LCC,Lifecycle Cost [zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad

Language for Conversational Computing. Written at CMU in
the 1960's. Similar to JOSS, with declarations, pointers
and block structure from ALGOL 60. Implemented for {IBM
360}/IBM 370 under TSS.

["LCC Reference Manual", H.R. Van Zoeren, CMU 196]9.

A hand-coded, retargetable compiler for
ANSI C written by Dave Hanson . lcc's
parser is faster than yacc and the code it generates is
"as good as GCC".

Version 1.8 includes a compiler, test suite and
documentation. lcc has been ported to Vax, commercial
backends for MIPS, SPARC, 68000 are cheap for
universities. Chop is a code generator for use with lcc.


E-mail: .

["A Retargetable C Compiler: Design and Implementation",
Addison-Wesley, 1995, ISBN 0-8053-1670-1].

Local Control Center
podobné slovodefinícia
LCC,Lifecycle Cost [zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad

Language for Conversational Computing. Written at CMU in
the 1960's. Similar to JOSS, with declarations, pointers
and block structure from ALGOL 60. Implemented for {IBM
360}/IBM 370 under TSS.

["LCC Reference Manual", H.R. Van Zoeren, CMU 196]9.

A hand-coded, retargetable compiler for
ANSI C written by Dave Hanson . lcc's
parser is faster than yacc and the code it generates is
"as good as GCC".

Version 1.8 includes a compiler, test suite and
documentation. lcc has been ported to Vax, commercial
backends for MIPS, SPARC, 68000 are cheap for
universities. Chop is a code generator for use with lcc.


E-mail: .

["A Retargetable C Compiler: Design and Implementation",
Addison-Wesley, 1995, ISBN 0-8053-1670-1].

University of London Computing Centre

(ULCC) One of the UK's national high
performance computing centres. It provides networking
services and large-scale computing facilities which are used
by researchers from all over the UK.

ULCC was founded in 1968 to provide a service for education
and research. It has been at the forefront of advanced
research computing since its foundation, initially providing
large-scale CDC-based facilities, then from 1982 to 1991 a
national Cray vector supercomputing service. Its high
performance computing facilities are now centred on a 6
processor, 4 Gbyte Convex C3860 supercomputer (Neptune)
with a Convex C3200 front-end (Pluto).

ULCC is the main site for national and international network
connections in the UK. They run the {Network Operations and
Service Centre} for the JANET Internet Protocol Service
(JIPS), the largest of the JANET NOCs and various
international links and relays on behalf of UKERNA.

ULCC's pilot National Data Repository service provides a
network-accessible digital archive and filestore, based on a
robotic tape system with 6 terabytes of storage. Although the
data is stored on tape, you can access it very quickly, as if
it were on-line. It is made available to you via high-speed
links to the JANET and SuperJANET networks.


Local Control Center
LAN Client Control Manager (IBM, LAN)
Plastic Leaded [/ Leadless] Chip Carrier
University of London Computer Center (org., UK)

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