Paco \Pa"co\, Pacos \Pa"cos\, n. [Sp. paco, fr. Peruv. paco. Cf.
1. (Zool.) Same as Alpaca.
[1913 Webster]

2. [Peruv. paco, pacu, red, reddish, reddish ore containing
silver; perh. a different word.] (Min.) An earthy-looking
ore, consisting of brown oxide of iron with minute
particles of native silver. --Ure.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Lama paco
Alpaca \Al*pac"a\, n. [Sp. alpaca, fr. the original Peruvian
name of the animal. Cf. Paco.]
1. (Zool.) An animal of Peru (Lama paco), having long,
fine, wooly hair, supposed by some to be a domesticated
variety of the llama.
[1913 Webster]

2. Wool of the alpaca.
[1913 Webster]

3. A thin kind of cloth made of the wooly hair of the alpaca,
often mixed with silk or with cotton.
[1913 Webster]
Opacous \O*pa"cous\, a. [L. opacus. See Opaque.]
Opaque. [R.] --Milton. -- O*pa"cous*ness, n. [R.]
[1913 Webster]
Opacous \O*pa"cous\, a. [L. opacus. See Opaque.]
Opaque. [R.] --Milton. -- O*pa"cous*ness, n. [R.]
[1913 Webster]
Paco \Pa"co\, Pacos \Pa"cos\, n. [Sp. paco, fr. Peruv. paco. Cf.
1. (Zool.) Same as Alpaca.
[1913 Webster]

2. [Peruv. paco, pacu, red, reddish, reddish ore containing
silver; perh. a different word.] (Min.) An earthy-looking
ore, consisting of brown oxide of iron with minute
particles of native silver. --Ure.
[1913 Webster]
Semiopacous \Sem`i*o*pa"cous\, a.
[1913 Webster]
Space \Space\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Spaced; p. pr. & vb. n.
Spacong.] [Cf. F. espacer. See Space, n.] (Print.)
To arrange or adjust the spaces in or between; as, to space
words, lines, or letters.
[1913 Webster]
lama pacos
Lama pacos
n 1: domesticated llama with long silky fleece; believed to be a
domesticated variety of the guanaco [syn: alpaca, {Lama
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