hated,nenáviděný Hynek Hanke
Hate \Hate\ (h[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hated; p. pr. & vb.
n. Hating.] [OE. haten, hatien, AS. hatian; akin to OS.
hatan, hat[=o]n to be hostile to, D. haten to hate, OHG.
hazz[=e]n, hazz[=o]n, G. hassen, Icel. & Sw. hata, Dan. hade,
Goth. hatan, hatjan. [root]36. Cf. Hate, n., Heinous.]
[1913 Webster]
1. To have a great aversion to, with a strong desire that
evil should befall the person toward whom the feeling is
directed; to dislike intensely; to detest; as, to hate
one's enemies; to hate hypocrisy.
[1913 Webster]

Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. --1 John
iii. 15.
[1913 Webster]

2. To be very unwilling; followed by an infinitive, or a
substantive clause with that; as, to hate to get into
debt; to hate that anything should be wasted.
[1913 Webster]

I hate that he should linger here. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Script.) To love less, relatively. --Luke xiv. 26.

Syn: To Hate, Abhor, Detest, Abominate, Loathe.

Usage: Hate is the generic word, and implies that one is
inflamed with extreme dislike. We abhor what is deeply
repugnant to our sensibilities or feelings. We detest
what contradicts so utterly our principles and moral
sentiments that we feel bound to lift up our voice
against it. What we abominate does equal violence to
our moral and religious sentiments. What we loathe is
offensive to our own nature, and excites unmingled
disgust. Our Savior is said to have hated the deeds of
the Nicolaitanes; his language shows that he loathed
the lukewarmness of the Laodiceans; he detested the
hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees; he abhorred
the suggestions of the tempter in the wilderness.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: treated with contempt [syn: despised, detested,
hated, scorned]
podobné slovodefinícia
hated,nenáviděný Hynek Hanke
Lymphate \Lymph"ate\, Lymphated \Lymph"a*ted\, a. [L. lymphatus,
p. p. of lymphare to water, dilute with water, to drive out
of one's senses, to make mad.]
Frightened into madness; raving. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: treated with contempt [syn: despised, detested,
hated, scorned]

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