iglu, n:
n 1: an Eskimo hut; usually built of blocks (of sod or snow) in
the shape of a dome [syn: igloo, iglu]
podobné slovodefinícia
Anguillula acetiglutinis
Vinegar \Vin"e*gar\, n. [OE. vinegre, F. vinaigre; vin wine (L.
vinum) + aigre sour. See Wine, and Eager, a.]
1. A sour liquid used as a condiment, or as a preservative,
and obtained by the spontaneous (acetous) fermentation, or
by the artificial oxidation, of wine, cider, beer, or the
[1913 Webster]

Note: The characteristic sourness of vinegar is due to acetic
acid, of which it contains from three to five per cent.
Wine vinegar contains also tartaric acid, citric acid,
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence, anything sour; -- used also metaphorically.
[1913 Webster]

Here's the challenge: . . . I warrant there's
vinegar and pepper in't. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Aromatic vinegar, strong acetic acid highly flavored with
aromatic substances.

Mother of vinegar. See 4th Mother.

Radical vinegar, acetic acid.

Thieves' vinegar. See under Thief.

Vinegar eel (Zool.), a minute nematode worm ({Leptodera
oxophila}, or Anguillula acetiglutinis), commonly found
in great numbers in vinegar, sour paste, and other
fermenting vegetable substances; -- called also {vinegar

Vinegar lamp (Chem.), a fanciful name of an apparatus
designed to oxidize alcohol to acetic acid by means of

Vinegar plant. See 4th Mother.

Vinegar tree (Bot.), the stag-horn sumac (Rhus typhina),
whose acid berries have been used to intensify the
sourness of vinegar.

Wood vinegar. See under Wood.
[1913 Webster]
Indiglucin \In`di*glu"cin\, n. [Indican + glucin.] (Chem.)
The variety of sugar (glucose) obtained from the glucoside
indican. It is unfermentable, but reduces Fehling's solution.
[1913 Webster]
Semiglutin \Sem`i*glu"tin\, n. (Physiol. Chem.)
A peptonelike body, insoluble in alcohol, formed by boiling
collagen or gelatin for a long time in water. Hemicollin, a
like body, is also formed at the same time, and differs from
semiglutin by being partly soluble in alcohol.
[1913 Webster]

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