natica \nat"i*ca\, n.; pl. naticas, L. naticae (-s[=e]).
Any one of numerous species of marine gastropods belonging to
Natica, Lunatia, Neverita, and other allied genera
(family Naticidae.) They burrow beneath the sand, or mud,
and drill other shells.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
fanatical,fanatický adj:
fanatically,fanaticky adv:
Fanatical \Fa*nat"ic*al\, a.
Characteristic of, or relating to, fanaticism; fanatic.
-Fa*nat"ic*al*ly, adv. -- Fa*nat"ic*al*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Fanatical \Fa*nat"ic*al\, a.
Characteristic of, or relating to, fanaticism; fanatic.
-Fa*nat"ic*al*ly, adv. -- Fa*nat"ic*al*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Fanatical \Fa*nat"ic*al\, a.
Characteristic of, or relating to, fanaticism; fanatic.
-Fa*nat"ic*al*ly, adv. -- Fa*nat"ic*al*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Morganatic \Mor`ga*nat"ic\, a. [LL. matrimonium ad morganaticam,
fr. morganatica a morning gift, a kind of dowry paid on the
morning before or after the marriage, fr. OHG. morgan
morning, in morgangeba morning gift, G. morgengabe. See
Pertaining to, in the manner of, or designating, a kind of
marriage, called also left-handed marriage, between a man
of superior rank and a woman of inferior, in which it is
stipulated that neither the latter nor her children shall
enjoy the rank or inherit the possessions of her husband.
--Brande & C. -- Mor`ga*nat"ic*al*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
natica \nat"i*ca\, n.; pl. naticas, L. naticae (-s[=e]).
Any one of numerous species of marine gastropods belonging to
Natica, Lunatia, Neverita, and other allied genera
(family Naticidae.) They burrow beneath the sand, or mud,
and drill other shells.
[1913 Webster]
natica \nat"i*ca\, n.; pl. naticas, L. naticae (-s[=e]).
Any one of numerous species of marine gastropods belonging to
Natica, Lunatia, Neverita, and other allied genera
(family Naticidae.) They burrow beneath the sand, or mud,
and drill other shells.
[1913 Webster]
natica \nat"i*ca\, n.; pl. naticas, L. naticae (-s[=e]).
Any one of numerous species of marine gastropods belonging to
Natica, Lunatia, Neverita, and other allied genera
(family Naticidae.) They burrow beneath the sand, or mud,
and drill other shells.
[1913 Webster]
Venatica \Ve*nat"i*ca\, n.
See Vinatico.
[1913 Webster]
Venatic \Ve*nat"ic\, Venatical \Ve*nat"ic*al\, a. [L. venaticus,
fr. venatus hunting, fr. venari, p. p. venatus, to hunt.]
Of or pertaining to hunting; used in hunting. [R.] "
Venatical pleasure." --Howell.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion
to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist" [syn: fanatic,
fanatical, overzealous, rabid]
adv 1: in a passionately fanatic manner; "he followed the
teachings of his guru fanatically"

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