Quadri- \Quad"ri-\ [L., from quattuor four. See Four.]
A combining form meaning four, four times, fourfold; as,
quadricapsular, having four capsules.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Callitris quadrivalvis
Sandarach \San"da*rach\, Sandarac \San"da*rac\,, n. [L.
sandaraca, Gr. ?.]
1. (Min.) Realgar; red sulphide of arsenic. [Archaic]
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot. Chem.) A white or yellow resin obtained from a
Barbary tree (Callitris quadrivalvis or {Thuya
articulata}), and pulverized for pounce; -- probably so
called from a resemblance to the mineral.
[1913 Webster]Thyine wood \Thy"ine wood`\ [Gr. ? ?, fr. ?, adj., pertaining to
the tree ? or ?, an African tree with sweet-smelling wood.]
The fragrant and beautiful wood of a North African tree
(Callitris quadrivalvis), formerly called {Thuja
articulata}. The tree is of the Cedar family, and furnishes a
balsamic resin called sandarach. --Rev. xviii. 12.
[1913 Webster]
Complete quadrilateral
Quadrilateral \Quad`ri*lat"er*al\, n.
1. (Geom.) A plane figure having four sides, and consequently
four angles; a quadrangular figure; any figure formed by
four lines.
[1913 Webster]

2. An area defended by four fortresses supporting each other;
as, the Venetian quadrilateral, comprising Mantua,
Peschiera, Verona, and Legnano.
[1913 Webster]

Complete quadrilateral (Geom.), the figure made up of the
six straight lines that can be drawn through four points,
A, B, C, I, the lines being supposed to be produced
[1913 Webster]
Coregonus quadrilateralis
Roundfish \Round"fish\, n. (Zool.)
(a) Any ordinary market fish, exclusive of flounders,
sole, halibut, and other flatfishes.
(b) A lake whitefish (Coregonus quadrilateralis), less
compressed than the common species. It is very
abundant in British America and Alaska.
[1913 Webster]
Ostracoin quadricorne
Cowfish \Cow"fish`\ (kou"f[i^]sh`), n. (Zool.)
(a) The grampus.
(b) A California dolphin (Tursiops Gillii).
(c) A marine plectognath fish (Ostracoin quadricorne, and
allied species), having two projections, like horns, in
front; -- called also cuckold, coffer fish,
[1913 Webster]
Paris quadrifolia
Paris \Par"is\, n. [From Paris, the son of Priam.] (Bot.)
A plant common in Europe (Paris quadrifolia); herb Paris;
truelove. It has been used as a narcotic.
[1913 Webster]

Note: It much resembles the American genus Trillium, but
has usually four leaves and a tetramerous flower.
[1913 Webster]leopard's bane \leop"ard's bane`\ (l[e^]p"[~e]rdz b[=a]n`) n.
A name of several harmless plants, as Arnica montana
(Arnica acaulis syn. Doronicum acaule), {Senecio
Doronicum}, and Paris quadrifolia.

Syn: leopardbane, leopard's-bane.
[1913 Webster +PJC]Herb \Herb\ ([~e]rb or h[~e]rb; 277), n. [OE. herbe, erbe, OF.
herbe, erbe, F. herbe, L. herba; perh. akin to Gr. forbh`
food, pasture, fe`rbein to feed.]
1. A plant whose stem does not become woody and permanent,
but dies, at least down to the ground, after flowering.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Annual herbs live but one season; biennial herbs flower
the second season, and then die; perennial herbs
produce new stems year after year.
[1913 Webster]

2. Grass; herbage.
[1913 Webster]

And flocks
Grazing the tender herb. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Herb bennet. (Bot.) See Bennet.

Herb Christopher (Bot.), an herb (Act[ae]a spicata),
whose root is used in nervous diseases; the baneberry. The
name is occasionally given to other plants, as the royal
fern, the wood betony, etc.

Herb Gerard (Bot.), the goutweed; -- so called in honor of
St. Gerard, who used to be invoked against the gout. --Dr.

Herb grace, or Herb of grace. (Bot.) See Rue.

Herb Margaret (Bot.), the daisy. See Marguerite.

Herb Paris (Bot.), an Old World plant related to the
trillium (Paris quadrifolia), commonly reputed

Herb Robert (Bot.), a species of Geranium ({Geranium
[1913 Webster]
Principal axes of a quadric
Principal \Prin"ci*pal\, a. [F., from L. principalis. See
1. Highest in rank, authority, character, importance, or
degree; most considerable or important; chief; main; as,
the principal officers of a Government; the principal men
of a state; the principal productions of a country; the
principal arguments in a case.
[1913 Webster]

Wisdom is the principal thing. --Prov. iv. 7.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a prince; princely. [A Latinism]
[Obs.] --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

Principal axis. See Axis of a curve, under Axis.

Principal axes of a quadric (Geom.), three lines in which
the principal planes of the solid intersect two and two,
as in an ellipsoid.

Principal challenge. (Law) See under Challenge.

Principal plane. See Plane of projection
(a), under Plane.

Principal of a quadric (Geom.), three planes each of which
is at right angles to the other two, and bisects all
chords of the quadric perpendicular to the plane, as in an

Principal point (Persp.), the projection of the point of
sight upon the plane of projection.

Principal ray (Persp.), the line drawn through the point of
sight perpendicular to the perspective plane.

Principal section (Crystallog.), a plane passing through
the optical axis of a crystal.
[1913 Webster]
Principal of a quadric
Principal \Prin"ci*pal\, a. [F., from L. principalis. See
1. Highest in rank, authority, character, importance, or
degree; most considerable or important; chief; main; as,
the principal officers of a Government; the principal men
of a state; the principal productions of a country; the
principal arguments in a case.
[1913 Webster]

Wisdom is the principal thing. --Prov. iv. 7.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a prince; princely. [A Latinism]
[Obs.] --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

Principal axis. See Axis of a curve, under Axis.

Principal axes of a quadric (Geom.), three lines in which
the principal planes of the solid intersect two and two,
as in an ellipsoid.

Principal challenge. (Law) See under Challenge.

Principal plane. See Plane of projection
(a), under Plane.

Principal of a quadric (Geom.), three planes each of which
is at right angles to the other two, and bisects all
chords of the quadric perpendicular to the plane, as in an

Principal point (Persp.), the projection of the point of
sight upon the plane of projection.

Principal ray (Persp.), the line drawn through the point of
sight perpendicular to the perspective plane.

Principal section (Crystallog.), a plane passing through
the optical axis of a crystal.
[1913 Webster]
Quadribasic \Quad`ri*ba"sic\, a. [Quadri- + basic.] (Chem.)
Same as Tetrabasic.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrible \Quad"ri*ble\, a.
Quadrable. [R.]
[1913 Webster]
Quadric \Quad"ric\, a. (Math.)
Of or pertaining to the second degree.
[1913 Webster]Quadric \Quad"ric\, n.
(a) (Alg.) A quantic of the second degree. See Quantic.
(b) (Geom.) A surface whose equation in three variables is of
the second degree. Spheres, spheroids, ellipsoids,
paraboloids, hyperboloids, also cones and cylinders with
circular bases, are quadrics.
[1913 Webster]
Quadricapsular \Quad`ri*cap"su*lar\, a. [Quadri- + capsular.]
Having four capsules.
[1913 Webster]
Quadriceps \Quad"ri*ceps\, n. [NL., fr. L. qyattuor four + caput
head.] (Anat.)
The great extensor muscle of the knee, divided above into
four parts which unite in a single tendon at the knee.
[1913 Webster]
Quadricipital \Quad`ri*cip"i*tal\, n. (Anat.)
Of or pertaining to the quadriceps.
[1913 Webster]
Quadricorn \Quad"ri*corn\, n. [See Quadricornous.] (Zool.)
Any quadricornous animal.
[1913 Webster]
Quadricornous \Quad`ri*cor"nous\, a. [Quadri- + L. cornu horn:
cf. F. quadricorne.] (Zool.)
Having four horns, or hornlike organs; as, a quadricornous
[1913 Webster]
Quadricostate \Quad`ri*cos"tate\, a. [Quadri- + costate.]
Having four ribs.
[1913 Webster]
Quadridentate \Quad`ri*den"tate\, a. [Quadri- + dentate.]
Having four teeth; as, a quadridentate leaf.
[1913 Webster]
Quadriennial \Quad`ri*en"ni*al\, a.
Same as Quadrennial.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrifarious \Quad`ri*fa"ri*ous\, a. [L. quadrifarius fourfold,
fr. quattuor four: cf. F. quadrifari['e]. Cf.
Arranged in four rows or ranks; as, quadrifarious leaves.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrifid \Quad"ri*fid\, a. [L. quadrifidus; quattuor four +
findere to cleave: cf. F. quadrifide.]
Divided, or deeply cleft, into four parts; as, a quadrifid
perianth; a quadrifid leaf.
[1913 Webster] Quadrifoil
Quadrifoil \Quad"ri*foil\, Quadrifoliate \Quad`ri*fo"li*ate\, a.
[Quadri- + L. folium leaf.] (Bot.)
Four-leaved; having the leaves in whorls of four.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrifoil \Quad"ri*foil\, Quadrifoliate \Quad`ri*fo"li*ate\, a.
[Quadri- + L. folium leaf.] (Bot.)
Four-leaved; having the leaves in whorls of four.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrifurcated \Quad`ri*fur"ca*ted\, a. [Quadri- + furcated.]
Having four forks, or branches.
[1913 Webster]
Quadriga \Quad*ri"ga\, n.; pl. Quadrig[ae]. [L. See
Quadrijugous.] (Rom. Antiq.)
A car or chariot drawn by four horses abreast.
[1913 Webster] Quadrigeminal
Quadriga \Quad*ri"ga\, n.; pl. Quadrig[ae]. [L. See
Quadrijugous.] (Rom. Antiq.)
A car or chariot drawn by four horses abreast.
[1913 Webster] Quadrigeminal
Quadrigeminal \Quad`ri*gem"i*nal\, Quadrigeminous
\Quad`ri*gem"i*nous\, a. [Quadri- + L. gemini twins.]
Fourfold; having four similar parts, or two pairs of similar
[1913 Webster]

Quadrigeminal bodies (Anat.), two pairs of lobes, or
elevations, on the dorsal side of the midbrain of most
mammals; the optic lobes. The anterior pair are called the
nates, and the posterior the testes.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrigeminal bodies
Quadrigeminal \Quad`ri*gem"i*nal\, Quadrigeminous
\Quad`ri*gem"i*nous\, a. [Quadri- + L. gemini twins.]
Fourfold; having four similar parts, or two pairs of similar
[1913 Webster]

Quadrigeminal bodies (Anat.), two pairs of lobes, or
elevations, on the dorsal side of the midbrain of most
mammals; the optic lobes. The anterior pair are called the
nates, and the posterior the testes.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrigeminal \Quad`ri*gem"i*nal\, Quadrigeminous
\Quad`ri*gem"i*nous\, a. [Quadri- + L. gemini twins.]
Fourfold; having four similar parts, or two pairs of similar
[1913 Webster]

Quadrigeminal bodies (Anat.), two pairs of lobes, or
elevations, on the dorsal side of the midbrain of most
mammals; the optic lobes. The anterior pair are called the
nates, and the posterior the testes.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrigenarious \Quad`ri*ge*na"ri*ous\, a. [L. quadrigeni,
quadringeni, four hundred each.]
Consisting of four hundred.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrijugate \Quad*rij"u*gate\, a.
Same as Quadrijugous.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrijugous \Quad*rij"u*gous\, a. [L. quadrijugus of a team of
four; quattuor four + jugum yoke.] (Bot.)
Pinnate, with four pairs of leaflets; as, a quadrijugous
[1913 Webster]
Quadrilateral \Quad`ri*lat"er*al\, a. [L. quadrilaterus: cf. F.
quadrilat[`e]re, quadrilat['e]ral. See Quadri- and
Having four sides, and consequently four angles;
[1913 Webster]Quadrilateral \Quad`ri*lat"er*al\, n.
1. (Geom.) A plane figure having four sides, and consequently
four angles; a quadrangular figure; any figure formed by
four lines.
[1913 Webster]

2. An area defended by four fortresses supporting each other;
as, the Venetian quadrilateral, comprising Mantua,
Peschiera, Verona, and Legnano.
[1913 Webster]

Complete quadrilateral (Geom.), the figure made up of the
six straight lines that can be drawn through four points,
A, B, C, I, the lines being supposed to be produced
[1913 Webster]
Quadrilateralness \Quad`ri*lat"er*al*ness\, n.
The property of being quadrilateral.
[1913 Webster]
Quadriliteral \Quad`ri*lit"er*al\, a. [Quadri- + literal.]
Consisting of four letters.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrille \Qua*drille"\, n. [F. quadrille, n. fem., fr. Sp.
cuadrilla meeting of four or more persons or It. quadriglia a
band of soldiers, a sort of dance; dim. fr. L. quadra a
square, fr. quattuor four. See Quadrate.]
1. A dance having five figures, in common time, four couples
of dancers being in each set.
[1913 Webster]

2. The appropriate music for a quadrille.
[1913 Webster]Quadrille \Qua*drille"\, n. [F. quadrille, n. masc., cf. It.
quadriglio; or perhaps from the Spanish. See Quadrille a
A game played by four persons with forty cards, being the
remainder of an ordinary pack after the tens, nines, and
eights are discarded. --Hoyle.
[1913 Webster]Quadrill'e \Qua`dril`l['e]"\, a. [F.] (Art)
Marked with squares, generally by thin lines crossing at
right angles and at equal intervals; as, quadrill['e] paper,
or plotting paper.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Quadrille \Qua*drille"\, n. [F. quadrille, n. fem., fr. Sp.
cuadrilla meeting of four or more persons or It. quadriglia a
band of soldiers, a sort of dance; dim. fr. L. quadra a
square, fr. quattuor four. See Quadrate.]
1. A dance having five figures, in common time, four couples
of dancers being in each set.
[1913 Webster]

2. The appropriate music for a quadrille.
[1913 Webster]Quadrille \Qua*drille"\, n. [F. quadrille, n. masc., cf. It.
quadriglio; or perhaps from the Spanish. See Quadrille a
A game played by four persons with forty cards, being the
remainder of an ordinary pack after the tens, nines, and
eights are discarded. --Hoyle.
[1913 Webster]Quadrill'e \Qua`dril`l['e]"\, a. [F.] (Art)
Marked with squares, generally by thin lines crossing at
right angles and at equal intervals; as, quadrill['e] paper,
or plotting paper.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Quadrillion \Quad*ril"lion\, n. [F., fr. L. quater four times,
akin to quattuor four, E. four; -- formed like million. See
Four, Million.]
According to the French notation, which is followed also upon
the Continent and in the United States, a unit with fifteen
ciphers annexed; according to the English notation, the
number produced by involving a million to the fourth power,
or the number represented by a unit with twenty-four ciphers
annexed. See the Note under Numeration.
[1913 Webster] Quadrilobate
Quadrilobate \Quad`ri*lo"bate\, Quadrilobed \Quad`ri*lobed\, a.
[Quadri- + lobe: cf. F. quadrilob['e].]
Having four lobes; as, a quadrilobate leaf.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrilobate \Quad`ri*lo"bate\, Quadrilobed \Quad`ri*lobed\, a.
[Quadri- + lobe: cf. F. quadrilob['e].]
Having four lobes; as, a quadrilobate leaf.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrilocular \Quad`ri*loc"u*lar\, a. [Quadri- + locular: cf. F.
Having four cells, or cavities; as, a quadrilocular heart.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrin \Quad"rin\, n. [OF., fr. L. quadrini four each, fr.
quattuor four.]
A small piece of money, in value about a farthing, or a half
cent. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Quadrinodal \Quad`ri*nod"al\, a. [Quadri- + nodal.] (Math.)
Possessing four nodes; as, quadrinodal curves.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrinomial \Quad`ri*no"mi*al\, n. [Quadri- + nomial, as in
binomial: cf. F. quadrin[^o]me.] (Alg.)
A polynomial of four terms connected by the signs plus or
[1913 Webster]
Quadrinomical \Quad`ri*nom"ic*al\, a.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrinominal \Quad`ri*nom"i*nal\, a. [Quadri- + nominal.]
Quadrinomial. --Sir W. R. Hamilton.
[1913 Webster]
Quadripartite \Quad*rip"ar*tite\, a. [L. quadripartitus, p. p.
of quadripartire to divide into four parts; quattuor four +
partire to divide: cf. F. quadripartite.]
Divided into four parts.
[1913 Webster]
Quadripartitely \Quad*rip"ar*tite*ly\, adv.
In four parts.
[1913 Webster]
Quadripartition \Quad`ri*par*ti"tion\, n. [L. quadripartitio:
cf. F. quadripartition.]
A division or distribution by four, or into four parts; also,
a taking the fourth part of any quantity or number.
[1913 Webster]
Quadripennate \Quad`ri*pen"nate\, a. [Quadri- + pennate.]
Having four wings; -- said of insects.
[1913 Webster]
Quadriphyllous \Quad*riph"yl*lous\, a. [Quadri + Gr. ? leaf.]
Having four leaves; quadrifoliate.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrireme \Quad"ri*reme\, n. [L. quadriremis; quattuor four +
remus an oar: cf. F. quadrir[`e]me.] (Antiq.)
A galley with four banks of oars or rowers.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrisection \Quad`ri*sec"tion\, n. [Quadri- + section.]
A subdivision into four parts.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrisulcate \Quad`ri*sul"cate\, a. [Quadri + sulcate.] (Zool.)
Having four hoofs; as, a quadrisulcate foot; a quadrisulcate
[1913 Webster] Quadrisyllabic
Quadrisyllabic \Quad`ri*syl*lab"ic\, Quadri-syllabical
Having four syllables; of or pertaining to quadrisyllables;
as, a quadrisyllabic word.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrisyllabic \Quad`ri*syl*lab"ic\, Quadri-syllabical
Having four syllables; of or pertaining to quadrisyllables;
as, a quadrisyllabic word.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrisyllable \Quad`ri*syl"la*ble\, n. [Quadri- + syllable: cf.
F. quadrisyllabe.]
A word consisting of four syllables. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrivalence \Quad*riv"a*lence\, n. (Chem.)
The quality or state of being quadrivalent; tetravalence.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrivalent \Quad*riv"a*lent\, a. [Quadri- + L. valens, -entis,
p. pr. See Valence.] (Chem.)
Having a valence of four; capable of combining with, being
replaced by, or compared with, four monad atoms; tetravalent;
-- said of certain atoms and radicals; thus, carbon and
silicon are quadrivalent elements.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrivalve \Quad"ri*valve\, a. [Quadri- + valve: cf. F.
quadrivalve.] (Bot.)
Dehiscent into four similar parts; four-valved; as, a
quadrivalve pericarp.
[1913 Webster]Quadrivalve \Quad"ri*valve\, n. (Arch.)
A door, shutter, or the like, having four folds.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrivalvular \Quad`ri*val"vu*lar\, a.
Having four valves; quadrivalve.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrivial \Quad*riv"i*al\, a. [L. quadrivium a place where four
ways meet; quattuor four + via way.]
Having four ways meeting in a point. --B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]Quadrivial \Quad*riv"i*al\, n.
One of the four "liberal arts" making up the quadrivium.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrivium \Quad*riv"i*um\, n. [L.]
The four "liberal arts," arithmetic, music, geometry, and
astronomy; -- so called by the schoolmen. See Trivium.
[1913 Webster]
Rhinoptera quadriloba
Whipparee \Whip`pa*ree"\, n. (Zool.)
(a) A large sting ray (Dasybatis Sayi, or Trygon Sayi)
native of the Southern United States. It is destitute of
large spines on the body and tail.
(b) A large sting ray (Rhinoptera bonasus, or {Rhinoptera
quadriloba}) of the Atlantic coast of the United States.
Its snout appears to be four-lobed when viewed in front,
whence it is also called cow-nosed ray.
[1913 Webster]
Tetraceros quadricornis
Chikara \Chi*ka"ra\, n. [Hind.] (Zool.)
(a) The goat antelope (Tragops Bennettii) of India.
(b) The Indian four-horned antelope ({Tetraceros
[1913 Webster] Chilblain
QUADRIENNIUM UTILE, Scotch law. The four years of a minor between his age of
twenty-one and twenty-five years, are so called.
2. During this period he is permitted to impeach contracts made against
his interest previous to his arriving at the age of twenty-one years. Ersk.
Prin. B. 1, t. 7, n. 19; 1 Bell's Com. 135, 5th ed.; Ersk. Inst. B. 1, t. 7,
s. 35.

QUADRIPARTITE. Having four parts, or divided into four parts; as, this
indenture quadripartite made between A B, of the one part, C D, of the
second part, E P, of the third part, and G H, of the fourth part.

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