn) | AHPCRC
n 1: a United States defense laboratory to conduct research in
high-performance computing for defense technology
applications; a partnership of government and university
and industry [syn: {Army High Performance Computing
Research Center}, AHPCRC] |
hpcc (foldoc) | High Performance Computing and Communications
(HPCC) High performance computing includes scientific
workstations, supercomputer systems, high speed networks,
special purpose and experimental systems, the new generation
of large scale parallel systems, and application and systems
software with all components well integrated and linked over a
high speed network.
["Grand Challenges 1993: High Performance Computing and
Communications", Committee on Physical, Mathematical and
Engineering Sciences of the Federal Coordinating Council for
Science, Engineering and Technology.]
hpcode (foldoc) | HPcode
Stack-based intermediate language used by HP in many of its
compilers for RISC and stack-based architectures. Supports
Fortran, Ada, Pascal, COBOL and C++. Descended from
Stanford's U-code.
hpcode-plus (foldoc) | HPCode-Plus
A descendant of HPcode with data types, developed to be an
ANDF language.
["ANDF: Finally an UNCOL After 30 Years", M.E. Benitez, Jack
Davidson et al, CS TR-91-05 U Virginia (Mar
ahpcrc (vera) | AHPCRC
Army High Performance Computing Research Center (org., USA, HPC)
eehpcwg (vera) | EEHPCWG
Energy Efficient HPC Working Group (org., HPC, WG)
hpc (vera) | HPC
Handheld Personal Computer (PC), "H/PC"
High Performance Computing
hpcc (vera) | HPCC
High Performance Computing and Communication
hpcs (vera) | HPCS
High Performance Communication Server (Tobit, NLM, Netware)
High Productivity Computing System (DARPA, Cray, IBM, Sun, ...)
mhpcc (vera) | MHPCC
Maui High Performance Computing Center (org., USA)
nchpc (vera) | NCHPC
National Consortium for High Performance Computing (org., HPC,
ncohpcc (vera) | NCOHPCC
National Coordination Office for High Performance Computing and
Communications (org., USA, HPC), "NCO/HPCC"
selhpc (vera) | SELHPC
South East London - High Performance Computing [centre] (org.),