Compression \Com*pres"sion\, n. [L. compressio: cf. F.
1. The act of compressing, or state of being compressed.
"Compression of thought." --Johnson.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Computers) reduction of the space required for storage
(of binary data) by an algorithm which converts the data
to a smaller number of bits while preserving the
information content. The act of compressing [3].

Note: Compression may be lossless compression, in which all
of the information in the original data is preserved,
and the original data may be recovered in form
identical to its original form; or lossy compression,
in which some of the information in the original data
is lost, and decompression results in a data form
slightly different from the original. {Lossy
compression} is used, for example, to compress audio or
video recordings, and sometimes images, where the
slight differences in the original data and the data
recovered after lossy compression may be
imperceptable to the human eye or ear. The JPEG
format is produced by a lossy compression algorithm.
JPEG \JPEG\ n. [Acronym from Joint Picture Experts Group.]
A standardized format for storing graphic data in binary
computer files, allowing over 16 million different colors. It
allows for lossy compression, i. e. the compression of data
into a form which re-expands into an image close, but not
identical to the original image. Files stored in this format
usually carry the extension jpg or jpeg. Compare GIF.
Joint Photographic Experts Group

(JPEG) The original name
of the committee that designed the standard image
compression algorithm. JPEG is designed for compressing
either full-colour or grey-scale digital images of
"natural", real-world scenes. It does not work so well on
non-realistic images, such as cartoons or line drawings. JPEG
does not handle compression of black-and-white (1
bit-per-pixel) images or moving pictures. Standards for
compressing those types of images are being worked on by other
committees, named JBIG and MPEG.


Filename extension: .jpg, .jpeg.

See also PJPEG.

Joint Photographics Expert Group (org., JTC1, RFC 1521, JPEG)
podobné slovodefinícia
Joint Photographic Experts Group

(JPEG) The original name
of the committee that designed the standard image
compression algorithm. JPEG is designed for compressing
either full-colour or grey-scale digital images of
"natural", real-world scenes. It does not work so well on
non-realistic images, such as cartoons or line drawings. JPEG
does not handle compression of black-and-white (1
bit-per-pixel) images or moving pictures. Standards for
compressing those types of images are being worked on by other
committees, named JBIG and MPEG.


Filename extension: .jpg, .jpeg.

See also PJPEG.

jpeg file interchange format
JPEG File Interchange Format

(JFIF) The technical name for the file
format better known as JPEG. This term is used only when
the difference between the JPEG file format and the JPEG image
compression algorithm is crucial.


A potential successor to JPEG with
better compression and multiresolution images. JPEG-2000
gives reasonable quality down to 0.1 bits/pixel (JPEG quality
drops dramatically below about 0.4 bits/pixel).

Moving JPEG
Motion JPEG

(M-JPEG) A compression technique for
moving images which applies JPEG still image compression
to each frame of a moving picture sequence.

Play-back requires a machine capable of decompressing and
displaying each JPEG image quickly enough to sustain the
required frame rate of the picture sequence.

There is no standard for Moving JPEG as with JPEG, but there
are JPEG compression chips (for example see {Zoran
(}) which are designed to work at
television frame rates and resolutions.

See also MPEG and MPEG2.

motion jpeg
Moving JPEG
Motion JPEG

(M-JPEG) A compression technique for
moving images which applies JPEG still image compression
to each frame of a moving picture sequence.

Play-back requires a machine capable of decompressing and
displaying each JPEG image quickly enough to sustain the
required frame rate of the picture sequence.

There is no standard for Moving JPEG as with JPEG, but there
are JPEG compression chips (for example see {Zoran
(}) which are designed to work at
television frame rates and resolutions.

See also MPEG and MPEG2.

moving jpeg
Moving JPEG
Motion JPEG

(M-JPEG) A compression technique for
moving images which applies JPEG still image compression
to each frame of a moving picture sequence.

Play-back requires a machine capable of decompressing and
displaying each JPEG image quickly enough to sustain the
required frame rate of the picture sequence.

There is no standard for Moving JPEG as with JPEG, but there
are JPEG compression chips (for example see {Zoran
(}) which are designed to work at
television frame rates and resolutions.

See also MPEG and MPEG2.

Progressive JPEG

(PJPEG) An implementation of JPEG
that supports progressive coding.

[Standards documents?]

progressive jpeg
Progressive JPEG

(PJPEG) An implementation of JPEG
that supports progressive coding.

[Standards documents?]

Joint Photographics Expert Group (org., JTC1, RFC 1521, JPEG)

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