Persia,Persia n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Persia,Persie n: [zem.] Petr Prášek
Persia,Persian: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
n 1: an empire in southern Asia created by Cyrus the Great in
the 6th century BC and destroyed by Alexander the Great in
the 4th century BC [syn: Persia, Persian Empire]
2: a theocratic Islamic republic in the Middle East in western
Asia; Iran was the core of the ancient empire that was known
as Persia until 1935; rich in oil [syn: Iran, {Islamic
Republic of Iran}, Persia]
podobné slovodefinícia
- Farsí, perzský, Peržan, perzský jazyk
Persia,Persia n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překladPersia,Persie n: [zem.] Petr Prášek
persian,perský adj: Zdeněk BrožPersian,Peršan n: Zdeněk BrožPersian,perština n: Zdeněk Brož
persian cat
Persian cat,perská kočka Petr Prášek
persian gulf
Persian Gulf,Perský záliv [zem.] Petr Prášek
persian lamb
Persian lamb,
Persia,Persian: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Persian \Per"sian\, n.
1. A native or inhabitant of Persia.
[1913 Webster]

2. The language spoken in Persia. Ancient Persian of the 3rd
to 10th centuries is also called Pahlavi, and modern
Persian is also called Farsi.
[1913 Webster + PJC]

3. A thin silk fabric, used formerly for linings. --Beck.
[1913 Webster]

4. pl. (Arch.) See Persian columns, under Persian, a.
[1913 Webster]Persian \Per"sian\, a. [From Persia: cf. It. Persiano. Cf.
Parsee, Peach, Persic.]
Of or pertaining to Persia, to the Persians, or to their
[1913 Webster]

Persian berry, the fruit of Rhamnus infectorius, a kind
of buckthorn, used for dyeing yellow, and imported chiefly
from Trebizond.

Persian cat. (Zool.) Same as Angora cat, under Angora.

Persian columns (Arch.), columns of which the shaft
represents a Persian slave; -- called also Persians. See

Persian drill (Mech.), a drill which is turned by pushing a
nut back and forth along a spirally grooved drill holder.

Persian fire (Med.), malignant pustule.

Persian powder. See Insect powder, under Insect.

Persian red. See Indian red
(a), under Indian.

Persian wheel, a noria; a tympanum. See Noria.
[1913 Webster]
Persian berry
Persian \Per"sian\, a. [From Persia: cf. It. Persiano. Cf.
Parsee, Peach, Persic.]
Of or pertaining to Persia, to the Persians, or to their
[1913 Webster]

Persian berry, the fruit of Rhamnus infectorius, a kind
of buckthorn, used for dyeing yellow, and imported chiefly
from Trebizond.

Persian cat. (Zool.) Same as Angora cat, under Angora.

Persian columns (Arch.), columns of which the shaft
represents a Persian slave; -- called also Persians. See

Persian drill (Mech.), a drill which is turned by pushing a
nut back and forth along a spirally grooved drill holder.

Persian fire (Med.), malignant pustule.

Persian powder. See Insect powder, under Insect.

Persian red. See Indian red
(a), under Indian.

Persian wheel, a noria; a tympanum. See Noria.
[1913 Webster]
Persian cat
Persian \Per"sian\, a. [From Persia: cf. It. Persiano. Cf.
Parsee, Peach, Persic.]
Of or pertaining to Persia, to the Persians, or to their
[1913 Webster]

Persian berry, the fruit of Rhamnus infectorius, a kind
of buckthorn, used for dyeing yellow, and imported chiefly
from Trebizond.

Persian cat. (Zool.) Same as Angora cat, under Angora.

Persian columns (Arch.), columns of which the shaft
represents a Persian slave; -- called also Persians. See

Persian drill (Mech.), a drill which is turned by pushing a
nut back and forth along a spirally grooved drill holder.

Persian fire (Med.), malignant pustule.

Persian powder. See Insect powder, under Insect.

Persian red. See Indian red
(a), under Indian.

Persian wheel, a noria; a tympanum. See Noria.
[1913 Webster]
Persian columns
Persian \Per"sian\, a. [From Persia: cf. It. Persiano. Cf.
Parsee, Peach, Persic.]
Of or pertaining to Persia, to the Persians, or to their
[1913 Webster]

Persian berry, the fruit of Rhamnus infectorius, a kind
of buckthorn, used for dyeing yellow, and imported chiefly
from Trebizond.

Persian cat. (Zool.) Same as Angora cat, under Angora.

Persian columns (Arch.), columns of which the shaft
represents a Persian slave; -- called also Persians. See

Persian drill (Mech.), a drill which is turned by pushing a
nut back and forth along a spirally grooved drill holder.

Persian fire (Med.), malignant pustule.

Persian powder. See Insect powder, under Insect.

Persian red. See Indian red
(a), under Indian.

Persian wheel, a noria; a tympanum. See Noria.
[1913 Webster]
Persian drill
Persian \Per"sian\, a. [From Persia: cf. It. Persiano. Cf.
Parsee, Peach, Persic.]
Of or pertaining to Persia, to the Persians, or to their
[1913 Webster]

Persian berry, the fruit of Rhamnus infectorius, a kind
of buckthorn, used for dyeing yellow, and imported chiefly
from Trebizond.

Persian cat. (Zool.) Same as Angora cat, under Angora.

Persian columns (Arch.), columns of which the shaft
represents a Persian slave; -- called also Persians. See

Persian drill (Mech.), a drill which is turned by pushing a
nut back and forth along a spirally grooved drill holder.

Persian fire (Med.), malignant pustule.

Persian powder. See Insect powder, under Insect.

Persian red. See Indian red
(a), under Indian.

Persian wheel, a noria; a tympanum. See Noria.
[1913 Webster]
Persian fire
Persian \Per"sian\, a. [From Persia: cf. It. Persiano. Cf.
Parsee, Peach, Persic.]
Of or pertaining to Persia, to the Persians, or to their
[1913 Webster]

Persian berry, the fruit of Rhamnus infectorius, a kind
of buckthorn, used for dyeing yellow, and imported chiefly
from Trebizond.

Persian cat. (Zool.) Same as Angora cat, under Angora.

Persian columns (Arch.), columns of which the shaft
represents a Persian slave; -- called also Persians. See

Persian drill (Mech.), a drill which is turned by pushing a
nut back and forth along a spirally grooved drill holder.

Persian fire (Med.), malignant pustule.

Persian powder. See Insect powder, under Insect.

Persian red. See Indian red
(a), under Indian.

Persian wheel, a noria; a tympanum. See Noria.
[1913 Webster]
Persian manna
Manna \Man"na\ (m[a^]n"n[.a]), n. [L., fr. Gr. ma`nna, Heb.
m[=a]n; cf. Ar. mann, properly, gift (of heaven).]
1. (Script.) The food supplied to the Israelites in their
journey through the wilderness of Arabia; hence, divinely
supplied food. --Ex. xvi. 15.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A name given to lichens of the genus Lecanora,
sometimes blown into heaps in the deserts of Arabia and
Africa, and gathered and used as food; called also {manna
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot. & Med.) A sweetish exudation in the form of pale
yellow friable flakes, coming from several trees and
shrubs and used in medicine as a gentle laxative, as the
secretion of Fraxinus Ornus, and {Fraxinus
rotundifolia}, the manna ashes of Southern Europe.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Persian manna is the secretion of the camel's thorn
(see Camel's thorn, under Camel); Tamarisk manna,
that of the Tamarisk mannifera, a shrub of Western
Asia; Australian, manna, that of certain species of
eucalyptus; Brian[,c]on manna, that of the European
[1913 Webster]

Manna insect (Zool), a scale insect ({Gossyparia
mannipara}), which causes the exudation of manna from the
Tamarix tree in Arabia.
[1913 Webster]
Persian powder
Insect \In"sect\ ([i^]n"s[e^]kt), n. [F. insecte, L. insectum,
fr. insectus, p. p. of insecare to cut in. See Section. The
name was originally given to certain small animals, whose
bodies appear cut in, or almost divided. Cf. Entomology.]
1. (Zool.) One of the Insecta; esp., one of the Hexapoda. See
[1913 Webster]

Note: The hexapod insects pass through three stages during
their growth, viz., the larva, pupa, and imago or
adult, but in some of the orders the larva differs
little from the imago, except in lacking wings, and the
active pupa is very much like the larva, except in
having rudiments of wings. In the higher orders, the
larva is usually a grub, maggot, or caterpillar,
totally unlike the adult, while the pupa is very
different from both larva and imago and is inactive,
taking no food.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any air-breathing arthropod, as a spider or
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Any small crustacean. In a wider sense, the word
is often loosely applied to various small invertebrates.
[1913 Webster]

4. Fig.: Any small, trivial, or contemptible person or thing.
[1913 Webster]

Insect powder,a powder used for the extermination of
insects; esp., the powdered flowers of certain species of
Pyrethrum, a genus now merged in Chrysanthemum. Called
also Persian powder.
[1913 Webster]Persian \Per"sian\, a. [From Persia: cf. It. Persiano. Cf.
Parsee, Peach, Persic.]
Of or pertaining to Persia, to the Persians, or to their
[1913 Webster]

Persian berry, the fruit of Rhamnus infectorius, a kind
of buckthorn, used for dyeing yellow, and imported chiefly
from Trebizond.

Persian cat. (Zool.) Same as Angora cat, under Angora.

Persian columns (Arch.), columns of which the shaft
represents a Persian slave; -- called also Persians. See

Persian drill (Mech.), a drill which is turned by pushing a
nut back and forth along a spirally grooved drill holder.

Persian fire (Med.), malignant pustule.

Persian powder. See Insect powder, under Insect.

Persian red. See Indian red
(a), under Indian.

Persian wheel, a noria; a tympanum. See Noria.
[1913 Webster]
Persian red
Indian \In"di*an\ (?; 277), a. [From India, and this fr. Indus,
the name of a river in Asia, L. Indus, Gr. ?, OPers. Hindu,
name of the land on the Indus, Skr. sindhu river, the Indus.
Cf. Hindu.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Of or pertaining to India proper; also to the East Indies,
or, sometimes, to the West Indies.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to the aborigines, or Indians, of
America; as, Indian wars; the Indian tomahawk.
[1913 Webster]

3. Made of maize or Indian corn; as, Indian corn, Indian
meal, Indian bread, and the like. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Indian bay (Bot.), a lauraceous tree (Persea Indica).

Indian bean (Bot.), a name of the catalpa.

Indian berry. (Bot.) Same as Cocculus indicus.

Indian bread. (Bot.) Same as Cassava.

Indian club, a wooden club, which is swung by the hand for
gymnastic exercise.

Indian cordage, cordage made of the fibers of cocoanut

Indian cress (Bot.), nasturtium. See Nasturtium, 2.

Indian cucumber (Bot.), a plant of the genus Medeola
(Medeola Virginica), a common in woods in the United
States. The white rootstock has a taste like cucumbers.

Indian currant (Bot.), a plant of the genus
Symphoricarpus (Symphoricarpus vulgaris), bearing
small red berries.

Indian dye, the puccoon.

Indian fig. (Bot.)
(a) The banyan. See Banyan.
(b) The prickly pear.

Indian file, single file; arrangement of persons in a row
following one after another, the usual way among Indians
of traversing woods, especially when on the war path.

Indian fire, a pyrotechnic composition of sulphur, niter,
and realgar, burning with a brilliant white light.

Indian grass (Bot.), a coarse, high grass ({Chrysopogon
nutans}), common in the southern portions of the United
States; wood grass. --Gray.

Indian hemp. (Bot.)
(a) A plant of the genus Apocynum ({Apocynum
cannabinum}), having a milky juice, and a tough,
fibrous bark, whence the name. The root it used in
medicine and is both emetic and cathartic in
(b) The variety of common hemp (Cannabis Indica), from
which hasheesh is obtained.

Indian mallow (Bot.), the velvet leaf ({Abutilon
Avicenn[ae]}). See Abutilon.

Indian meal, ground corn or maize. [U.S.]

Indian millet (Bot.), a tall annual grass ({Sorghum
vulgare}), having many varieties, among which are broom
corn, Guinea corn, durra, and the Chinese sugar cane. It
is called also Guinea corn. See Durra.

Indian ox (Zool.), the zebu.

Indian paint. See Bloodroot.

Indian paper. See India paper, under India.

Indian physic (Bot.), a plant of two species of the genus
Gillenia (Gillenia trifoliata, and {Gillenia
stipulacea}), common in the United States, the roots of
which are used in medicine as a mild emetic; -- called
also American ipecac, and bowman's root. --Gray.

Indian pink. (Bot.)
(a) The Cypress vine (Ipom[oe]a Quamoclit); -- so called
in the West Indies.
(b) See China pink, under China.

Indian pipe (Bot.), a low, fleshy herb ({Monotropa
uniflora}), growing in clusters in dark woods, and having
scalelike leaves, and a solitary nodding flower. The whole
plant is waxy white, but turns black in drying.

Indian plantain (Bot.), a name given to several species of
the genus Cacalia, tall herbs with composite white
flowers, common through the United States in rich woods.

Indian poke (Bot.), a plant usually known as the {white
hellebore} (Veratrum viride).

Indian pudding, a pudding of which the chief ingredients
are Indian meal, milk, and molasses.

Indian purple.
(a) A dull purple color.
(b) The pigment of the same name, intensely blue and

Indian red.
(a) A purplish red earth or pigment composed of a silicate
of iron and alumina, with magnesia. It comes from the
Persian Gulf. Called also Persian red.
(b) See Almagra.

Indian rice (Bot.), a reedlike water grass. See Rice.

Indian shot (Bot.), a plant of the genus Canna ({Canna
Indica}). The hard black seeds are as large as swan shot.
See Canna.

Indian summer, in the United States, a period of warm and
pleasant weather occurring late in autumn. See under

Indian tobacco (Bot.), a species of Lobelia. See

Indian turnip (Bot.), an American plant of the genus
Aris[ae]ma. Aris[ae]ma triphyllum has a wrinkled
farinaceous root resembling a small turnip, but with a
very acrid juice. See Jack in the Pulpit, and

Indian wheat, maize or Indian corn.

Indian yellow.
(a) An intense rich yellow color, deeper than gamboge but
less pure than cadmium.
(b) See Euxanthin.
[1913 Webster]Persian \Per"sian\, a. [From Persia: cf. It. Persiano. Cf.
Parsee, Peach, Persic.]
Of or pertaining to Persia, to the Persians, or to their
[1913 Webster]

Persian berry, the fruit of Rhamnus infectorius, a kind
of buckthorn, used for dyeing yellow, and imported chiefly
from Trebizond.

Persian cat. (Zool.) Same as Angora cat, under Angora.

Persian columns (Arch.), columns of which the shaft
represents a Persian slave; -- called also Persians. See

Persian drill (Mech.), a drill which is turned by pushing a
nut back and forth along a spirally grooved drill holder.

Persian fire (Med.), malignant pustule.

Persian powder. See Insect powder, under Insect.

Persian red. See Indian red
(a), under Indian.

Persian wheel, a noria; a tympanum. See Noria.
[1913 Webster]
Persian ulcer
Aden ulcer \A"den ul"cer\ ([aum]"den [u^]l"s[~e]r or [=a]"den
[u^]l"s[~e]r). [So named after Aden, a seaport in Southern
Arabia, where it occurs.] (Med.)
One of the numerous names of the lesion of Old World
cutaneous leishmaniasis. Called also Aleppo boil, {Aleppo
button}, Aleppo evil, Bagdad boil, Biskra boil, {Cochin
China ulcer}, Delhi boil, Jerico boil, Oriental boil,
Oriental sore, Persian ulcer, tropical ulcer, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. + AS]
Persian wheel
Persian \Per"sian\, a. [From Persia: cf. It. Persiano. Cf.
Parsee, Peach, Persic.]
Of or pertaining to Persia, to the Persians, or to their
[1913 Webster]

Persian berry, the fruit of Rhamnus infectorius, a kind
of buckthorn, used for dyeing yellow, and imported chiefly
from Trebizond.

Persian cat. (Zool.) Same as Angora cat, under Angora.

Persian columns (Arch.), columns of which the shaft
represents a Persian slave; -- called also Persians. See

Persian drill (Mech.), a drill which is turned by pushing a
nut back and forth along a spirally grooved drill holder.

Persian fire (Med.), malignant pustule.

Persian powder. See Insect powder, under Insect.

Persian red. See Indian red
(a), under Indian.

Persian wheel, a noria; a tympanum. See Noria.
[1913 Webster]
Persian \Per"sian\, a. [From Persia: cf. It. Persiano. Cf.
Parsee, Peach, Persic.]
Of or pertaining to Persia, to the Persians, or to their
[1913 Webster]

Persian berry, the fruit of Rhamnus infectorius, a kind
of buckthorn, used for dyeing yellow, and imported chiefly
from Trebizond.

Persian cat. (Zool.) Same as Angora cat, under Angora.

Persian columns (Arch.), columns of which the shaft
represents a Persian slave; -- called also Persians. See

Persian drill (Mech.), a drill which is turned by pushing a
nut back and forth along a spirally grooved drill holder.

Persian fire (Med.), malignant pustule.

Persian powder. See Insect powder, under Insect.

Persian red. See Indian red
(a), under Indian.

Persian wheel, a noria; a tympanum. See Noria.
[1913 Webster]
dari persian
Dari Persian
n 1: an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan [syn: Dari,
Dari Persian]
n 1: an empire in southern Asia created by Cyrus the Great in
the 6th century BC and destroyed by Alexander the Great in
the 4th century BC [syn: Persia, Persian Empire]
2: a theocratic Islamic republic in the Middle East in western
Asia; Iran was the core of the ancient empire that was known
as Persia until 1935; rich in oil [syn: Iran, {Islamic
Republic of Iran}, Persia]
adj 1: of or relating to Iran or its people or language or
culture; "Iranian mountains"; "Iranian security police"
[syn: Iranian, Persian]
n 1: a native or inhabitant of Iran; "the majority of Irani are
Persian Shiite Muslims" [syn: Irani, Iranian,
2: the language of Persia (Iran) in any of its ancient forms
[syn: Persian, Farsi]
persian cat
Persian cat
n 1: a long-haired breed of cat
persian deity
Persian deity
n 1: a deity worshiped by the ancient Persians
persian empire
Persian Empire
n 1: an empire in southern Asia created by Cyrus the Great in
the 6th century BC and destroyed by Alexander the Great in
the 4th century BC [syn: Persia, Persian Empire]
persian gulf
Persian Gulf
n 1: a shallow arm of the Arabian Sea between Iran and the
Arabian peninsula; the Persian Gulf oil fields are among
the most productive in the world [syn: Persian Gulf,
Arabian Gulf]
persian gulf illness
Persian Gulf illness
n 1: a medical condition of uncertain origin that affected many
veterans of the 1991 Gulf War; characterized by fatigue and
headache and dizziness and nausea and rashes and joint pain
and respiratory disorders [syn: Gulf War syndrome,
Persian Gulf illness]
persian gulf war
Persian Gulf War
n 1: a war fought between Iraq and a coalition led by the United
States that freed Kuwait from Iraqi invaders; 1990-1991
[syn: Persian Gulf War, Gulf War]
persian iris
Persian iris
n 1: bulbous iris native to Asia Minor cultivated for its pale
lilac-colored flowers [syn: Persian iris, Iris persica]
persian lamb
Persian lamb
n 1: the fur of a karakul lamb
2: a karakul lamb
persian lilac
Persian lilac
n 1: tree of northern India and China having purple blossoms and
small inedible yellow fruits; naturalized in the southern
United States as a shade tree [syn: chinaberry,
chinaberry tree, China tree, Persian lilac, {pride-
of-India}, azederach, azedarach, Melia azederach,
Melia azedarach]
2: small densely branching Asiatic shrub having lanceolate
leaves and panicles of fragrant lilac flowers [syn: {Persian
lilac}, Syringa persica]
persian melon
Persian melon
n 1: any of a variety of muskmelon vines having fruit with a
smooth white rind and white or greenish flesh that does not
have a musky smell [syn: winter melon, Persian melon,
honeydew melon, winter melon vine, {Cucumis melo
2: the fruit of a variety of winter melon vine; a large green
melon with orange flesh
persian violet
Persian violet
n 1: perennial cultivated especially as a houseplant for its
fragrant bluish to dark lavender flowers [syn: {Persian
violet}, Exacum affine]
persian walnut
Persian walnut
n 1: Eurasian walnut valued for its large edible nut and its
hard richly figured wood; widely cultivated [syn: {English
walnut}, English walnut tree, Circassian walnut,
Persian walnut, Juglans regia]

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