- zaháľajúci, nečinný
idle,běžet naprázdno v: Martin Ligač
idle,nečinný adj:
idle,nepracující Zdeněk Brož
idle,neužitečný adj: Zdeněk Brož
idle,nevyužitý Pavel Machek; Giza
idle,volnoběh n: Martin Ligač
idle,zahálčivý adj: Zdeněk Brož
idle,zahálející adj: Zdeněk Brož
idle,zahálet Zdeněk Brož
idle,zbytečný adj: Zdeněk Brož
Idle \I"dle\, a. [Compar. Idler; superl. Idlest.] [OE. idel,
AS. [imac]del vain, empty, useless; akin to OS. [imac]dal, D.
ijdel, OHG. [imac]tal vain, empty, mere, G. eitel, Dan. & Sw.
idel mere, pure, and prob. to Gr. ? clear, pure, ? to burn.
Cf. Ether.]
1. Of no account; useless; vain; trifling; unprofitable;
thoughtless; silly; barren. "Deserts idle." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall
give account thereof in the day of judgment. --Matt.
xii. 36.
[1913 Webster]

Down their idle weapons dropped. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

This idle story became important. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

2. Not called into active service; not turned to appropriate
use; unemployed; as, idle hours.
[1913 Webster]

The idle spear and shield were high uphing.
[1913 Webster]

3. Not employed; unoccupied with business; inactive; doing
nothing; as, idle workmen.
[1913 Webster]

Why stand ye here all the day idle? --Matt. xx. 6.
[1913 Webster]

4. Given rest and ease; averse to labor or employment; lazy;
slothful; as, an idle fellow.
[1913 Webster]

5. Light-headed; foolish. [Obs.] --Ford.
[1913 Webster]

Idle pulley (Mach.), a pulley that rests upon a belt to
tighten it; a pulley that only guides a belt and is not
used to transmit power.

Idle wheel (Mach.), a gear wheel placed between two others,
to transfer motion from one to the other without changing
the direction of revolution.

In idle, in vain. [Obs.] "God saith, thou shalt not take
the name of thy Lord God in idle." --Chaucer.

Syn: Unoccupied; unemployed; vacant; inactive; indolent;
sluggish; slothful; useless; ineffectual; futile;
frivolous; vain; trifling; unprofitable; unimportant.

Usage: Idle, Indolent, Lazy. A propensity to inaction
is expressed by each of these words; they differ in
the cause and degree of this characteristic. Indolent
denotes an habitual love to ease, a settled dislike of
movement or effort; idle is opposed to busy, and
denotes a dislike of continuous exertion. Lazy is a
stronger and more contemptuous term than indolent.
[1913 Webster]
Idle \I"dle\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Idled; p. pr. & vb. n.
To lose or spend time in inaction, or without being employed
in business. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Idle \I"dle\, v. t.
To spend in idleness; to waste; to consume; -- often followed
by away; as, to idle away an hour a day.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: not in action or at work; "an idle laborer"; "idle
drifters"; "the idle rich"; "an idle mind" [ant: busy]
2: without a basis in reason or fact; "baseless gossip"; "the
allegations proved groundless"; "idle fears"; "unfounded
suspicions"; "unwarranted jealousy" [syn: baseless,
groundless, idle, unfounded, unwarranted, wild]
3: not in active use; "the machinery sat idle during the
strike"; "idle hands" [syn: idle, unused]
4: silly or trivial; "idle pleasure"; "light banter"; "light
idle chatter" [syn: idle, light]
5: lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; "idle talk";
"a loose tongue" [syn: idle, loose]
6: not yielding a return; "dead capital"; "idle funds" [syn:
dead, idle]
7: not having a job; "idle carpenters"; "jobless transients";
"many people in the area were out of work" [syn: idle,
jobless, out of work]
n 1: the state of an engine or other mechanism that is idling;
"the car engine was running at idle"
v 1: run disconnected or idle; "the engine is idling" [syn:
idle, tick over] [ant: run]
2: be idle; exist in a changeless situation; "The old man sat
and stagnated on his porch"; "He slugged in bed all morning"
[syn: idle, laze, slug, stagnate] [ant: work]
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podobné slovodefinícia
- zaháľajúci, nečinný
- lenoch
okridleny lev s hlavou orla
okridleny lev s hlavou orla
- Gryphon
bone-idle,líný jako veš Zdeněk Brož
bridle,provaz nebo řetěz n: [lod.] připevněný oběma konci k objektu,
sloužící pro manipulaci s tímto objektem Jiří Dadákbridle,ukotvení n: [tech.] stroje z důvodu zabránění jeho pohybu Jiří
Dadákbridle,uzda n: Zdeněk Brož
bridle at
bridle at,urazit se Zdeněk Brož
bridle up
bridle up,urazit se Zdeněk Brož
bridleway,stezka pro koně Zdeněk Brož
idle,běžet naprázdno v: Martin Ligačidle,nečinný adj: joe@hw.czidle,nepracující Zdeněk Brožidle,neužitečný adj: Zdeněk Brožidle,nevyužitý Pavel Machek; Gizaidle,volnoběh n: Martin Ligačidle,zahálčivý adj: Zdeněk Brožidle,zahálející adj: Zdeněk Brožidle,zahálet Zdeněk Brožidle,zbytečný adj: Zdeněk Brož
idle balances
idle balances,
idle capacity
idle capacity,
idle discharge
idle discharge,jalový výtok [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
idle money
idle money,nevyužité peníze Zdeněk Brožidle money,nevyužitý kapitál Zdeněk Brožidle money,peníze ležící ladem Zdeněk Brož
idle pulley
idle pulley, n:
idle resources
idle resources,
idle talk
idle talk, n:
idle wheel
idle wheel, n:
idle words
idle words, n:
idleness,lenost n: Zdeněk Brožidleness,nečinnost n: Zdeněk Brož
idler,lenoch n: lukeidler,napínací kladka n: lukeidler,povaleč n: luke
idler pulley
idler pulley, n:
idlest,nejnečinnější adj: Zdeněk Brož
lidless,bez pokličky Zdeněk Brož
love-in-idleness, n:
olive ridley
olive ridley, n:
ridley, n:
sidle,plížit se v: Zdeněk Brož
sidle up
sidle up, v:
the devil makes work for idle hands
the devil makes work for idle hands,
unbridled,bezuzdný adj: Zdeněk Brožunbridled,nespoutaný adj: Zdeněk Brož
barová židle
barová židle,barstooln: vysoké sedátko bez opěrek kavol
houpací židle
houpací židle,rocking chair Zdeněk Brož
jezdit nebezpečně blízko za jiným vozidlem
jezdit nebezpečně blízko za jiným vozidlem,tailgatev: Pino
místnost s kormidlem
místnost s kormidlem,wheelhousen: Zdeněk Brož
navonět kadidlem
navonět kadidlem,incense Martin M.
okuřovat kadidlem
okuřovat kadidlem,cense Zdeněk Brož
otáčecí židle
otáčecí židle,swivel chair Zdeněk Brožotáčecí židle,swivel-chair Zdeněk Brož
vidle,forkn: lukevidle,forkspl. Zdeněk Brožvidle,pitchforkn: Pavel Machekvidle,prongn: Zdeněk Brož
vypustil stavidlem
vypustil stavidlem,sluiced Zdeněk Brož
židle,chairn: židle,chairsn: Zdeněk Brož
Aidless \Aid"less\, a.
Helpless; without aid. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
Avoidless \A*void"less\, a.
Unavoidable; inevitable.
[1913 Webster]
bone-idle \bone-idle\ bone-lazy \bone-lazy\adj.
1. disinclined to work or exertion.

Syn: do-nothing(prenominal), faineant, indolent, lazy,
otiose, shiftless, slothful, workshy, work-shy.
[WordNet 1.5]
Bowline bridle
Bridle \Bri"dle\, n. [OE. bridel, AS. bridel; akin to OHG.
britil, brittil, D. breidel, and possibly to E. braid. Cf.
1. The head gear with which a horse is governed and
restrained, consisting of a headstall, a bit, and reins,
with other appendages.
[1913 Webster]

2. A restraint; a curb; a check. --I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Gun.) The piece in the interior of a gun lock, which
holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Naut.)
(a) A span of rope, line, or chain made fast as both ends,
so that another rope, line, or chain may be attached
to its middle.
(b) A mooring hawser.
[1913 Webster]

Bowline bridle. See under Bowline.

Branches of a bridle. See under Branch.

Bridle cable (Naut.), a cable which is bent to a bridle.
See 4, above.

Bridle hand, the hand which holds the bridle in riding; the
left hand.

Bridle path, Bridle way, a path or way for saddle horses
and pack horses, as distinguished from a road for

Bridle port (Naut.), a porthole or opening in the bow
through which hawsers, mooring or bridle cables, etc., are

Bridle rein, a rein attached to the bit.

Bridle road.
(a) Same as Bridle path. --Lowell.
(b) A road in a pleasure park reserved for horseback

Bridle track, a bridle path.

Scolding bridle. See Branks, 2.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: A check; restrain.
[1913 Webster]
Bowline bridles
Bowline \Bow"line\, n. [Cf. D. boelijn, Icel. b["o]gl["i]na?,
Dan. bovline; properly the line attached to the shoulder or
side of the sail. See Bow (of a ship), and Line.] (Naut.)
A rope fastened near the middle of the leech or perpendicular
edge of the square sails, by subordinate ropes, called
bridles, and used to keep the weather edge of the sail tight
forward, when the ship is closehauled.
[1913 Webster]

Bowline bridles, the ropes by which the bowline is fastened
to the leech of the sail.

Bowline knot. See Illust. under Knot.

On a bowline, close-hauled or sailing close to the wind; --
said of a ship.
[1913 Webster]
Branches of a bridle
Branch \Branch\, n.; pl. Branches. [OE. braunche, F. branche,
fr. LL. branca claw of a bird or beast of prey; cf. Armor.
brank branch, bough.]
1. (Bot.) A shoot or secondary stem growing from the main
stem, or from a principal limb or bough of a tree or other
[1913 Webster]

2. Any division extending like a branch; any arm or part
connected with the main body of thing; ramification; as,
the branch of an antler; the branch of a chandelier; a
branch of a river; a branch of a railway.
[1913 Webster]

Most of the branches, or streams, were dried up.
--W. Irving.
[1913 Webster]

3. Any member or part of a body or system; a distinct
article; a section or subdivision; a department. "Branches
of knowledge." --Prescott.
[1913 Webster]

It is a branch and parcel of mine oath. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Geom.) One of the portions of a curve that extends
outwards to an indefinitely great distance; as, the
branches of an hyperbola.
[1913 Webster]

5. A line of family descent, in distinction from some other
line or lines from the same stock; any descendant in such
a line; as, the English branch of a family.
[1913 Webster]

His father, a younger branch of the ancient stock.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Naut.) A warrant or commission given to a pilot,
authorizing him to pilot vessels in certain waters.
[1913 Webster]

Branches of a bridle, two pieces of bent iron, which bear
the bit, the cross chains, and the curb.

Branch herring. See Alewife.

Root and branch, totally, wholly.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Bough; limb; shoot; offshoot; twig; sprig.
[1913 Webster]Bridle \Bri"dle\, n. [OE. bridel, AS. bridel; akin to OHG.
britil, brittil, D. breidel, and possibly to E. braid. Cf.
1. The head gear with which a horse is governed and
restrained, consisting of a headstall, a bit, and reins,
with other appendages.
[1913 Webster]

2. A restraint; a curb; a check. --I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Gun.) The piece in the interior of a gun lock, which
holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Naut.)
(a) A span of rope, line, or chain made fast as both ends,
so that another rope, line, or chain may be attached
to its middle.
(b) A mooring hawser.
[1913 Webster]

Bowline bridle. See under Bowline.

Branches of a bridle. See under Branch.

Bridle cable (Naut.), a cable which is bent to a bridle.
See 4, above.

Bridle hand, the hand which holds the bridle in riding; the
left hand.

Bridle path, Bridle way, a path or way for saddle horses
and pack horses, as distinguished from a road for

Bridle port (Naut.), a porthole or opening in the bow
through which hawsers, mooring or bridle cables, etc., are

Bridle rein, a rein attached to the bit.

Bridle road.
(a) Same as Bridle path. --Lowell.
(b) A road in a pleasure park reserved for horseback

Bridle track, a bridle path.

Scolding bridle. See Branks, 2.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: A check; restrain.
[1913 Webster]
Bridle \Bri"dle\, n. [OE. bridel, AS. bridel; akin to OHG.
britil, brittil, D. breidel, and possibly to E. braid. Cf.
1. The head gear with which a horse is governed and
restrained, consisting of a headstall, a bit, and reins,
with other appendages.
[1913 Webster]

2. A restraint; a curb; a check. --I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Gun.) The piece in the interior of a gun lock, which
holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Naut.)
(a) A span of rope, line, or chain made fast as both ends,
so that another rope, line, or chain may be attached
to its middle.
(b) A mooring hawser.
[1913 Webster]

Bowline bridle. See under Bowline.

Branches of a bridle. See under Branch.

Bridle cable (Naut.), a cable which is bent to a bridle.
See 4, above.

Bridle hand, the hand which holds the bridle in riding; the
left hand.

Bridle path, Bridle way, a path or way for saddle horses
and pack horses, as distinguished from a road for

Bridle port (Naut.), a porthole or opening in the bow
through which hawsers, mooring or bridle cables, etc., are

Bridle rein, a rein attached to the bit.

Bridle road.
(a) Same as Bridle path. --Lowell.
(b) A road in a pleasure park reserved for horseback

Bridle track, a bridle path.

Scolding bridle. See Branks, 2.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: A check; restrain.
[1913 Webster]Bridle \Bri"dle\, v. i.
To hold up the head, and draw in the chin, as an expression
of pride, scorn, or resentment; to assume a lofty manner; --
usually with up. "His bridling neck." --Wordsworth.
[1913 Webster]

By her bridling up I perceived she expected to be
treated hereafter not as Jenny Distaff, but Mrs.
Tranquillus. --Tatler.
[1913 Webster]Bridle \Bri"dle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bridled; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To put a bridle upon; to equip with a bridle; as, to
bridle a horse.
[1913 Webster]

He bridled her mouth with a silkweed twist. --Drake.
[1913 Webster]

2. To restrain, guide, or govern, with, or as with, a bridle;
to check, curb, or control; as, to bridle the passions; to
bridle a muse. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

Savoy and Nice, the keys of Italy, and the citadel
in her hands to bridle Switzerland, are in that
consolidation. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To check; restrain; curb; govern; control; repress;
master; subdue.
[1913 Webster]
Bridle cable
Bridle \Bri"dle\, n. [OE. bridel, AS. bridel; akin to OHG.
britil, brittil, D. breidel, and possibly to E. braid. Cf.
1. The head gear with which a horse is governed and
restrained, consisting of a headstall, a bit, and reins,
with other appendages.
[1913 Webster]

2. A restraint; a curb; a check. --I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Gun.) The piece in the interior of a gun lock, which
holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Naut.)
(a) A span of rope, line, or chain made fast as both ends,
so that another rope, line, or chain may be attached
to its middle.
(b) A mooring hawser.
[1913 Webster]

Bowline bridle. See under Bowline.

Branches of a bridle. See under Branch.

Bridle cable (Naut.), a cable which is bent to a bridle.
See 4, above.

Bridle hand, the hand which holds the bridle in riding; the
left hand.

Bridle path, Bridle way, a path or way for saddle horses
and pack horses, as distinguished from a road for

Bridle port (Naut.), a porthole or opening in the bow
through which hawsers, mooring or bridle cables, etc., are

Bridle rein, a rein attached to the bit.

Bridle road.
(a) Same as Bridle path. --Lowell.
(b) A road in a pleasure park reserved for horseback

Bridle track, a bridle path.

Scolding bridle. See Branks, 2.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: A check; restrain.
[1913 Webster]
Bridle hand
Hand \Hand\ (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw.
hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h["o]nd, Goth. handus, and
perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. Hunt.]
1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in
man and monkeys, and the corresponding part in many other
animals; manus; paw. See Manus.
[1913 Webster]

2. That which resembles, or to some extent performs the
office of, a human hand; as:
(a) A limb of certain animals, as the foot of a hawk, or
any one of the four extremities of a monkey.
(b) An index or pointer on a dial; as, the hour or minute
hand of a clock.
[1913 Webster]

3. A measure equal to a hand's breadth, -- four inches; a
palm. Chiefly used in measuring the height of horses.
[1913 Webster]

4. Side; part; direction, either right or left.
[1913 Webster]

On this hand and that hand, were hangings. --Ex.
xxxviii. 15.
[1913 Webster]

The Protestants were then on the winning hand.
[1913 Webster]

5. Power of performance; means of execution; ability; skill;
[1913 Webster]

He had a great mind to try his hand at a Spectator.
[1913 Webster]

6. Actual performance; deed; act; workmanship; agency; hence,
manner of performance.
[1913 Webster]

To change the hand in carrying on the war.
[1913 Webster]

Gideon said unto God, If thou wilt save Israel by my
hand. --Judges vi.
[1913 Webster]

7. An agent; a servant, or laborer; a workman, trained or
competent for special service or duty; a performer more or
less skillful; as, a deck hand; a farm hand; an old hand
at speaking.
[1913 Webster]

A dictionary containing a natural history requires
too many hands, as well as too much time, ever to be
hoped for. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

I was always reckoned a lively hand at a simile.
[1913 Webster]

8. Handwriting; style of penmanship; as, a good, bad, or
running hand. Hence, a signature.
[1913 Webster]

I say she never did invent this letter;
This is a man's invention and his hand. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Some writs require a judge's hand. --Burril.
[1913 Webster]

9. Personal possession; ownership; hence, control; direction;
management; -- usually in the plural. "Receiving in hand
one year's tribute." --Knolles.
[1913 Webster]

Albinus . . . found means to keep in his hands the
government of Britain. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

10. Agency in transmission from one person to another; as, to
buy at first hand, that is, from the producer, or when
new; at second hand, that is, when no longer in the
producer's hand, or when not new.
[1913 Webster]

11. Rate; price. [Obs.] "Business is bought at a dear hand,
where there is small dispatch." --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

12. That which is, or may be, held in a hand at once; as:
(a) (Card Playing) The quota of cards received from the
(b) (Tobacco Manuf.) A bundle of tobacco leaves tied
[1913 Webster]

13. (Firearms) The small part of a gunstock near the lock,
which is grasped by the hand in taking aim.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Hand is used figuratively for a large variety of acts
or things, in the doing, or making, or use of which the
hand is in some way employed or concerned; also, as a
symbol to denote various qualities or conditions, as:
(a) Activity; operation; work; -- in distinction from the
head, which implies thought, and the heart, which
implies affection. "His hand will be against every
man." --Gen. xvi. 12.
(b) Power; might; supremacy; -- often in the Scriptures.
"With a mighty hand . . . will I rule over you."
--Ezek. xx. 33.
(c) Fraternal feeling; as, to give, or take, the hand; to
give the right hand.
(d) Contract; -- commonly of marriage; as, to ask the
hand; to pledge the hand.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Hand is often used adjectively or in compounds (with or
without the hyphen), signifying performed by the hand;
as, hand blow or hand-blow, hand gripe or hand-gripe:
used by, or designed for, the hand; as, hand ball or
handball, hand bow, hand fetter, hand grenade or
hand-grenade, handgun or hand gun, handloom or hand
loom, handmill or hand organ or handorgan, handsaw or
hand saw, hand-weapon: measured or regulated by the
hand; as, handbreadth or hand's breadth, hand gallop or
hand-gallop. Most of the words in the following
paragraph are written either as two words or in
[1913 Webster]

Hand bag, a satchel; a small bag for carrying books,
papers, parcels, etc.

Hand basket, a small or portable basket.

Hand bell, a small bell rung by the hand; a table bell.

Hand bill, a small pruning hook. See 4th Bill.

Hand car. See under Car.

Hand director (Mus.), an instrument to aid in forming a
good position of the hands and arms when playing on the
piano; a hand guide.

Hand drop. See Wrist drop.

Hand gallop. See under Gallop.

Hand gear (Mach.), apparatus by means of which a machine,
or parts of a machine, usually operated by other power,
may be operated by hand.

Hand glass.
(a) A glass or small glazed frame, for the protection of
(b) A small mirror with a handle.

Hand guide. Same as Hand director (above).

Hand language, the art of conversing by the hands, esp. as
practiced by the deaf and dumb; dactylology.

Hand lathe. See under Lathe.

Hand money, money paid in hand to bind a contract; earnest

Hand organ (Mus.), a barrel organ, operated by a crank
turned by hand.

Hand plant. (Bot.) Same as Hand tree (below). -- {Hand
rail}, a rail, as in staircases, to hold by. --Gwilt.

Hand sail, a sail managed by the hand. --Sir W. Temple.

Hand screen, a small screen to be held in the hand.

Hand screw, a small jack for raising heavy timbers or
weights; (Carp.) a screw clamp.

Hand staff (pl. Hand staves), a javelin. --Ezek. xxxix.

Hand stamp, a small stamp for dating, addressing, or
canceling papers, envelopes, etc.

Hand tree (Bot.), a lofty tree found in Mexico
(Cheirostemon platanoides), having red flowers whose
stamens unite in the form of a hand.

Hand vise, a small vise held in the hand in doing small
work. --Moxon.

Hand work, or Handwork, work done with the hands, as
distinguished from work done by a machine; handiwork.

All hands, everybody; all parties.

At all hands, On all hands, on all sides; from every
direction; generally.

At any hand, At no hand, in any (or no) way or direction;
on any account; on no account. "And therefore at no hand
consisting with the safety and interests of humility."
--Jer. Taylor.

At first hand, At second hand. See def. 10 (above).

At hand.
(a) Near in time or place; either present and within
reach, or not far distant. "Your husband is at hand;
I hear his trumpet." --Shak.
(b) Under the hand or bridle. [Obs.] "Horses hot at
hand." --Shak.

At the hand of, by the act of; as a gift from. "Shall we
receive good at the hand of God and shall we not receive
evil?" --Job ii. 10.

Bridle hand. See under Bridle.

By hand, with the hands, in distinction from
instrumentality of tools, engines, or animals; as, to weed
a garden by hand; to lift, draw, or carry by hand.

Clean hands, freedom from guilt, esp. from the guilt of
dishonesty in money matters, or of bribe taking. "He that
hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger." --Job
xvii. 9.

From hand to hand, from one person to another.

Hand in hand.
(a) In union; conjointly; unitedly. --Swift.
(b) Just; fair; equitable.

As fair and as good, a kind of hand in hand
comparison. --Shak.

Hand over hand, Hand over fist, by passing the hands
alternately one before or above another; as, to climb hand
over hand; also, rapidly; as, to come up with a chase hand
over hand.

Hand over head, negligently; rashly; without seeing what
one does. [Obs.] --Bacon.

Hand running, consecutively; as, he won ten times hand

Hands off! keep off! forbear! no interference or meddling!

Hand to hand, in close union; in close fight; as, a hand to
hand contest. --Dryden.

Heavy hand, severity or oppression.

In hand.
(a) Paid down. "A considerable reward in hand, and . . .
a far greater reward hereafter." --Tillotson.
(b) In preparation; taking place. --Chaucer. "Revels . .
. in hand." --Shak.
(c) Under consideration, or in the course of transaction;
as, he has the business in hand.

In one's hand or In one's hands.
(a) In one's possession or keeping.
(b) At one's risk, or peril; as, I took my life in my

Laying on of hands, a form used in consecrating to office,
in the rite of confirmation, and in blessing persons.

Light hand, gentleness; moderation.

Note of hand, a promissory note.

Off hand, Out of hand, forthwith; without delay,
hesitation, or difficulty; promptly. "She causeth them to
be hanged up out of hand." --Spenser.

Off one's hands, out of one's possession or care.

On hand, in present possession; as, he has a supply of
goods on hand.

On one's hands, in one's possession care, or management.

Putting the hand under the thigh, an ancient Jewish
ceremony used in swearing.

Right hand, the place of honor, power, and strength.

Slack hand, idleness; carelessness; inefficiency; sloth.

Strict hand, severe discipline; rigorous government.

To bear a hand (Naut.), to give help quickly; to hasten.

To bear in hand, to keep in expectation with false
pretenses. [Obs.] --Shak.

To be hand and glove with or To be hand in glove with.
See under Glove.

To be on the mending hand, to be convalescent or improving.

To bring up by hand, to feed (an infant) without suckling

To change hand. See Change.

To change hands, to change sides, or change owners.

To clap the hands, to express joy or applause, as by
striking the palms of the hands together.

To come to hand, to be received; to be taken into
possession; as, the letter came to hand yesterday.

To get hand, to gain influence. [Obs.]

Appetites have . . . got such a hand over them.

To get one's hand in, to make a beginning in a certain
work; to become accustomed to a particular business.

To have a hand in, to be concerned in; to have a part or
concern in doing; to have an agency or be employed in.

To have in hand.
(a) To have in one's power or control. --Chaucer.
(b) To be engaged upon or occupied with.

To have one's hands full, to have in hand all that one can
do, or more than can be done conveniently; to be pressed
with labor or engagements; to be surrounded with

To have the (higher) upper hand, or {To get the (higher)
upper hand}, to have, or get, the better of another person or

To his hand, To my hand, etc., in readiness; already
prepared. "The work is made to his hands." --Locke.

To hold hand, to compete successfully or on even
conditions. [Obs.] --Shak.

To lay hands on, to seize; to assault.

To lend a hand, to give assistance.

To lift the hand against, or {To put forth the hand
against}, to attack; to oppose; to kill.

To live from hand to mouth, to obtain food and other
necessaries as want compels, without previous provision.

To make one's hand, to gain advantage or profit.

To put the hand unto, to steal. --Ex. xxii. 8.

To put the last hand to or To put the finishing hand to,
to make the last corrections in; to complete; to perfect.

To set the hand to, to engage in; to undertake.

That the Lord thy God may bless thee in all that
thou settest thine hand to. --Deut. xxiii.

To stand one in hand, to concern or affect one.

To strike hands, to make a contract, or to become surety
for another's debt or good behavior.

To take in hand.
(a) To attempt or undertake.
(b) To seize and deal with; as, he took him in hand.

To wash the hands of, to disclaim or renounce interest in,
or responsibility for, a person or action; as, to wash
one's hands of a business. --Matt. xxvii. 24.

Under the hand of, authenticated by the handwriting or
signature of; as, the deed is executed under the hand and
seal of the owner.
[1913 Webster]Bridle \Bri"dle\, n. [OE. bridel, AS. bridel; akin to OHG.
britil, brittil, D. breidel, and possibly to E. braid. Cf.
1. The head gear with which a horse is governed and
restrained, consisting of a headstall, a bit, and reins,
with other appendages.
[1913 Webster]

2. A restraint; a curb; a check. --I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Gun.) The piece in the interior of a gun lock, which
holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Naut.)
(a) A span of rope, line, or chain made fast as both ends,
so that another rope, line, or chain may be attached
to its middle.
(b) A mooring hawser.
[1913 Webster]

Bowline bridle. See under Bowline.

Branches of a bridle. See under Branch.

Bridle cable (Naut.), a cable which is bent to a bridle.
See 4, above.

Bridle hand, the hand which holds the bridle in riding; the
left hand.

Bridle path, Bridle way, a path or way for saddle horses
and pack horses, as distinguished from a road for

Bridle port (Naut.), a porthole or opening in the bow
through which hawsers, mooring or bridle cables, etc., are

Bridle rein, a rein attached to the bit.

Bridle road.
(a) Same as Bridle path. --Lowell.
(b) A road in a pleasure park reserved for horseback

Bridle track, a bridle path.

Scolding bridle. See Branks, 2.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: A check; restrain.
[1913 Webster]
Bridle iron
Bridle iron \Bri"dle i`ron\ (Arch.)
A strong flat bar of iron, so bent as to support, as in a
stirrup, one end of a floor timber, etc., where no sufficient
bearing can be had; -- called also stirrup and hanger.
[1913 Webster]
Bridle path
Bridle \Bri"dle\, n. [OE. bridel, AS. bridel; akin to OHG.
britil, brittil, D. breidel, and possibly to E. braid. Cf.
1. The head gear with which a horse is governed and
restrained, consisting of a headstall, a bit, and reins,
with other appendages.
[1913 Webster]

2. A restraint; a curb; a check. --I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Gun.) The piece in the interior of a gun lock, which
holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Naut.)
(a) A span of rope, line, or chain made fast as both ends,
so that another rope, line, or chain may be attached
to its middle.
(b) A mooring hawser.
[1913 Webster]

Bowline bridle. See under Bowline.

Branches of a bridle. See under Branch.

Bridle cable (Naut.), a cable which is bent to a bridle.
See 4, above.

Bridle hand, the hand which holds the bridle in riding; the
left hand.

Bridle path, Bridle way, a path or way for saddle horses
and pack horses, as distinguished from a road for

Bridle port (Naut.), a porthole or opening in the bow
through which hawsers, mooring or bridle cables, etc., are

Bridle rein, a rein attached to the bit.

Bridle road.
(a) Same as Bridle path. --Lowell.
(b) A road in a pleasure park reserved for horseback

Bridle track, a bridle path.

Scolding bridle. See Branks, 2.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: A check; restrain.
[1913 Webster]
Bridle port
Port \Port\, n. [F. porte, L. porta, akin to portus; cf. AS.
porte, fr. L. porta. See Port a harbor, and cf. Porte.]
1. A passageway; an opening or entrance to an inclosed place;
a gate; a door; a portal. [Archaic]
[1913 Webster]

Him I accuse
The city ports by this hath entered. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Form their ivory port the cherubim
Forth issuing. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.) An opening in the side of a vessel; an embrasure
through which cannon may be discharged; a porthole; also,
the shutters which close such an opening.
[1913 Webster]

Her ports being within sixteen inches of the water.
--Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mach.) A passageway in a machine, through which a fluid,
as steam, water, etc., may pass, as from a valve to the
interior of the cylinder of a steam engine; an opening in
a valve seat, or valve face.
[1913 Webster]

Air port, Bridle port, etc. See under Air, Bridle,

Port bar (Naut.), a bar to secure the ports of a ship in a

Port lid (Naut.), a lid or hanging for closing the
portholes of a vessel.

Steam port, & Exhaust port (Steam Engine), the ports of
the cylinder communicating with the valve or valves, for
the entrance or exit of the steam, respectively.
[1913 Webster]Bridle \Bri"dle\, n. [OE. bridel, AS. bridel; akin to OHG.
britil, brittil, D. breidel, and possibly to E. braid. Cf.
1. The head gear with which a horse is governed and
restrained, consisting of a headstall, a bit, and reins,
with other appendages.
[1913 Webster]

2. A restraint; a curb; a check. --I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Gun.) The piece in the interior of a gun lock, which
holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Naut.)
(a) A span of rope, line, or chain made fast as both ends,
so that another rope, line, or chain may be attached
to its middle.
(b) A mooring hawser.
[1913 Webster]

Bowline bridle. See under Bowline.

Branches of a bridle. See under Branch.

Bridle cable (Naut.), a cable which is bent to a bridle.
See 4, above.

Bridle hand, the hand which holds the bridle in riding; the
left hand.

Bridle path, Bridle way, a path or way for saddle horses
and pack horses, as distinguished from a road for

Bridle port (Naut.), a porthole or opening in the bow
through which hawsers, mooring or bridle cables, etc., are

Bridle rein, a rein attached to the bit.

Bridle road.
(a) Same as Bridle path. --Lowell.
(b) A road in a pleasure park reserved for horseback

Bridle track, a bridle path.

Scolding bridle. See Branks, 2.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: A check; restrain.
[1913 Webster]

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