Mohammed,Mohammed n: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož
a automatický překlad
Mohammed,Mohammedn: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Mohammed \Mohammed\ (m[=o]*h[a^]m"m[e^]d) n. ['The praised
one'.] [Also spelled Mahomed, Mahomet, Muhammad (the
Arabic form), Mahmoud, Mehemet, etc.]
The prophet who founded Islam (570-632).

Syn: Muhammad, Mahomet, Mahmoud.
[WordNet 1.5] Mohammed (or Mahomet (ma*hom"et)) was born
at Mecca, Arabia, about 570: died at Medina, Arabia,
June 8, 632. He was the founder of Mohammedanism, or
Islam ('surrender,' namely, to God). He was the
posthumous son of Abdallah by his wife Amina, of the
family of Hashim, the noblest among the Koreish, and was
brought up in the desert among the Banu Saad by a
Bedouin woman named Halima. At the age of six he lost
his mother, and at eight his grandfather, when he was
cared for by his uncle Abu-Talib. When about twelve
years old (582) he accompanied a caravan to Syria, and
may on this occasion have come for the first time in
contact with Jews and Christians. A few years later he
took part in the "sacrilegious war" (so called because
carried on during the sacred months, when fighting was
forbidden) which raged between the Koreish and the Banu
Hawazin 580-590. He attended sundry preachings and
recitations at Okatz, which may have awakened his
poetical and rhetorical powers and his religious
feelings; and for some time was occupied as a shepherd,
to which he later refers as being in accordance with his
career as a prophet, even as it was with that of Moses
and David. When twenty-five years old he entered the
service of the widow Khadijah, and made a second journey
to Syria, on which he again had an opportunity to come
in frequent contact with Jews and Christians, and to
acquire some knowledge of their religious teachings. He
soon married Khadijah, who was fifteen years his senior.
Of the six children which she bore him, Fatima became
the most famous. In 605 he attained some influence in
Mecca by settling a dispute about the rebuilding of the
Kaaba. The impressions which he had gathered from his
contact with Judaism and Christianity, and from Arabic
lore, began now strongly to engage his mind. He
frequently retired to solitary places, especially to the
cave of Mount Hira, north of Mecca. He passed at that
time (he was then about forty years old) through great
mental struggles, and repeatedly meditated suicide. It
must have been during these lonely contemplations that
the yearnings for a messenger from God for his people,
and the thought that he himself might be destined for
this mission, were born in his ardent mind. During one
of his reveries, in the month of Ramadan, 610, he beheld
in sleep the angel Gabriel, who ordered him to read from
a scroll which he held before him the words which begin
the 96th sura (chapter) of the Koran. After the lapse of
some time, a second vision came, and then the
revelations began to follow one another frequently. His
own belief in his mission as apostle and prophet of God
was now firmly established. The first convert was his
wife Khadijah, then followed his cousin and adopted son
Ali, his other adopted son Zeid, and Abu-Bekr, afterward
his father-in-law and first successor (calif). Gradually
about 60 adherents rallied about him. But after three
years' preaching the mass of the Meccans rose against
him, so that part of his followers had to resort to
Abyssinia for safety in 614. This is termed the first
hejira. Mohammed in the meanwhile continued his meetings
in the house of one of his disciples, Arqaan, in front
of the Kaaba, which later became known as the "House of
Islam." At one time he offered the Koreish a compromise,
admitting their gods into his system as intercessors
with the Supreme Being, but, becoming
conscience-stricken, took back his words. The conversion
of Hamza and Omar and 39 others in 615-616 strengthened
his cause. The Koreish excommunicated Mohammed and his
followers, who were forced to live in retirement. In
620, at the pilgrimage, he won over to his teachings a
small party from Medina. In Medina, whither a teacher
was deputed, the new religion spread rapidly. To this
period belongs the vision or dream of the miraculous
ride, on the winged horse Borak, to Jerusalem, where he
was received by the prophets, and thence ascended to
heaven. In 622 more than 70 persons from Medina bound
themselves to stand by Mohammed. The Meccans proposed to
kill him, and he fled on the 20th of June, 622, to
Medina. This is known as the hejira ('the flight'), and
marks the beginning of the Mohammedan era. This event
formed a turning-point in the activity of Mohammed. He
was thus far a religious preacher and persuader; he
became in his Medinian period a legislator and warrior.
He built there in 623 the first mosque, and married
Ayesha. In 624 the first battle for the faith took place
between Mohammed and the Meccans in the plain of Bedr,
in which the latter were defeated. At this time, also,
Mohammed began bitterly to inveigh against the Jews, who
did not recognize his claims to be the "greater prophet"
promised by Moses. He changed the attitude of prayer
(kibla) from the direction of Jerusalem to that of the
Kaaba in Mecca, appointed Friday as the day for public
worship, and instituted the fast of Ramadan and the
tithe or poor-rate. The Jewish tribe of the Banu
Kainuka, settled at Medina, was driven out; while of
another Jewish tribe, the Banu Kuraiza, all the men, 700
in number, were massacred. In 625 Mohammed and his
followers were defeated by the Meccans in the battle of
Ohud. The following years were filled out with
expeditions. One tribe after another submitted to
Mohammed, until in 631 something like a definite
Mohammedan empire was established. In 632 the prophet
made his last pilgrimage to Mecca, known as the
"farewell pilgrimage," or the pilgrimage of the
"announcement" or of "Islam." In the same year he died
while planning an expedition against the frontier of the
Byzantine empire. Mohammed was a little above the middle
height, of a commanding figure, and is described as
being of a modest, tender, and generous disposition. His
manner of life was very simple and frugal. He mended his
own clothes, and his common diet was barley-bread and
water. But he enjoyed perfumes and the charms of women.
His character appears composed of the strongest
inconsistencies. He could be tender, kind, and liberal,
but on occasions indulged in cruel and perfidious
assassinations. With regard to his prophetic claims, it
is as difficult to assume that he was sincere
throughout, or self-deceived, as that he was throughout
an impostor. In his doctrines there is practically
nothing original. The legends of the Koran are chiefly
drawn from the Old Testament and the rabbinical
literature, which Mohammed must have learned from a Jew
near Mecca, though he presents them as original
revelations by the angel Gabriel, See Koran.
[Century Dict. 1906]
n 1: the Arab prophet who, according to Islam, was the last
messenger of Allah (570-632) [syn: Mohammed, Mohammad,
Muhammad, Mahomet, Mahound]
podobné slovodefinícia
Mohammed,Mohammed n: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož
a automatický překlad
mohammed ali
Mohammed Ali,
Mohammedan,mohamedán n: Zdeněk BrožMohammedan,mohamedanský adj: Zdeněk Brož
Mohammed,Mohammedn: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Mohammedan \Mo*ham"med*an\, a. [From Mohammed, fr. Ar.
muh['a]mmad praiseworthy, highly praised.]
Of or pertaining to Mohammed, or the religion and
institutions founded by Mohammed; in the latter sense,
synonymous with Islamic, the term preferred by Moslems.
[Written also Mahometan, Mahomedan, Muhammadan, etc.]
[1913 Webster +PJC]Mohammedan \Mo*ham"med*an\, n.
A follower of Mohammed, the founder of Islam (also called
Islamism or Mohammedanism); an adherent of Islam; one who
professes Mohammedanism or Islamism; a Muslim; a Moslem; a
Musselman; -- this term is used mostly by non-Moslems, and
some Moslems find it offensive. [Written also Muhammadan,
Mahometan, Mahomedan, etc.]
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Mohammedan calendar
Mohammedan calendar \Mo*ham"med*an cal"en*dar\
A lunar calendar reckoning from the year of the hegira
(hejira), 622 a. d. Thirty of its years constitute a cycle,
of which the 2d, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 18th, 21st,
24th, 26th, and 29th are leap years, having 355 days; the
others are common, having 354 days.

Note: By the following tables any Mohammedan date may be
changed into the Christian date, or vice versa, for the
years 1900-1935 a. d.
Months of the Mohammedan year.
1 Muharram . . . .. 30 2 Safar . . . . . . .. 29 3
Rabia I . . . . . . 30 4 Rabia II . . . .. 29 5 Jumada
I . . . .. 30 6 Jumada II . . . . 29 7 Rajab . . . . .
. .. 30 8 Shaban . . . . . . . 29 9 Ramadan . . . . . .
30 10 Shawwal . . . . . . 29 11 Zu'lkadah . . . . 30 12
Zu'lhijjah . . . 29* * in leap year, 30 days
a. h. a. d. a. h. a. d.
1317 begins May 12, 1899 1336* begins Oct.17, 1917
1318 May 1, 1900 1337 Oct. 7, 1918
1319* Apr.20, 1901 1338* Sept.26,1919
1320 Apr.10, 1902 1339 Sept.15,1920
1321+ Mar.30, 1903 1340 Sept.4, 1921
1322* Mar.18, 1904 1341* Aug.24, 1922
1323 Mar. 8, 1905 1342 Aug.14, 1923
1324 Feb.25, 1906 1343 Aug. 2, 1924
1325* Feb.14, 1907 1344* July 22,1925
1326 Feb. 4, 1908 1345 July 12,1926
1327* Jan.23, 1909 1346* July 1, 1927
1328 Jan.13, 1910 1347 June 20,1928
1329 Jan. 2, 1911 1348 June 9, 1929
1330* Dec.22, 1911 1349* May 29, 1930
1331 Dec.11, 1912 1350 May 19, 1931
1332 Nov.30, 1913 1351++ May 7, 1932
1333* Nov.19, 1914 1352* Apr.26, 1933
1334 Nov. 9, 1915 1353 Apr.16, 1934
1335 Oct.28, 1916 1354 Apr. 5, 1935

* Leap year + First year of the 45th cycle
++ First year of the 46th cycle
The following general rule for finding the date of
commencement of any Mohammedan year has a maximum error
of a day: Multiply 970,224 by the Mohammedan year,
point off six decimal places, and add 621.5774. The
whole number will be the year a. d., and the decimal
multiplied by 365 will give the day of the year.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Note: The Mohammedan calendar is one of the most primitive.
It is strictly a Lunar calendar, the year consisting of
twelve lunar months, which retrograde through the
seasons in about 321/2 years. To reconcile the lunar
cycle to a given number of complete days, a leap year
is introduced on the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th,
18th, 21st, 24th, 26th and 29th years of a thirty year
cycle, making these years consist of 355 days instead
of 354. The names of the months and the number of days
are: 1, Muharram (30); 2, Saphar (29); 3, Rabia I (30);
4, Rabia II (29); 5, Jomada I (30); 6, Jomada II (29);
7, Rajah (30); 8, Shaaban (29); 9, Ramadan (30); 10,
Shawaal (29); 11, Dulkasda (30); and 12, Dulheggia (29
or 30). The years are calculated from July 16, 622
A.D., the day following the Hegira, the flight of
Mohammed from Mecca to Medina after an attempted
assassination. The beginning of the 46th cycle, with
the first day of Muharram, in the year 1351, compares
to May 7, 1932 of the Gregorian calendar; continuing:
1365 Dec. 6, 1945 1366 Nov. 25, 1946 1367 Nov. 15, 1947
1368 Nov. 3, 1948 1369 Oct. 24, 1949 1370 Oct. 13, 1950
1371 Oct. 2, 1951 1372 Sept. 21, 1952 1373 Sept. 10,
1953 1374 Aug. 30, 1954 To find the Gregorian
equivalent to any Mohammedan date multiply 970,224 by
the Mohammedan year, point off six decimal places and
add 621.5774. The whole number will be the year A.D.,
and the decimal multiplied by 365 will be the day of
the year.
Mohammedan Era
Mohammedan Era \Mohammedan Era\ prop. n.
The era in use in Moslem countries. See Mohammedan year,
[Webster 1913 Suppl.] Mohammedanism
Mohammedan year
Mohammedan year \Mohammedan year\ prop. n.
The year used by Mohammedans, consisting of twelve lunar
months without intercalation, so that they retrograde through
all the seasons in about 321/2 years. The Mohammedan era
begins with the year 622 a. d., the first day of the
Mohammedan year 1332 being Nov. 30, 1913, acording to the
Gregorian calendar.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Mohammedanism \Mo*ham"med*an*ism\, Mohammedism \Mo*ham"med*ism\
, prop. n.
The religion, or doctrines and precepts, of Mohammed,
contained in the Koran; Islamism; Islam. The term Islam is
preferred by most Moslems, and some find the term
Mohammedanism to be offensive, as they worship Allah, not
[1913 Webster +PJC] Mohammedanize
Mohammedanize \Mo*ham"med*an*ize\, Mohammedize \Mo*ham"med*ize\
, prop. v. t.
To make conformable to the principles, or customs and rites,
of Mohammedanism. [Written also Mahometanize.]
[1913 Webster]
Mohammedanism \Mo*ham"med*an*ism\, Mohammedism \Mo*ham"med*ism\
, prop. n.
The religion, or doctrines and precepts, of Mohammed,
contained in the Koran; Islamism; Islam. The term Islam is
preferred by most Moslems, and some find the term
Mohammedanism to be offensive, as they worship Allah, not
[1913 Webster +PJC] Mohammedanize
Mohammedanize \Mo*ham"med*an*ize\, Mohammedize \Mo*ham"med*ize\
, prop. v. t.
To make conformable to the principles, or customs and rites,
of Mohammedanism. [Written also Mahometanize.]
[1913 Webster]
abul-walid mohammed ibn-ahmad ibn-mohammed ibn-roshd
Abul-Walid Mohammed ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Mohammed ibn-Roshd
n 1: Arabian philosopher born in Spain; wrote detailed
commentaries on Aristotle that were admired by the
Schoolmen (1126-1198) [syn: Averroes, ibn-Roshd, {Abul-
Walid Mohammed ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Mohammed ibn-Roshd}]
n 1: a terrorist organization founded in 2000; a militant
Islamic group active in Kashmir and closely aligned with
al-Rashid Trust; seeks to secure release of imprisoned
fellow militants by kidnappings [syn: Jaish-i-Mohammed,
Jaish-e-Muhammad, JEM, Army of Muhammad]
n 1: the Arab prophet who, according to Islam, was the last
messenger of Allah (570-632) [syn: Mohammed, Mohammad,
Muhammad, Mahomet, Mahound]
mohammed ali
Mohammed Ali
n 1: Albanian soldier in the service of Turkey who was made
viceroy of Egypt and took control away from the Ottoman
Empire and established Egypt as a modern state (1769-1849)
[syn: Mohammed Ali, Mehemet Ali, Muhammad Ali]
mohammed reza pahlavi
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
n 1: Shah of Iran who was deposed in 1979 by Islamic
fundamentalists (1919-1980) [syn: Pahlavi, {Mohammed Reza
Pahlavi}, Shah Pahlavi, Pahlevi, {Mohammed Reza
mohammed reza pahlevi
Mohammed Reza Pahlevi
n 1: Shah of Iran who was deposed in 1979 by Islamic
fundamentalists (1919-1980) [syn: Pahlavi, {Mohammed Reza
Pahlavi}, Shah Pahlavi, Pahlevi, {Mohammed Reza
adj 1: of or relating to the Arabian prophet Muhammad or to the
religion he founded [syn: Muhammadan, Mohammedan]
n 1: a follower of Mohammed [syn: Mohammedan, Muhammedan,
mohammedan calendar
Mohammedan calendar
n 1: the lunar calendar used by Muslims; dates from 622 AD (the
year of the Hegira); the beginning of the Muslim year
retrogresses through the solar year completing the cycle
every 32 years [syn: Islamic calendar, {Muhammadan
calendar}, Mohammedan calendar, Moslem calendar,
Muslim calendar]
n 1: the monotheistic religious system of Muslims founded in
Arabia in the 7th century and based on the teachings of
Muhammad as laid down in the Koran; "Islam is a complete
way of life, not a Sunday religion"; "the term
Muhammadanism is offensive to Muslims who believe that
Allah, not Muhammad, founded their religion" [syn: Islam,
Islamism, Mohammedanism, Muhammadanism, Muslimism]
mullah mohammed omar
Mullah Mohammed Omar
n 1: reclusive Afghanistani politician and leader of the Taliban
who imposed a strict interpretation of shariah law on
Afghanistan (born in 1960) [syn: Mullah Omar, {Mullah
Mohammed Omar}]
mohammed al-khawarizmi
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi
Mohammed Al-Khawarizmi
Muhammad al-Khwarizmi

An astronomer, geographer and mathematician, born around
780 CE in Khwarizm (modern Khiva), south of the Aral Sea.
Khawarizmi founded algebra and algorithms (named after him),
synthesised Greek and Hindu knowledge, introducing the Indian
system of numerals (now known as Arabic numerals), developed
operations on fractions, trigonometric tables containing the
sine functions, the calculus of two errors and the decimal
system, explained the use of zero, perfected the geometric
representation of conic sections, collaborated in the degree
measurements aimed at measuring of volume and circumference of the
Earth and produced the first map of the known world in 830 CE. He
died around 850 CE.




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