Malpighia \Mal*pi"ghi*a\, n. [NL. See Malpighian.] (Bot.)
A genus of tropical American shrubs with opposite leaves and
small white or reddish flowers. The drupes of {Malpighia
glabra} (formerly Malpighia urens) are eaten under the name
of Barbadoes cherries.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: type genus of the Malpighiaceae [syn: Malpighia, {genus
podobné slovodefinícia
malpighian body
malpighian body, n:
malpighian corpuscle
malpighian corpuscle, n:
malpighian layer
malpighian layer, n:
Malpighia glabra
Malpighia \Mal*pi"ghi*a\, n. [NL. See Malpighian.] (Bot.)
A genus of tropical American shrubs with opposite leaves and
small white or reddish flowers. The drupes of {Malpighia
glabra} (formerly Malpighia urens) are eaten under the name
of Barbadoes cherries.
[1913 Webster]Malpighia glabra \Malpighia glabra\ prop. n. (Bot.)
THe species name of the acerola, also called {barbados
cherry}, a tropical American shrub bearing edible cherrylike
acid red fruit.

Syn: barbados cherry, acerola, Surinam cherry, West Indian
[WordNet 1.5]
Malpighia obovata
jiqui \jiqui\ n.
A Cuban timber tree (Malpighia obovata) with hard wood very
resistant to moisture.

Syn: Malpighia obovata.
[WordNet 1.5]
Malpighia urens
Malpighia \Mal*pi"ghi*a\, n. [NL. See Malpighian.] (Bot.)
A genus of tropical American shrubs with opposite leaves and
small white or reddish flowers. The drupes of {Malpighia
glabra} (formerly Malpighia urens) are eaten under the name
of Barbadoes cherries.
[1913 Webster]
Malpighiaceous \Mal*pi`ghi*a"ceous\, a. (Bot.)
Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order of tropical
trees and shrubs (Malpighiaceae), some of them climbing
plants, and their stems forming many of the curious lianes of
South American forests.
[1913 Webster]
Malpighian \Mal*pi"ghi*an\, a. (Anat.)
Of, pertaining to, or discovered by, Marcello Malpighi, an
Italian anatomist of the 17th century.
[1913 Webster]

Malpighian capsules or Malpighian corpuscles (Anatomy),
the globular dilatations, containing the glomeruli or
Malpighian tufts, at the extremities of the urinary
tubules of the kidney.

Malpighian corpuscles of the spleen, masses of adenoid
tissue connected with branches of the splenic artery.
[1913 Webster]
malpighian body
malpighian body \malpighian body\ n. (Anatomy),
The capsule that contains a glomerulus at the expanded end of
a nephron; also called malpighian corpuscle and {Malpighian
[WordNet 1.5]
Malpighian capsule
malpighian body \malpighian body\ n. (Anatomy),
The capsule that contains a glomerulus at the expanded end of
a nephron; also called malpighian corpuscle and {Malpighian
[WordNet 1.5]
Malpighian capsules
Malpighian \Mal*pi"ghi*an\, a. (Anat.)
Of, pertaining to, or discovered by, Marcello Malpighi, an
Italian anatomist of the 17th century.
[1913 Webster]

Malpighian capsules or Malpighian corpuscles (Anatomy),
the globular dilatations, containing the glomeruli or
Malpighian tufts, at the extremities of the urinary
tubules of the kidney.

Malpighian corpuscles of the spleen, masses of adenoid
tissue connected with branches of the splenic artery.
[1913 Webster]
malpighian corpuscle
malpighian body \malpighian body\ n. (Anatomy),
The capsule that contains a glomerulus at the expanded end of
a nephron; also called malpighian corpuscle and {Malpighian
[WordNet 1.5]malpighian corpuscle \malpighian corpuscle\ n. (Anatomy),
See malpighian body.

Syn: malpighian body, Malpighian capsule.
[WordNet 1.5]
Malpighian corpuscles
Malpighian \Mal*pi"ghi*an\, a. (Anat.)
Of, pertaining to, or discovered by, Marcello Malpighi, an
Italian anatomist of the 17th century.
[1913 Webster]

Malpighian capsules or Malpighian corpuscles (Anatomy),
the globular dilatations, containing the glomeruli or
Malpighian tufts, at the extremities of the urinary
tubules of the kidney.

Malpighian corpuscles of the spleen, masses of adenoid
tissue connected with branches of the splenic artery.
[1913 Webster]
Malpighian corpuscles of the spleen
Malpighian \Mal*pi"ghi*an\, a. (Anat.)
Of, pertaining to, or discovered by, Marcello Malpighi, an
Italian anatomist of the 17th century.
[1913 Webster]

Malpighian capsules or Malpighian corpuscles (Anatomy),
the globular dilatations, containing the glomeruli or
Malpighian tufts, at the extremities of the urinary
tubules of the kidney.

Malpighian corpuscles of the spleen, masses of adenoid
tissue connected with branches of the splenic artery.
[1913 Webster]
malpighian layer
malpighian layer \malpighian layer\ n. (Anatomy),
The innermost layer of the epidermis.

Syn: stratum germinativum, rete Malpighii.
[WordNet 1.5]
family malpighiaceae
family Malpighiaceae
n 1: tropical shrubs or trees [syn: Malpighiaceae, {family
genus malpighia
genus Malpighia
n 1: type genus of the Malpighiaceae [syn: Malpighia, {genus
n 1: type genus of the Malpighiaceae [syn: Malpighia, {genus
malpighia glabra
Malpighia glabra
n 1: tropical American shrub bearing edible acid red fruit
resembling cherries [syn: barbados cherry, acerola,
Surinam cherry, West Indian cherry, Malpighia glabra]
malpighia obovata
Malpighia obovata
n 1: Cuban timber tree with hard wood very resistant to moisture
[syn: jiqui, Malpighia obovata]
n 1: tropical shrubs or trees [syn: Malpighiaceae, {family
malpighian body
malpighian body
n 1: the capsule that contains Bowman's capsule and a glomerulus
at the expanded end of a nephron [syn: malpighian body,
malpighian corpuscle, renal corpuscle]
malpighian corpuscle
malpighian corpuscle
n 1: the capsule that contains Bowman's capsule and a glomerulus
at the expanded end of a nephron [syn: malpighian body,
malpighian corpuscle, renal corpuscle]
malpighian layer
malpighian layer
n 1: the innermost layer of the epidermis [syn: {stratum
germinativum}, stratum basale, malpighian layer, {rete

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