Homily \Hom"i*ly\, n.; pl. Homilies. [LL. homilia, Gr. ?
communion, assembly, converse, sermon, fr. ? an assembly, fr.
? same; cf. ? together, and ? crowd, cf. ? to press: cf. F.
hom['e]lie. See Same.]
1. A discourse or sermon read or pronounced to an audience; a
serious discourse. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. A serious or tedious exhortation in private on some moral
point, or on the conduct of life.
[1913 Webster]

As I have heard my father
Deal out in his long homilies. --Byron.
[1913 Webster]

Book of Homilies. A collection of authorized, printed
sermons, to be read by ministers in churches, esp. one
issued in the time of Edward VI., and a second, issued in
the reign of Elizabeth; -- both books being certified to
contain a "godly and wholesome doctrine."
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Book of Homilies
Homily \Hom"i*ly\, n.; pl. Homilies. [LL. homilia, Gr. ?
communion, assembly, converse, sermon, fr. ? an assembly, fr.
? same; cf. ? together, and ? crowd, cf. ? to press: cf. F.
hom['e]lie. See Same.]
1. A discourse or sermon read or pronounced to an audience; a
serious discourse. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. A serious or tedious exhortation in private on some moral
point, or on the conduct of life.
[1913 Webster]

As I have heard my father
Deal out in his long homilies. --Byron.
[1913 Webster]

Book of Homilies. A collection of authorized, printed
sermons, to be read by ministers in churches, esp. one
issued in the time of Edward VI., and a second, issued in
the reign of Elizabeth; -- both books being certified to
contain a "godly and wholesome doctrine."
[1913 Webster]

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