haddock,treska n: Zdeněk Brož
Haddock \Had"dock\ (-d[u^]k), n. [OE. hadok, haddok, of unknown
origin; cf. Ir. codog, Gael. adag, F. hadot.] (Zool.)
A marine food fish (Melanogrammus [ae]glefinus), allied to
the cod, inhabiting the northern coasts of Europe and
America. It has a dark lateral line and a black spot on each
side of the body, just back of the gills. Galled also
haddie, and dickie.
[1913 Webster]

Norway haddock, a marine edible fish (Sebastes marinus)
of Northern Europe and America. See Rose fish.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: lean white flesh of fish similar to but smaller than cod;
usually baked or poached or as fillets sauteed or fried
2: important food fish on both sides of the Atlantic; related to
cod but usually smaller [syn: haddock, {Melanogrammus
podobné slovodefinícia
finnan haddock
finnan haddock, n:
haddock,treska n: Zdeněk Brož
shaddock, n:
smoked haddock
smoked haddock, n:
finnan haddock
Finnan haddie \Fin"nan had"die\ (f[i^]n"nan h[a^]d"d[i^]). [See
Haddock cured in peat smoke, originally at Findon (pron.
f[i^]n"an), Scotland. The name is also applied to other kinds
of smoked haddock. [Written also finnan haddock.]
[1913 Webster]
Norway haddock
Haddock \Had"dock\ (-d[u^]k), n. [OE. hadok, haddok, of unknown
origin; cf. Ir. codog, Gael. adag, F. hadot.] (Zool.)
A marine food fish (Melanogrammus [ae]glefinus), allied to
the cod, inhabiting the northern coasts of Europe and
America. It has a dark lateral line and a black spot on each
side of the body, just back of the gills. Galled also
haddie, and dickie.
[1913 Webster]

Norway haddock, a marine edible fish (Sebastes marinus)
of Northern Europe and America. See Rose fish.
[1913 Webster]
Shaddock \Shad"dock\, n. [Said to be so called from a Captain
Shaddock, who first brought this fruit from the East Indies.]
A tree (Citrus decumana) and its fruit, which is a large
species of orange; -- called also forbidden fruit, and
[1913 Webster]
finnan haddock
finnan haddock
n 1: haddock usually baked but sometimes broiled with lots of
butter [syn: finnan haddie, finnan haddock, finnan,
smoked haddock]
n 1: lean white flesh of fish similar to but smaller than cod;
usually baked or poached or as fillets sauteed or fried
2: important food fish on both sides of the Atlantic; related to
cod but usually smaller [syn: haddock, {Melanogrammus
n 1: southeastern Asian tree producing large fruits resembling
grapefruits [syn: pomelo, pomelo tree, pummelo,
shaddock, Citrus maxima, Citrus grandis, {Citrus
2: large pear-shaped fruit similar to grapefruit but with coarse
dry pulp [syn: pomelo, shaddock]
smoked haddock
smoked haddock
n 1: haddock usually baked but sometimes broiled with lots of
butter [syn: finnan haddie, finnan haddock, finnan,
smoked haddock]

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