restructured extended executor
Restructured EXtended eXecutor
System Product Interpreter

(REXX, or "System Product Interpreter", originally
known as "REX") A scripting language for IBM VM and MVS
systems, developed by M. Cowlishaw at IBM ca. 1979,
replacing EXEC2.

Versions: PC-Rexx for MS-DOS, AREXX for the Amiga, the
OS/2 implementation from IBM, WINREXX (Rexx for Windows,
from Quercus systems) and Personal Rexx (Rexx for MS-DOS,
from Quercus systems).

See also Regina, freerexx, imc.

REXXWARE is an implementation of REXX for {Novell

Usenet newsgroup: news:comp.lang.rexx.

["The REXX Language: A Practical Approach to Programming",
M.F. Cowlishaw, 1985].

podobné slovodefinícia
restructured extended executor
Restructured EXtended eXecutor
System Product Interpreter

(REXX, or "System Product Interpreter", originally
known as "REX") A scripting language for IBM VM and MVS
systems, developed by M. Cowlishaw at IBM ca. 1979,
replacing EXEC2.

Versions: PC-Rexx for MS-DOS, AREXX for the Amiga, the
OS/2 implementation from IBM, WINREXX (Rexx for Windows,
from Quercus systems) and Personal Rexx (Rexx for MS-DOS,
from Quercus systems).

See also Regina, freerexx, imc.

REXXWARE is an implementation of REXX for {Novell

Usenet newsgroup: news:comp.lang.rexx.

["The REXX Language: A Practical Approach to Programming",
M.F. Cowlishaw, 1985].


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