
A multi-user, general purpose
timesharing operating system produced by Mentec, Inc.
and licensed bu Digital Equipment Corporation.

RSTS/E can be used for interactive timesharing, {batch
processing}, indirect command file processing, program
development using a variety of languages and tools, and a wide
variety of special purpose applications. Up to 127 concurrent
terminal users in both local and remote locations through
multi-terminal services can interact with application tasks.
Without multi-terminal services, 63 users are the maximum.
Tasks can share computational, storage, and input/output
services provided by the RSTS/E system.

{Full description

Resource System Time Sharing/Enhanced (DEC), "RSTS/E"
podobné slovodefinícia
- neakceptuje rezervácie
first-come-first-served \first-come-first-served\ adj.
distributed in order to those who request it in person; not
subject to reservation for later delivery. Contrasted with
reservable. [predicate]

Syn: rush.
[WordNet 1.5]

A multi-user, general purpose
timesharing operating system produced by Mentec, Inc.
and licensed bu Digital Equipment Corporation.

RSTS/E can be used for interactive timesharing, {batch
processing}, indirect command file processing, program
development using a variety of languages and tools, and a wide
variety of special purpose applications. Up to 127 concurrent
terminal users in both local and remote locations through
multi-terminal services can interact with application tasks.
Without multi-terminal services, 63 users are the maximum.
Tasks can share computational, storage, and input/output
services provided by the RSTS/E system.

{Full description

Resource System Time Sharing/Enhanced (DEC), "RSTS/E"

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