Haustellum \Haus*tel"lum\ (h[add]s*t[e^]l"l[u^]m), n.; pl.
Haustella (-l[.a]). [NL.] (Zool.)
The sucking proboscis of various insects. See Lepidoptera,
and Diptera.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Haustellata \Haus`tel*la"ta\ (h[add]s`t[e^]l*l[=a]"t[.a]), n.
pl. [NL., fr. haustellum, fr. L. haurire, haustum, to draw
water, to swallow. See Exhaust.] (Zool.)
An artificial division of insects, including all those with a
sucking proboscis.
[1913 Webster]
Haustellate \Haus"tel*late\ (h[add]s"t[e^]l*l[asl]t or
h[add]s*t[e^]l"l[asl]t), a. [See Haustellata.] (Zool.)
Provided with a haustellum, or sucking proboscis. -- n. One
of the Haustellata.
[1913 Webster]

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