Internet Access Provider

(IAP) A company or other origanisation
which provides access to the Internet to businesses and/or
consumers. An IAP purchases an Internet link from another
company that has a direct link to the Internet and resells
portions of that bandwidth to the general public.

For example, an IAP may purchase a T1 link (1.544Mb/s) and
resell that bandwidth in chunks consisting of ISDN (64Kb/s,
128Kb/s) and analog modems (14.4Kb/s, 28.8Kb/s). The IAP's
customer base is likely to include both businesses and
individuals. Individual customers usually connect to the IAP
via a modem and telephone line to a (preferably local) {point
of presence}.

An IAP may also be an Internet Service Provider.

In-App Purchase
Internet Access Provider (Internet)
podobné slovodefinícia
- priehľadný
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škótska vlnená čiapka
- tam-o'-shanter
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- claw
skotska vlnena ciapka
skotska vlnena ciapka
- tam-o'-shanter
- trample
class myriapoda
class Myriapoda, n:
contraceptive diaphragm
contraceptive diaphragm, n:
diapason,diapazón n: Zdeněk Broždiapason,ladička n: Zdeněk Brož
diapason stop
diapason stop, n:
diapedesis, n:
diapensia, n:
diapensia family
diapensia family, n:
diaper,dětská plena n: diaper,dětská plenka n: diaper,plena n: Zdeněk Broždiaper,plenka n: diaper,plínka n:
diaper dermatitis
diaper dermatitis, n:
diaper rash
diaper rash,vyrážka či podobné podráždění kůže v oblasti zakryté
plenkami web
diapers,plenky n: slady
diaphanous,průhledný adj: Zdeněk Broždiaphanous,průsvitný adj: Zdeněk Brož
diapheromera, n:
diaphone, n:
diaphoresis,pocení n: Zdeněk Brož
diaphoretic,vyvolávající pocení Zdeněk Brož
diaphragm,bránice n: [med.] Petr Prášekdiaphragm,diafragma n: Zdeněk Broždiaphragm,pesar n: Zdeněk Broždiaphragm,závěrka n: (fotogr.) Ivan Masár
diaphragmatic,bráničný adj: Zdeněk Broždiaphragmatic,diafragmatický adj: Zdeněk Brož
diaphragmatic hernia
diaphragmatic hernia, n:
diaphragmatic pleurisy
diaphragmatic pleurisy, n:
diaphyseal, adj:
diaphysial, adj:
diaphysis,diafýza n: Zdeněk Brož
diapir, n:
diapsid, n:
diapsid reptile
diapsid reptile, n:
iris diaphragm
iris diaphragm, n:
myriapod, n: myriapod,stonožka n: Zdeněk Brož
order diapensiales
order Diapensiales, n:
periapsis,nejbližší bod průletu satelitu n: [let.] Pavel Machek
point of periapsis
point of periapsis, n:
priapic,falický adj: Zdeněk Brožpriapic,týkající se mužnosti Zdeněk Brož
priapism,priapismus Zdeněk Brož
subclass diapsida
subclass Diapsida, n:
superclass myriapoda
superclass Myriapoda, n:
diapazón,diapasonn: Zdeněk Brož
diapozitiv,slide diapozitiv,transparency
diapozitivy,transparenciesn: pl. Zdeněk Brož
priapismus,priapism Zdeněk Brož
Adiaphorism \Ad`i*aph"o*rism\ ([a^]d`[i^]*[a^]f"[-o]*r[i^]z'm),
Religious indifference.
[1913 Webster]
Adiaphorist \Ad`i*aph"o*rist\ ([a^]d`[i^]*[a^]f"[-o]*r[i^]st),
n. [See Adiaphorous.] (Eccl. Hist.)
One of the German Protestants who, with Melanchthon, held
some opinions and ceremonies to be indifferent or
nonessential, which Luther condemned as sinful or heretical.
[1913 Webster]
Adiaphoristic \Ad`i*aph`o*ris"tic\
([a^]d`[i^]*[a^]f`[-o]*r[i^]s"t[i^]k), a.
Pertaining to matters indifferent in faith and practice.
[1913 Webster]
Adiaphorite \Ad`i*aph"o*rite\ ([a^]d`[i^]*[a^]f"[-o]*r[imac]t),
Same as Adiaphorist.
[1913 Webster]
Adiaphorous \Ad`i*aph"o*rous\ ([a^]d`[i^]*[a^]f"[-o]*r[u^]s), a.
[Gr. 'adia`foros; 'a priv. + dia`foros different; dia`
through + fe`rein to bear.]
1. Indifferent or neutral. --Jer. Taylor. AS
[1913 Webster]

2. (Med.) Incapable of doing either harm or good as a
medicine. --Dunglison.
[1913 Webster + AS]
Adiaphory \Ad`i*aph"o*ry\, n. [Gr. 'adiafori`a.]
Indifference. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Antiaphrodisiac \An`ti*aph`ro*dis"i*ac\, a. & n.
Same as Antaphrodisiac.
[1913 Webster]
Antiapoplectic \An`ti*ap`o*plec"tic\, a. & n. (Med.)
Same as Antapoplectic.
[1913 Webster]
Disdiapason \Dis*di`a*pa"son\, n. [Pref. dis- (Gr. ?) +
diapason.] (Anc. Mus.)
An interval of two octaves, or a fifteenth; -- called also
bisdiapason. Compare diapason[1].
[1913 Webster]
Chirocephalus diaphanus
Fairy \Fair"y\, a.
1. Of or pertaining to fairies.
[1913 Webster]

2. Given by fairies; as, fairy money. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

Fairy bird (Zool.), the Euoropean little tern ({Sterna
minuta}); -- called also sea swallow, and hooded tern.

Fairy bluebird. (Zool.) See under Bluebird.

Fairy martin (Zool.), a European swallow (Hirrundo ariel)
that builds flask-shaped nests of mud on overhanging

Fairy rings or Fairy circles, the circles formed in
grassy lawns by certain fungi (as Marasmius Oreades),
formerly supposed to be caused by fairies in their
midnight dances; also, the mushrooms themselves. Such
circles may have diameters larger than three meters.

Fairy shrimp (Zool.), a European fresh-water phyllopod
crustacean (Chirocephalus diaphanus); -- so called from
its delicate colors, transparency, and graceful motions.
The name is sometimes applied to similar American species.

Fairy stone (Paleon.), an echinite.
[1913 Webster]
Yellow \Yel"low\ (y[e^]l"l[-o]), a. [Compar. Yellower
(y[e^]l"l[-o]*[~e]r); superl. Yellowest.] [OE. yelow,
yelwe, [yogh]elow, [yogh]eoluw, from AS. geolu; akin to D.
geel, OS. & OHG. gelo, G. gelb, Icel. gulr, Sw. gul, Dan.
guul, L. helvus light bay, Gr. chlo`n young verdure, chlwro`s
greenish yellow, Skr. hari tawny, yellowish. [root]49. Cf.
Chlorine, Gall a bitter liquid, Gold, Yolk.]
1. Being of a bright saffronlike color; of the color of gold
or brass; having the hue of that part of the rainbow, or
of the solar spectrum, which is between the orange and the
[1913 Webster]

Her yellow hair was browded [braided] in a tress.
[1913 Webster]

A sweaty reaper from his tillage brought
First fruits, the green ear and the yellow sheaf.
[1913 Webster]

The line of yellow light dies fast away. --Keble.
[1913 Webster]

2. Cowardly; hence, dishonorable; mean; contemptible; as, he
has a yellow streak. [Slang]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. Sensational; -- said of some newspapers, their makers,
etc.; as, yellow journal, journalism, etc. [Colloq.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Yellow atrophy (Med.), a fatal affection of the liver, in
which it undergoes fatty degeneration, and becomes rapidly
smaller and of a deep yellow tinge. The marked symptoms
are black vomit, delirium, convulsions, coma, and

Yellow bark, calisaya bark.

Yellow bass (Zool.), a North American fresh-water bass
(Morone interrupta) native of the lower parts of the
Mississippi and its tributaries. It is yellow, with
several more or less broken black stripes or bars. Called
also barfish.

Yellow berry. (Bot.) Same as Persian berry, under

Yellow boy, a gold coin, as a guinea. [Slang] --Arbuthnot.

Yellow brier. (Bot.) See under Brier.

Yellow bugle (Bot.), a European labiate plant ({Ajuga

Yellow bunting (Zool.), the European yellow-hammer.

Yellow cat (Zool.), a yellow catfish; especially, the

Yellow copperas (Min.), a hydrous sulphate of iron; --
called also copiapite.

Yellow copper ore, a sulphide of copper and iron; copper
pyrites. See Chalcopyrite.

Yellow cress (Bot.), a yellow-flowered, cruciferous plant
(Barbarea praecox), sometimes grown as a salad plant.

Yellow dock. (Bot.) See the Note under Dock.

Yellow earth, a yellowish clay, colored by iron, sometimes
used as a yellow pigment.

Yellow fever (Med.), a malignant, contagious, febrile
disease of warm climates, attended with jaundice,
producing a yellow color of the skin, and with the black
vomit. See Black vomit, in the Vocabulary.

Yellow flag, the quarantine flag. See under Quarantine,
and 3d Flag.

Yellow jack.
(a) The yellow fever. See under 2d Jack.
(b) The quarantine flag. See under Quarantine.

Yellow jacket (Zool.), any one of several species of
American social wasps of the genus Vespa, in which the
color of the body is partly bright yellow. These wasps are
noted for their irritability, and for their painful

Yellow lead ore (Min.), wulfenite.

Yellow lemur (Zool.), the kinkajou.

Yellow macauco (Zool.), the kinkajou.

Yellow mackerel (Zool.), the jurel.

Yellow metal. Same as Muntz metal, under Metal.

Yellow ocher (Min.), an impure, earthy variety of brown
iron ore, which is used as a pigment.

Yellow oxeye (Bot.), a yellow-flowered plant
(Chrysanthemum segetum) closely related to the oxeye

Yellow perch (Zool.), the common American perch. See

Yellow pike (Zool.), the wall-eye.

Yellow pine (Bot.), any of several kinds of pine; also,
their yellowish and generally durable timber. Among the
most common are valuable species are Pinus mitis and
Pinus palustris of the Eastern and Southern States, and
Pinus ponderosa and Pinus Arizonica of the Rocky
Mountains and Pacific States.

Yellow plover (Zool.), the golden plover.

Yellow precipitate (Med. Chem.), an oxide of mercury which
is thrown down as an amorphous yellow powder on adding
corrosive sublimate to limewater.

Yellow puccoon. (Bot.) Same as Orangeroot.

Yellow rail (Zool.), a small American rail ({Porzana
Noveboracensis}) in which the lower parts are dull yellow,
darkest on the breast. The back is streaked with brownish
yellow and with black, and spotted with white. Called also
yellow crake.

Yellow rattle, Yellow rocket. (Bot.) See under Rattle,
and Rocket.

Yellow Sally (Zool.), a greenish or yellowish European
stone fly of the genus Chloroperla; -- so called by

Yellow sculpin (Zool.), the dragonet.

Yellow snake (Zool.), a West Indian boa ({Chilobothrus
inornatus}) common in Jamaica. It becomes from eight to
ten long. The body is yellowish or yellowish green, mixed
with black, and anteriorly with black lines.

Yellow spot.
(a) (Anat.) A small yellowish spot with a central pit, the
fovea centralis, in the center of the retina where
vision is most accurate. See Eye.
(b) (Zool.) A small American butterfly (Polites Peckius)
of the Skipper family. Its wings are brownish, with a
large, irregular, bright yellow spot on each of the
hind wings, most conspicuous beneath. Called also
Peck's skipper. See Illust. under Skipper, n., 5.

Yellow tit (Zool.), any one of several species of crested
titmice of the genus Machlolophus, native of India. The
predominating colors of the plumage are yellow and green.

Yellow viper (Zool.), the fer-de-lance.

Yellow warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
American warblers of the genus Dendroica in which the
predominant color is yellow, especially {Dendroica
aestiva}, which is a very abundant and familiar species;
-- called also garden warbler, golden warbler, {summer
yellowbird}, summer warbler, and yellow-poll warbler.

Yellow wash (Pharm.), yellow oxide of mercury suspended in
water, -- a mixture prepared by adding corrosive sublimate
to limewater.

Yellow wren (Zool.)
(a) The European willow warbler.
(b) The European wood warbler.
[1913 Webster]
Diapase \Di"a*pase\, n.
Same as Diapason. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

A tuneful diapase of pleasures. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]
Diapasm \Di"a*pasm\, n. [L. diapasma, Gr. ?, fr. ?; dia` through
+ ? to sprinkle: cf. F. diapasme.]
Powdered aromatic herbs, sometimes made into little balls and
strung together. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Diapason \Di`a*pa"son\, n. [L., fr. Gr. diapasw^n (i. e., "h
dia` pasw^n chordw^n symfoni`a the concord of the first and
last notes, the octave); dia` through + pasw^n, gen. pl. of
pa^s all: cf. F. diapason. Cf. Panacea.]
1. (Gr. Mus.) The octave, or interval which includes all the
tones of the diatonic scale. Compare disdiapason.
[1913 Webster]

2. Concord, as of notes an octave apart; harmony.
[1913 Webster]

The fair music that all creatures made . . .
In perfect diapason. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. The entire compass of tones; the entire compass of tones
of a voice or an instrument.
[1913 Webster]

Through all the compass of the notes it ran,
The diapason closing full in man. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

4. A standard of pitch; a tuning fork; as, the French normal
[1913 Webster]

5. One of certain stops in the organ, so called because they
extend through the scale of the instrument. They are of
several kinds, as open diapason, stopped diapason,
double diapason, and the like.
[1913 Webster]
Diapedesis \Di`a*pe*de"sis\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? a leaping or
oozing through, fr. ? to leap through; dia` through + ? to
leap.] (Med.)
The passage of the corpuscular elements of the blood from the
blood vessels into the surrounding tissues, without rupture
of the walls of the blood vessels.
[1913 Webster]
Diapensiales \Diapensiales\ n.
an order of plants, used in some classifications as
coextensive with the family {Diapensiaceae}.

Syn: order Diapensiales.
[WordNet 1.5]Diapensiaceae \Diapensiaceae\ n.
a natural family of northern temperate low evergreen plants;
in some classifications placed in its own order

Syn: family Diapensiaceae, diapensia family.
[WordNet 1.5]

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