- Pakistan
- PAK, PK, Pakistan
- PAK, PK, Pakistan
Pakistan,Pákistán n: [zem.]
Pakistan \Pakistan\ prop. n.
A country in South Asia formerly part of British India.

Syn: West Pakistan.
[WordNet 1.5]

Note: Data on Pakistan from the CIA WOrld Factbook, 1996
Geography: Location: Southern Asia, bordering the
Arabian Sea, between India and Iran Geographic
coordinates: 30 00 N, 70 00 E Map references: Asia
Area: total area: 803,940 sq km land area: 778,720 sq
km comparative area: slightly less than twice the size
of California Land boundaries: total: 6,774 km border
countries: Afghanistan 2,430 km, China 523 km, India
2,912 km, Iran 909 km Coastline: 1,046 km Maritime
claims: contiguous zone: 24 nm continental shelf: 200
nm or to the edge of the continental margin exclusive
economic zone: 200 nm territorial sea: 12 nm
International disputes: status of Kashmir with India;
border dispute with Afghanistan (Durand Line);
water-sharing problems over the Indus (Wular Barrage)
with upstream riparian India Climate: mostly hot, dry
desert; temperate in northwest; arctic in north
Terrain: flat Indus plain in east; mountains in north
and northwest; Balochistan plateau in west lowest
point: Indian Ocean 0 m highest point: K2 (Mt.
Godwin-Austen) 8,611 m Natural resources: land,
extensive natural gas reserves, limited petroleum, poor
quality coal, iron ore, copper, salt, limestone Land
use: arable land: 23% permanent crops: 0% meadows and
pastures: 6% forest and woodland: 4% other: 67% (1993)
Irrigated land: 170,000 sq km (1992) Environment:
current issues: water pollution from raw sewage,
industrial wastes, and agricultural runoff; limited
natural fresh water resources; a majority of the
population does not have access to potable water;
deforestation; soil erosion; desertification natural
hazards: frequent earthquakes, occasionally severe
especially in north and west; flooding along the Indus
after heavy rains (July and August) international
agreements: party to - Biodiversity, Climate Change,
Endangered Species, Environmental Modification,
Hazardous Wastes, Nuclear Test Ban, Ozone Layer
Protection, Ship Pollution, Wetlands; signed, but not
ratified - Desertification, Law of the Sea, Marine Life
Conservation Geographic note: controls Khyber Pass and
Bolan Pass, traditional invasion routes between Central
Asia and the Indian Subcontinent People: Population:
129,275,660 (July 1996 est.) Age structure: 0-14 years:
42% (male 28,286,823; female 26,640,019) 15-64 years:
53% (male 35,396,281; female 33,733,798) 65 years and
over: 5% (male 2,621,721; female 2,597,018) (July 1996
est.) Population growth rate: 2.24% (1996 est.) Birth
rate: 36.16 births/1,000 population (1996 est.) Death
rate: 11.22 deaths/1,000 population (1996 est.) Net
migration rate: -2.6 migrant(s)/1,000 population (1996
est.) Sex ratio: at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female under 15
years: 1.06 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 1.05
male(s)/female 65 years and over: 1.01 male(s)/female
all ages: 1.05 male(s)/female (1996 est.) Infant
mortality rate: 96.8 deaths/1,000 live births (1996
est.) Life expectancy at birth: total population: 58.46
years male: 57.7 years female: 59.25 years (1996 est.)
Total fertility rate: 5.25 children born/woman (1996
est.) Nationality: noun: Pakistani(s) adjective:
Pakistani Ethnic divisions: Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtun
(Pathan), Baloch, Muhajir (immigrants from India and
their descendants) Religions: Muslim 97% (Sunni 77%,
Shi'a 20%), Christian, Hindu, and other 3% Languages:
Punjabi 48%, Sindhi 12%, Siraiki (a Punjabi variant)
10%, Pashtu 8%, Urdu (official) 8%, Balochi 3%, Hindko
2%, Brahui 1%, English (official and lingua franca of
Pakistani elite and most government ministries),
Burushaski, and other 8% Literacy: age 15 and over can
read and write (1995 est.) total population: 37.8%
male: 50% female: 24.4% Government: Name of country:
conventional long form: Islamic Republic of Pakistan
conventional short form: Pakistan former: West Pakistan
Data code: PK Type of government: republic Capital:
Islamabad Administrative divisions: 4 provinces, 1
territory*, and 1 capital territory**; Balochistan,
Federally Administered Tribal Areas*, Islamabad Capital
Territory**, North-West Frontier, Punjab, Sindh note:
the Pakistani-administered portion of the disputed
Jammu and Kashmir region includes Azad Kashmir and the
Northern Areas Independence: 14 August 1947 (from UK)
National holiday: Pakistan Day, 23 March (1956)
(proclamation of the republic) Constitution: 10 April
1973, suspended 5 July 1977, restored with amendments
30 December 1985 Legal system: based on English common
law with provisions to accommodate Pakistan's stature
as an Islamic state; accepts compulsory ICJ
jurisdiction, with reservations Suffrage: 21 years of
age; universal; separate electorates and reserved
parliamentary seats for non-Muslims Executive branch:
chief of state: President Sardar Farooq LEGHARI (since
13 November 1993) was elected for a five-year term by
Parliament; election last held 13 November 1993 (next
to be held no later than 14 October 1998); results -
LEGHARI was elected by Parliament and the four
provincial assemblies head of government: Prime
Minister Benazir BHUTTO (since 19 October 1993) was
elected by the National Assembly cabinet: Cabinet was
elected by the National Assembly Legislative branch:
bicameral Parliament (Majlis-e-Shoora) Senate:
elections last held NA March 1994 (next to be held NA
March 1997); results - percent of vote by party NA;
seats - (87 total) PPP 22, PML/N 17; Tribal Area
Representatives (nonparty) 8, ANP 6, PML/J 5, JWP 5,
MQM/A 5, JUI/F 2, PKMAP 2, JI 2, NPP 2, BNM/H 1, BNM/M
1, JUP/NI 1, JUP/NO 1, JAH 1, JUI/S 1, PML/F 1, PNP 1,
independents 2, vacant 1 National Assembly: elections
last held 6 October 1993 (next to be held by October
1998); results - percent of vote by party NA; seats -
(217 total) PPP 92, PML/N 75, PML/J 6, IJM-Islamic
Democratic Front 4, ANP 3, PKMAP 4, PIF 3, JWP 2, MDM
2, BNM/H 1, BNM/M 1, NDA 1, NPP 1, PKQP 1, religious
minorities 10 reserved seats, independents 9, results
pending 2 Judicial branch: Supreme Court, judicial
chiefs are appointed by the president; Federal Islamic
(Shari'at) Court Political parties and leaders:
government: Pakistan People's Party (PPP), Benazir
BHUTTO; Pakistan Muslim League, Junejo faction (PML/J),
Hamid Nasir CHATTHA; National People's Party (NPP),
Ghulam Mustapha JATOI; Pakhtun Khwa Milli Awami Party
(PKMAP), Mahmood Khan ACHAKZAI; Balochistan National
Movement, Hayee Group (BNM/H), Dr. HAYEE Baluch;
National Democratic Alliance (NDA); Pakhtun Quami Party
(PKQP), Mohammed AFZAL Khan opposition: Pakistan Muslim
League, Nawaz Sharif faction (PML/N), Nawaz SHARIF;
Awami National Party (ANP), Ajmal Khan KHATTAK;
Pakistan Islamic Front (PIF); Balochistan National
Movement, Mengal Group (BNM/M), Sardar Akhtar MENGAL;
Mohajir Quami Movement, Altaf faction (MQM/A), Altaf
HUSSAIN; Jamiat-al-Hadith (JAH); Jamhoori Watan Party
(JWP), Akbar Khan BUGTI frequently shifting: Mutaheda
Deeni Mahaz (MDM), Maulana Sami-ul-HAQ, the MDM
includes Jamiat Ulema-i-Pakistan, Niazi faction
(JUP/NI) and Anjuman Sepah-i-Sahaba Pakistan (ASSP);
Islami-Jamhoori-Mahaz (IJM-Islamic Democratic Front)
includes Jamiat Ulema-i-Islami, Fazlur Rehman group
(JUI/F); Pakistan Muslim League, Functional Group
(PML/F), Pir PAGARO; Pakistan National Party (PNP);
Milli Yakjheti Council (MYC) is an umbrella
organization which includes Jamaat-i-Islami (JI), Qazi
Hussain AHMED, Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam, Sami-ul-Haq
faction (JUI/S), Tehrik-I-Jafria Pakistan (TJP), Allama
Sajid NAQVI, and Jamiat Ulema-i-Pakistan, Noorani
faction (JUP/NO) note: political alliances in Pakistan
can shift frequently Other political or pressure
groups: military remains important political force;
ulema (clergy), landowners, industrialists, and small
merchants also influential International organization
participation: AsDB, C, CCC, CP, ECO, ESCAP, FAO, G-19,
Intelsat, Interpol, IOC, IOM, ISO, ITU, MINURSO, NAM,
WCL, WFTU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WToO, WTrO Diplomatic
representation in US: chief of mission: Ambassador
Maleeha LODHI chancery: 2315 Massachusetts Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20008 telephone: [1] (202) 939-6200 FAX:
[1] (202) 387-0484 consulate(s) general: Los Angeles
and New York US diplomatic representation: chief of
mission: Ambassador Thomas SIMONS, Jr. embassy:
Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 5, Islamabad mailing address:
P. O. Box 1048, Unit 6220, APO AE 09812-2200 telephone:
[92] (51) 826161 through 826179 FAX: [92] (51) 214222
consulate(s) general: Karachi, Lahore consulate(s):
Peshawar Flag: green with a vertical white band
(symbolizing the role of religious minorities) on the
hoist side; a large white crescent and star are
centered in the green field; the crescent, star, and
color green are traditional symbols of Islam Economy
Economic overview: Pakistan is a poor, highly populated
Third World country struggling to make the difficult
transition to the modern world of high technology and
internationalized markets. Prime Minister Benazir
BHUTTO has been under pressure from the IMF and other
donors to continue the economic reforms and austerity
measures begun by her predecessor, caretaker Prime
Minister Moeen QURESHI (July-October 1993). The IMF
suspended a $1.5 billion Enhanced Structural Adjustment
Facility (ESAF) in mid-1995 because Pakistan slowed the
pace of economic reform. Islamabad's most recent budget
-- announced in June 1995 -- reversed some reforms
agreed to by the IMF earlier that year, including a
slowing of tariff reform. In mid-December 1995,
however, the IMF approved a $600 million standby
arrangement and urged Pakistan to move forward with
economic liberalization. Islamabad has agreed to new
economic targets with the IMF, which could lay the
basis for a return to an ESAF in 1996. Little progress
was made in the privatization of large state-owned
units in 1995. The sale of the power plant Kot Addu -
scheduled for April 1995 - was stalled by opposition
from labor unions. The sale of a 26% share of United
Bank Limited and the Pakistan Telecommunications
Corporation to strategic investors was due to take
place in 1995 but has been pushed back to 1996. On the
plus side real GDP grew 4.7% in 1995, up from 3.9% in
1994: GDP should grow even faster in 1996 as a result
of an above average cotton crop. Secondly, Islamabad
reduced the budget deficit to 5.6% of GDP at the end of
FY94/95, down from 8% two years earlier. Thirdly,
Pakistan attracted $1.6 billion in foreign direct and
portfolio investment in FY94/95, more than double
inflows of $650 million in the previous fiscal year;
financial agreements were reached on five power
projects in 1995, including the 1,300-MW $1.8 billion
Hab River project. Despite these improvements, the
economy remains vulnerable to crisis. Foreign exchange
reserves fell dramatically in 1995, reaching a low of
about $1 billion in early December 1995 -- only five
weeks of import cover -- before rising to $1.5 billion
by yearend. The trade deficit rose to $2 billion for
the first six months of FY94/95, triple the deficit of
$600 million during the same period in FY93/94. The
government responded to this situation with a package
of stabilization reforms on 28 October 1995 which
included a 7% devaluation of the rupee, supplementary
duties of 10% on many imports, and higher petroleum
prices. Islamabad hopes these moves will help make its
exports more competitive. For the long run, Pakistan
must deal with serious problems of deteriorating
infrastructure, low literacy levels, and persistent law
and order problems in Karachi. GDP: purchasing power
parity - $274.2 billion (1995 est.) GDP real growth
rate: 4.7% (1995 est.) GDP per capita: $2,100 (1995
est.) GDP composition by sector: agriculture: 24%
industry: 27% services: 49% (1995 est.) Inflation rate
(consumer prices): 13% (1995 est.) Labor force: 36
million by occupation: agriculture 46%, mining and
manufacturing 18%, services 17%, other 19% note:
extensive export of labor Unemployment rate: NA%
Budget: revenues: $11.9 billion expenditures: $12.4
billion, including capital expenditures of $NA
(FY94/95) Industries: textiles, food processing,
beverages, construction materials, clothing, paper
products, shrimp Industrial production growth rate: 5%
(1995 est.) Electricity: capacity: 12,530,000 kW (1995)
production: 43.3 billion kWh (1995) consumption per
capita: 389 kWh (1993) Agriculture: cotton, wheat,
rice, sugarcane, fruits, vegetables; milk, beef,
mutton, eggs Illicit drugs: major illicit producer of
opium and hashish for the international drug trade;
remains world's fourth largest opium producer (155
metric tons in 1995); major center for processing
Afghan heroin and key transit area for Southwest Asian
heroin moving to Western market Exports: $8.7 billion
(1995 est.) commodities: cotton, textiles, clothing,
rice, leather, carpets partners: US, Japan, Hong Kong,
Germany, UK, UAE, France Imports: $10.7 billion (1995
est.) commodities: petroleum, petroleum products,
machinery, transportation equipment, vegetable oils,
animal fats, chemicals partners: Japan, US, Germany,
UK, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, South Korea External debt:
$26 billion (1995 est.) Economic aid: recipient: ODA,
$697 million (1993) note: $2.5 billion (includes
bilateral and multilateral aid but no US commitments)
(FY93/94); $3 billion (includes bilateral and
multilateral aid but no US commitments) (FY94/95)
Currency: 1 Pakistani rupee (PRe) = 100 paisa Exchange
rates: Pakistani rupees (PRs) per US$1 - 34.339
(January 1996), 31.643 (1995), 30.567 (1994), 28.107
(1993), 25.083 (1992), 23.801 (1991) Fiscal year: 1
July - 30 June Transportation: Railways: total: 8,163
km broad gauge: 7,718 km 1.676-m gauge (293 km
electrified; 1,037 km double track) narrow gauge: 445
km 1.000-m gauge; 661 km less than 1.000-m gauge (1995
est.) Highways: total: 205,304 km paved: 104,735 km
unpaved: 100,569 km (1995 est.) Pipelines: crude oil
250 km; petroleum products 885 km; natural gas 4,044 km
(1987) Ports: Karachi, Port Muhammad bin Qasim Merchant
marine: total: 24 ships (1,000 GRT or over) totaling
345,606 GRT/560,641 DWT ships by type: bulk 3, cargo
19, oil tanker 1, passenger-cargo 1 (1995 est.)
Airports: total: 100 with paved runways over 3,047 m:
12 with paved runways 2,438 to 3,047 m: 19 with paved
runways 1,524 to 2,437 m: 25 with paved runways 914 to
1,523 m: 11 with paved runways under 914 m: 18 with
unpaved runways 1,524 to 2,437 m: 7 with unpaved
runways 914 to 1,523 m: 8 (1995 est.) Heliports: 6
(1995 est.) Communications: Telephones: 1.572 million
(1993 est.) Telephone system: the domestic system is
mediocre, but adequate for government and business use,
in part because major businesses have established their
own private systems; since 1988, the government has
promoted investment in the national telecommunications
system on a priority basis; despite major improvements
in trunk and urban systems, telecommunication services
are still not readily available to the major portion of
the population domestic: microwave radio relay
international: satellite earth stations - 3 Intelsat (1
Atlantic Ocean and 2 Indian Ocean); microwave radio
relay to neighboring countries Radio broadcast
stations: AM 26, FM 8, shortwave 11 Radios: 11.3
million (1992 est.) Television broadcast stations: 29
Televisions: 2.08 million (1993 est.) Defense:
Branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Civil Armed Forces,
National Guard Manpower availability: males age 15-49:
30,519,339 males fit for military service: 18,720,175
males reach military age (17) annually: 1,437,208 (1996
est.) Defense expenditures: exchange rate conversion -
$3.1 billion, 5.3% of GDP (FY95/96)
n 1: a Muslim republic that occupies the heartland of ancient
south Asian civilization in the Indus River valley;
formerly part of India; achieved independence from the
United Kingdom in 1947 [syn: Pakistan, {Islamic Republic
of Pakistan}, West Pakistan]
podobné slovodefinícia
- Pakistan
- PAK, PK, Pakistan
- PAK, PK, Pakistan
east pakistani
East Pakistani, adj:
Pakistan,Pákistán n: [zem.]
Pakistani,Pákistánec n: Petr PrášekPakistani,pákistánský adj: Martin Král
Pakistanis,Pákistánci n: pl. obyvatelé Pákistánu Martin Král
west pakistan
West Pakistan,
Pakistani \Pakistani\ prop. adj.
Of or relating to Pakistan or its people or language; as,
Pakistani mountain passes.
[WordNet 1.5]Pakistani \Pakistani\ prop. n.
A native or inhabitant of Pakistan.
[WordNet 1.5]
capital of pakistan
capital of Pakistan
n 1: the capital of Pakistan in the north on a plateau; the site
was chosen in 1959 [syn: Islamabad, {capital of
east pakistan
East Pakistan
n 1: a Muslim republic in southern Asia bordered by India to the
north and west and east and the Bay of Bengal to the south;
formerly part of India and then part of Pakistan; it
achieved independence in 1971 [syn: Bangladesh, {People's
Republic of Bangladesh}, Bangla Desh, East Pakistan]
east pakistani
East Pakistani
adj 1: of or relating to or characteristic of Bangladesh or its
people or language; "Bangladeshi dialects" [syn:
Bangladeshi, East Pakistani]
islamic republic of pakistan
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
n 1: a Muslim republic that occupies the heartland of ancient
south Asian civilization in the Indus River valley;
formerly part of India; achieved independence from the
United Kingdom in 1947 [syn: Pakistan, {Islamic Republic
of Pakistan}, West Pakistan]
n 1: a Muslim republic that occupies the heartland of ancient
south Asian civilization in the Indus River valley;
formerly part of India; achieved independence from the
United Kingdom in 1947 [syn: Pakistan, {Islamic Republic
of Pakistan}, West Pakistan]
adj 1: of or relating to Pakistan or its people or language;
"Pakistani mountain passes"; "Pakistani soldiers"
n 1: a native or inhabitant of Pakistan
pakistani monetary unit
Pakistani monetary unit
n 1: monetary unit in Pakistan
pakistani rupee
Pakistani rupee
n 1: the basic unit of money in Pakistan; equal to 100 paisa
[syn: Pakistani rupee, rupee]
west pakistan
West Pakistan
n 1: a Muslim republic that occupies the heartland of ancient
south Asian civilization in the Indus River valley;
formerly part of India; achieved independence from the
United Kingdom in 1947 [syn: Pakistan, {Islamic Republic
of Pakistan}, West Pakistan]

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