Narcissus \Nar*cis"sus\ (n[aum]r*s[i^]s"s[u^]s), n.; pl.
Narcissuses. [L. narcissus, and (personified) Narcissus,
Gr. na`rkissos, Na`rkissos, fr. na`rkh torpor, in allusion to
the narcotic properties of the flower. Cf. Narcotic.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A genus of endogenous bulbous plants with handsome
flowers, having a cup-shaped crown within the six-lobed
perianth, and comprising the daffodils and jonquils of
several kinds.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Classical Myth.) (Capitalized)A beautiful youth fabled to
have been enamored of his own image as seen in a fountain,
and to have been changed into the flower called Narcissus.
[1913 Webster]
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