igloo,iglú n: Ritchie
Igloo \Ig"loo\, n.
1. An Eskimo snow house.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) A cavity, or excavation, made in the snow by a
seal, over its breathing hole in the ice.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an Eskimo hut; usually built of blocks (of sod or snow) in
the shape of a dome [syn: igloo, iglu]
podobné slovodefinícia
igloo,iglú n: Ritchie
n 1: an Eskimo hut; usually built of blocks (of sod or snow) in
the shape of a dome [syn: igloo, iglu]

A Scheme interpreter, compiler and {run-time
system} by Manuel Serrano which aims
to deliver small, fast stand-alone applications. It
supports modules and optimisation. Bigloo's features
enable Scheme programs to be used where C or C++ might
usually be required.

The Bigloo compiler produces ANSI C which is compiled into
stand-alone executables, JVM bytecode, or .{NET
bytecode}. Hence Bigloo enables Scheme programs to interwork
with C, Java and C# programs.

Bigloo conforms to the IEEE Scheme standard with some
extensions for regular expression handling. It runs on
Sun, Sony News, SGI, Linux, HP-UX and is easy to
port to any Unix system.

Bigloo Home (


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