Nilotic, adj:
Nilotic \Ni*lot"ic\, a. [L. Niloticus, fr. Nilus the Nile, Gr.
?: cf. F. nilotique.]
Of or pertaining to the river Nile; as, the Nilotic
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to the Nile River or the people living
near it
2: of or relating to or constituting the Nilotic group of
languages; "Nilotic syntax"
n 1: a group of languages of East Africa belonging to the Chari-
Nile group [syn: Nilotic, Nilotic language]
podobné slovodefinícia
Nilotic, adj:
Crocodilus Niloticus
Crocodile \Croc"o*dile\ (kr[o^]k"[-o]*d[imac]l; 277), n. [L.
crocodilus, Gr. kroko`deilos: cf. F. crocodile. Cf.
1. (Zool.) A large reptile of the genus Crocodilus, of
several species. They grow to the length of sixteen or
eighteen feet, and inhabit the large rivers of Africa,
Asia, and America. The eggs, laid in the sand, are hatched
by the sun's heat. The best known species is that of the
Nile (Crocodilus vulgaris, or Crocodilus Niloticus).
The Florida crocodile (Crocodilus Americanus) is much
less common than the alligator and has longer jaws. The
name is also sometimes applied to the species of other
related genera, as the gavial and the alligator.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Logic) A fallacious dilemma, mythically supposed to have
been first used by a crocodile.
[1913 Webster]

Crocodile bird (Zool.), an African plover ({Pluvianus
[ae]gypticus}) which alights upon the crocodile and
devours its insect parasites, even entering its open mouth
(according to reliable writers) in pursuit of files, etc.;
-- called also Nile bird. It is the trochilos of
ancient writers.

Crocodile tears, false or affected tears; hypocritical
sorrow; -- derived from the fiction of old travelers, that
crocodiles shed tears over their prey.
[1913 Webster]
Lates Niloticus
Lates \La"tes\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? a fish of the Nile.] (Zool.)
A genus of large percoid fishes, of which one species ({Lates
Niloticus}) inhabits the Nile, and another ({Lates
calcarifer}) is found in the Ganges and other Indian rivers.
They are valued as food fishes.
[1913 Webster]
Varanus Niloticus
Monitor \Mon"i*tor\, n. [L., fr. monere. See Monition, and cf.
1. One who admonishes; one who warns of faults, informs of
duty, or gives advice and instruction by way of reproof or
[1913 Webster]

You need not be a monitor to the king. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence, specifically, a pupil selected to look to the
school in the absence of the instructor, to notice the
absence or faults of the scholars, or to instruct a
division or class.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Any large Old World lizard of the genus Varanus;
esp., the Egyptian species (Varanus Niloticus), which is
useful because it devours the eggs and young of the
crocodile. It is sometimes five or six feet long.
[1913 Webster]

4. [So called from the name given by Captain Ericson, its
designer, to the first ship of the kind.] An ironclad war
vessel, very low in the water, and having one or more
heavily-armored revolving turrets, carrying heavy guns.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Mach.) A tool holder, as for a lathe, shaped like a low
turret, and capable of being revolved on a vertical pivot
so as to bring successively the several tools in holds
into proper position for cutting.
[1913 Webster]

6. A monitor nozzle.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Monitor top, the raised central portion, or clearstory, of
a car roof, having low windows along its sides.
[1913 Webster]
Vulpes Niloticus
Tahaleb \Ta*ha"leb\, n. [From the native name.] (Zool.)
A fox (Vulpes Niloticus) of Northern Africa.
[1913 Webster]
crocodylus niloticus
Crocodylus niloticus
n 1: a dangerous crocodile widely distributed in Africa [syn:
African crocodile, Nile crocodile, {Crocodylus
adj 1: of or relating to the Nile River or the people living
near it
2: of or relating to or constituting the Nilotic group of
languages; "Nilotic syntax"
n 1: a group of languages of East Africa belonging to the Chari-
Nile group [syn: Nilotic, Nilotic language]
nilotic language
Nilotic language
n 1: a group of languages of East Africa belonging to the Chari-
Nile group [syn: Nilotic, Nilotic language]
tilapia nilotica
Tilapia nilotica
n 1: important food fish of the Nile and other rivers of Africa
and Asia Minor [syn: bolti, Tilapia nilotica]
varanus niloticus
Varanus niloticus
n 1: destroys crocodile eggs [syn: African monitor, {Varanus

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