hydroxide,hydroxid n: [chem.]
Hydroxide \Hy*drox"ide\, n. [Hydro-, 2 + oxide.] (Chem.)
A hydrate; a substance containing hydrogen and oxygen, made
by combining water with an oxide, and yielding water by
elimination. The hydroxides are regarded as compounds of
hydroxyl, united usually with basic element or radical; as,
calcium hydroxide ethyl hydroxide.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a compound of an oxide with water [syn: hydroxide,
hydrated oxide]
2: a chemical compound containing the hydroxyl group
podobné slovodefinícia
ammonium hydroxide
ammonium hydroxide,hydroxid amonný n: [chem.] Milan Svoboda
calcium hydroxide
calcium hydroxide,hydroxid vápenatý (Ca(OH)2) n: [chem.] VlK
hydroxide,hydroxid n: [chem.]
hydroxide ion
hydroxide ion, n:
magnesium hydroxide
magnesium hydroxide, n:
potassium hydroxide
potassium hydroxide, n:
sodium hydroxide
sodium hydroxide,hydroxid sodný Zdeněk Brož
magnesium hydroxide
magnesium hydroxide \magnesium hydroxide\ n. (Chem.)
A slightly alkaline chemical substance, Mg(OH)2, the active
principle in the antacid milk of magnesia, also used as a
[WordNet 1.5]
Sodium hydroxide
Sodium \So"di*um\, n. [NL., fr.E. soda.] (Chem.)
A common metallic element of the alkali group, in nature
always occuring combined, as in common salt, in albite, etc.
It is isolated as a soft, waxy, white, unstable metal, so
highly reactive that it combines violently with water, and to
be preserved must be kept under petroleum or some similar
liquid. Sodium is used combined in many salts, in the free
state as a reducer, and as a means of obtaining other metals
(as magnesium and aluminium) is an important commercial
product. Symbol Na (Natrium). Atomic weight 22.990.
Specific gravity 0.97.
[1913 Webster]

Sodium amalgam, an alloy of sodium and mercury, usually
produced as a gray metallic crystalline substance, which
is used as a reducing agent, and otherwise.

Sodium carbonate, a white crystalline substance,
Na2CO3.10H2O, having a cooling alkaline taste, found in
the ashes of many plants, and produced artifically in
large quantities from common salt. It is used in making
soap, glass, paper, etc., and as alkaline agent in many
chemical industries. Called also sal soda, {washing
soda}, or soda. Cf. Sodium bicarbonate, and Trona.

Sodium chloride, common, or table, salt, NaCl.

Sodium hydroxide, a white opaque brittle solid, NaOH,
having a fibrous structure, produced by the action of
quicklime, or of calcium hydrate (milk of lime), on sodium
carbonate. It is a strong alkali, and is used in the
manufacture of soap, in making wood pulp for paper, etc.
Called also sodium hydrate, and caustic soda. By
extension, a solution of sodium hydroxide.
[1913 Webster]
aluminium hydroxide
aluminium hydroxide
n 1: white crystalline compound that occurs naturally as the
mineral gibbsite [syn: aluminum hydroxide, {aluminium
hydroxide}, hydrated aluminum oxide, {hydrated aluminium
aluminum hydroxide
aluminum hydroxide
n 1: white crystalline compound that occurs naturally as the
mineral gibbsite [syn: aluminum hydroxide, {aluminium
hydroxide}, hydrated aluminum oxide, {hydrated aluminium
ammonium hydroxide
ammonium hydroxide
n 1: a water solution of ammonia [syn: ammonia water,
ammonia, ammonium hydroxide]
barium hydroxide
barium hydroxide
n 1: white poisonous crystals; made by dissolving barium oxide
in water
calcium hydroxide
calcium hydroxide
n 1: a caustic substance produced by heating limestone [syn:
calcium hydroxide, lime, slaked lime, {hydrated
lime}, calcium hydrate, caustic lime, lime hydrate]
n 1: a compound of an oxide with water [syn: hydroxide,
hydrated oxide]
2: a chemical compound containing the hydroxyl group
hydroxide ion
hydroxide ion
n 1: the anion OH having one oxygen and one hydrogen atom [syn:
hydroxide ion, hydroxyl ion]
magnesium hydroxide
magnesium hydroxide
n 1: a white crystalline powder used chiefly in medicines
potassium hydroxide
potassium hydroxide
n 1: a potassium compound often used in agriculture and industry
[syn: potash, caustic potash, potassium hydroxide]
sodium hydroxide
sodium hydroxide
n 1: a strongly alkaline caustic used in manufacturing soap and
paper and aluminum and various sodium compounds [syn:
sodium hydroxide, caustic soda]

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