sonant,znělý adj: Zdeněk Brož
Sonant \So"nant\, a. [L. sonans, -antis, p. pr. of sonare to
sound. See Sound a noise.]
1. Of or pertaining to sound; sounding.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Phonetics) Uttered, as an element of speech, with tone or
proper vocal sound, as distinguished from mere breath
sound; intonated; voiced; vocal; tonic; the opposite of
nonvocal, or surd; -- said of the vowels, semivowels,
liquids, and nasals, and particularly of the consonants b,
d, g hard, v, etc., as compared with their cognates p, t,
k, f, etc., which are called nonvocal, surd, or aspirate.
-- n. A sonant letter.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: produced with vibration of the vocal cords; "a frequently
voiced opinion"; "voiced consonants such as `b' and `g'
and `z'"; [syn: voiced, sonant, soft] [ant: hard,
surd, unvoiced, voiceless]
n 1: a speech sound accompanied by sound from the vocal cords
[syn: sonant, voiced sound]
podobné slovodefinícia
- spoluhláska
assonant,asonanční adj: Zdeněk Brož
consonant,souhláska n: Zdeněk Brož
consonant rhyme
consonant rhyme, n:
consonant system
consonant system, n:
consonantal,souhláskový adj: Zdeněk Brož
consonantal system
consonantal system, n:
consonants,souhlásky n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
continuant consonant
continuant consonant, n:
dental consonant
dental consonant, n:
dissonant,disharmonický adj: Zdeněk Broždissonant,neladící adj: Zdeněk Brož
fricative consonant
fricative consonant, n:
guttural consonant
guttural consonant, n:
labial consonant
labial consonant, n:
mellisonant, adj:
nasal consonant
nasal consonant, n:
nonresonant, adj:
plosive consonant
plosive consonant, n:
resonant,rezonantní adj: Zdeněk Brožresonant,rezonující adj: Zdeněk Brožresonant,znělý adj: Zdeněk Brožresonant,zvučný adj: Zdeněk Brož
resonant circuit
resonant circuit, n:
resonantly,zvučně adv: Zdeněk Brož
sibilant consonant
sibilant consonant, n:
sonant,znělý adj: Zdeněk Brož
stop consonant
stop consonant, n:
voiceless consonant
voiceless consonant, n:
disonantní,discordantadj: Zdeněk Brož
Absonant \Ab"so*nant\, a. [L. ab + sonans, p. pr. of sonare to
Discordant; contrary; -- opposed to consonant. "Absonant to
nature." --Quarles.
[1913 Webster]
Altisonant \Al*tis"o*nant\ ([a^]l*t[i^]s"[-o]*nant), a. [L.
altus high + sonans, p. pr. of sonare to sound.]
High-sounding; lofty or pompous. --Skelton.
[1913 Webster]
Armisonant \Ar*mis"o*nant\, Armisonous \Ar*mis"o*nous\, a. [L.
armisonus; arma arms + sonare (p. pr. sonans) to sound.]
Rustling in arms; resounding with arms. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Asonant \As"o*nant\, a. [Pref. a- not + sonant.]
Not sounding or sounded. [R.] --C. C. Felton.
[1913 Webster]
Assonant \As"so*nant\, a. [L. assonans, p. pr. of assonare to
sound to, to correspond to in sound; ad + sonare to sound,
sonus sound: cf. F. assonant. See Sound.]
1. Having a resemblance of sounds.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Pros.) Pertaining to the peculiar species of rhyme called
assonance; not consonant.
[1913 Webster]
Assonantal \As`so*nan"tal\, a.
[1913 Webster]
Consonant \Con"so*nant\, n. [L. consonans, -antis.]
An articulate sound which in utterance is usually combined
and sounded with an open sound called a vowel; a member of
the spoken alphabet other than a vowel; also, a letter or
character representing such a sound.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Consonants are divided into various classes, as mutes,
spirants, sibilants, nasals, semivowels, etc. All of
them are sounds uttered through a closer position of
the organs than that of a vowel proper, although the
most open of them, as the semivowels and nasals, are
capable of being used as if vowels, and forming
syllables with other closer consonants, as in the
English feeble (-b'l), taken (-k'n). All the consonants
excepting the mutes may be indefinitely, prolonged in
utterance without the help of a vowel, and even the
mutes may be produced with an aspirate instead of a
vocal explosion. Vowels and consonants may be regarded
as the two poles in the scale of sounds produced by
gradual approximation of the organ, of speech from the
most open to the closest positions, the vowel being
more open, the consonant closer; but there is a
territory between them where the sounds produced
partake of the qualities of both.
[1913 Webster]

Note: "A consonant is the result of audible friction,
squeezing, or stopping of the breath in some part of
the mouth (or occasionally of the throath.) The main
distinction between vowels and consonants is, that
while in the former the mouth configuration merely
modifies the vocalized breath, which is therefore an
essential element of the vowels, in consonants the
narrowing or stopping of the oral passage is the
foundation of the sound, and the state of the glottis
is something secondary." --H. Sweet.
[1913 Webster]Consonant \Con"so*nant\, a. [L. consonans, -antis; p. pr. of
consonare to sound at the same time, agree; con- + sonare to
sound: cf. F. consonnant. See Sound to make a noise.]
1. Having agreement; congruous; consistent; according; --
usually followed by with or to.
[1913 Webster]

Each one pretends that his opinion . . . is
consonant to the words there used. --Bp.
[1913 Webster]

That where much is given there shall be much
required is a thing consonant with natural equity.
--Dr. H. More.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having like sounds.
[1913 Webster]

Consonant words and syllables. --Howell.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mus.) harmonizing together; accordant; as, consonant
tones, consonant chords.
[1913 Webster]

4. Of or pertaining to consonants; made up of, or containing
many, consonants.
[1913 Webster]

No Russian whose dissonant consonant name
Almost shatters to fragments the trumpet of fame.
--T. Moore.
[1913 Webster]
consonant shifting
Lautverschiebung \Laut"ver*schie`bung\
(lout"f[e^]r*sh[=e]`b[oo^]ng), n.; pl. Lautverschiebungen
(lout"f[e^]r*sh[=e]`b[oo^]ng*en). [G.; laut sound +
verschiebung shifting.] (Philol.)
(a) The regular changes which the primitive Indo-European
stops, or mute consonants, underwent in the Teutonic
languages, probably as early as the 3d century b. c.,
often called the first Lautverschiebung, {sound
shifting}, or consonant shifting.
(b) A somewhat similar set of changes taking place in the
High German dialects (less fully in modern literary
German) from the 6th to the 8th century, known as the
second Lautverschiebung, the results of which form the
striking differences between High German and The Low
German Languages. The statement of these changes is
commonly regarded as forming part of Grimm's law,
because included in it as originally framed.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Consonantal \Con`so*nan"tal\, a.
Of the nature of a consonant; pertaining to consonants.
[1913 Webster]
Consonantize \Con"so*nant*ize\, v. t.
To change into, or use as, a consonant. "The vowel is
consonantized, that is, made closer in position." --Peile.
[1913 Webster]
Consonantly \Con"so*nant*ly\, adv.
In a consonant, consistent, or congruous manner; agreeably.
[1913 Webster]
Consonantness \Con"so*nant*ness\, n.
The quality or condition of being consonant, agreeable, or
[1913 Webster]
Dissonant \Dis"so*nant\, a. [L. dissonans, -antis, p. pr. of
dissonare to disagree in sound, be discordant; dis- + sonare
to sound: cf. F. dissonant. See Sonant.]
1. Sounding harshly; discordant; unharmonious.
[1913 Webster]

With clamor of voices dissonant and loud.
[1913 Webster]

2. Disagreeing; incongruous; discrepant, -- with from or to.
"Anything dissonant to truth." --South.
[1913 Webster]

What can be dissonant from reason and nature than
that a man, naturally inclined to clemency, should
show himself unkind and inhuman? --Hakewill.
[1913 Webster]
Equisonant \E*quis"o*nant\a.
Of the same or like sound.
[1913 Webster]
Horrisonant \Hor*ris"o*nant\, a.
Horrisonous. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Inconsonant \In*con"so*nant\, a. [L. inconsonans. See In- not,
and Consonant.]
Not consonant or agreeing; inconsistent; discordant. --
In*con"so*nant*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
Inconsonant \In*con"so*nant\, a. [L. inconsonans. See In- not,
and Consonant.]
Not consonant or agreeing; inconsistent; discordant. --
In*con"so*nant*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]
Nonsonant \Non*so"nant\, a.
Not sonant. -- n. A nonsonant or nonvocal consonant.
[1913 Webster]
Open consonant
Open \O"pen\, a. [AS. open; akin to D. open, OS. opan, G. offan,
Icel. opinn, Sw. ["o]ppen, Dan. aaben, and perh. to E. up.
Cf. Up, and Ope.]
1. Free of access; not shut up; not closed; affording
unobstructed ingress or egress; not impeding or preventing
passage; not locked up or covered over; -- applied to
passageways; as, an open door, window, road, etc.; also,
to inclosed structures or objects; as, open houses, boxes,
baskets, bottles, etc.; also, to means of communication or
approach by water or land; as, an open harbor or
[1913 Webster]

Through the gate,
Wide open and unguarded, Satan passed. --Milton
[1913 Webster]

Note: Also, figuratively, used of the ways of communication
of the mind, as by the senses; ready to hear, see,
etc.; as, to keep one's eyes and ears open.
[1913 Webster]

His ears are open unto their cry. --Ps. xxxiv.
[1913 Webster]

2. Free to be used, enjoyed, visited, or the like; not
private; public; unrestricted in use; as, an open library,
museum, court, or other assembly; liable to the approach,
trespass, or attack of any one; unprotected; exposed.
[1913 Webster]

If Demetrius . . . have a matter against any man,
the law is open and there are deputies. --Acts xix.
[1913 Webster]

The service that I truly did his life,
Hath left me open to all injuries. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Free or cleared of obstruction to progress or to view;
accessible; as, an open tract; the open sea.
[1913 Webster]

4. Not drawn together, closed, or contracted; extended;
expanded; as, an open hand; open arms; an open flower; an
open prospect.
[1913 Webster]

Each, with open arms, embraced her chosen knight.
[1913 Webster]

5. Hence:
(a) Without reserve or false pretense; sincere;
characterized by sincerity; unfeigned; frank; also,
generous; liberal; bounteous; -- applied to personal
appearance, or character, and to the expression of
thought and feeling, etc.
[1913 Webster]

With aspect open, shall erect his head. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

The Moor is of a free and open nature. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

The French are always open, familiar, and
talkative. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]
(b) Not concealed or secret; not hidden or disguised;
exposed to view or to knowledge; revealed; apparent;
as, open schemes or plans; open shame or guilt; open
source code.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

His thefts are too open. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

That I may find him, and with secret gaze
Or open admiration him behold. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

6. Not of a quality to prevent communication, as by closing
water ways, blocking roads, etc.; hence, not frosty or
inclement; mild; -- used of the weather or the climate;
as, an open season; an open winter. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

7. Not settled or adjusted; not decided or determined; not
closed or withdrawn from consideration; as, an open
account; an open question; to keep an offer or opportunity
[1913 Webster]

8. Free; disengaged; unappropriated; as, to keep a day open
for any purpose; to be open for an engagement.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Phon.)
(a) Uttered with a relatively wide opening of the
articulating organs; -- said of vowels; as, the [aum]n
f[aum]r is open as compared with the [=a] in s[=a]y.
(b) Uttered, as a consonant, with the oral passage simply
narrowed without closure, as in uttering s.
[1913 Webster]

10. (Mus.)
(a) Not closed or stopped with the finger; -- said of the
string of an instrument, as of a violin, when it is
allowed to vibrate throughout its whole length.
(b) Produced by an open string; as, an open tone.
[1913 Webster]

The open air, the air out of doors.

Open chain. (Chem.) See Closed chain, under Chain.

Open circuit (Elec.), a conducting circuit which is
incomplete, or interrupted at some point; -- opposed to an
uninterrupted, or closed circuit.

Open communion, communion in the Lord's supper not
restricted to persons who have been baptized by immersion.
Cf. Close communion, under Close, a.

Open diapason (Mus.), a certain stop in an organ, in which
the pipes or tubes are formed like the mouthpiece of a
flageolet at the end where the wind enters, and are open
at the other end.

Open flank (Fort.), the part of the flank covered by the

Open-front furnace (Metal.), a blast furnace having a

Open harmony (Mus.), harmony the tones of which are widely
dispersed, or separated by wide intervals.

Open hawse (Naut.), a hawse in which the cables are
parallel or slightly divergent. Cf. Foul hawse, under

Open hearth (Metal.), the shallow hearth of a reverberatory

Open-hearth furnace, a reverberatory furnace; esp., a kind
of reverberatory furnace in which the fuel is gas, used in
manufacturing steel.

Open-hearth process (Steel Manuf.), a process by which
melted cast iron is converted into steel by the addition
of wrought iron, or iron ore and manganese, and by
exposure to heat in an open-hearth furnace; -- also called
the Siemens-Martin process, from the inventors.

Open-hearth steel, steel made by an open-hearth process; --
also called Siemens-Martin steel.

Open newel. (Arch.) See Hollow newel, under Hollow.

Open pipe (Mus.), a pipe open at the top. It has a pitch
about an octave higher than a closed pipe of the same

Open-timber roof (Arch.), a roof of which the
constructional parts, together with the under side of the
covering, or its lining, are treated ornamentally, and
left to form the ceiling of an apartment below, as in a
church, a public hall, and the like.

Open vowel or Open consonant. See Open, a., 9.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Open is used in many compounds, most of which are
self-explaining; as, open-breasted, open-minded.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Unclosed; uncovered; unprotected; exposed; plain;
apparent; obvious; evident; public; unreserved; frank;
sincere; undissembling; artless. See Candid, and
[1913 Webster]
Resonant \Res"o*nant\ (-nant), a. [L. resonans, p. pr. of
resonare to resound: cf. F. r['e]sonnant. See Resound.]
1. Returning, or capable of returning, sound; fitted to
resound; resounding; echoing back.
[1913 Webster]

Through every hour of the golden morning, the
streets were resonant with female parties of young
and old. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Elec.) Adjusted as to dimensions (as an electric circuit)
so that currents or electric surgings are produced by the
passage of electric waves of a given frequency.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Resonantly \Res"o*nant*ly\, adv.
In a resonant manner.
[1913 Webster]
Rhonchisonant \Rhon*chis"o*nant\, a. [L. rhonchus a snoring +
sonans, p. pr. of sonare to sound.]
Making a snorting noise; snorting. [R.]
[1913 Webster]
Unconsonant \Un*con"so*nant\, a.
Incongruous; inconsistent. "A thing unconsonant." --Hooker.
[1913 Webster]
Unisonant \U*nis"o*nant\, a. [Uni- + sonant. See Unison.]
Being in unison; having the same degree of gravity or
acuteness; sounded alike in pitch.
[1913 Webster]
affricate consonant
affricate consonant
n 1: a composite speech sound consisting of a stop and a
fricative articulated at the same point (as `ch' in `chair'
and `j' in `joy') [syn: affricate, affricate consonant,
alveolar consonant
alveolar consonant
n 1: a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the
gum ridge [syn: alveolar consonant, dental consonant,
alveolar, dental]
adj 1: having the same sound (especially the same vowel sound)
occurring in successive stressed syllables; "note the
assonant words and syllables in `tilting at windmills'"
2: having the same vowel sound occurring with different
consonants in successive words or stressed syllables
adj 1: involving or characterized by harmony [syn: consonant,
harmonic, harmonical, harmonized, harmonised]
2: in keeping; "salaries agreeable with current trends"; "plans
conformable with your wishes"; "expressed views concordant
with his background" [syn: accordant, agreeable,
conformable, consonant, concordant]
n 1: a speech sound that is not a vowel [ant: vowel, {vowel
2: a letter of the alphabet standing for a spoken consonant
consonant rhyme
consonant rhyme
n 1: the repetition of consonants (or consonant patterns)
especially at the ends of words [syn: consonance,
consonant rhyme]
consonant system
consonant system
n 1: the system of consonants used in a particular language
[syn: consonant system, consonantal system]
adj 1: being or marked by or containing or functioning as a
consonant; "consonantal sounds"; "a consonantal Hebrew
text"; "consonantal alliteration"; "a consonantal
cluster" [ant: vocalic]
2: relating to or having the nature of a consonant
consonantal system
consonantal system
n 1: the system of consonants used in a particular language
[syn: consonant system, consonantal system]
continuant consonant
continuant consonant
n 1: consonant articulated by constricting (but not closing) the
vocal tract [syn: continuant consonant, continuant]
[ant: occlusive, plosive, plosive consonant, {plosive
speech sound}, stop, stop consonant]
dental consonant
dental consonant
n 1: a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the
gum ridge [syn: alveolar consonant, dental consonant,
alveolar, dental]
adj 1: characterized by musical dissonance; harmonically
unresolved [syn: unresolved, dissonant]
2: lacking in harmony [syn: discordant, disharmonious,
dissonant, inharmonic]
3: not in accord; "desires at variance with his duty"; "widely
discrepant statements" [syn: at variance(p), discrepant,
fricative consonant
fricative consonant
n 1: a continuant consonant produced by breath moving against a
narrowing of the vocal tract [syn: fricative consonant,
fricative, spirant]
guttural consonant
guttural consonant
n 1: a consonant articulated in the back of the mouth or throat
[syn: guttural, guttural consonant, pharyngeal,
pharyngeal consonant]
labial consonant
labial consonant
n 1: a consonant whose articulation involves movement of the
lips [syn: labial consonant, labial]
labiodental consonant
labiodental consonant
n 1: a consonant whose articulation involves the lips and teeth
[syn: labiodental consonant, labiodental]
adj 1: pleasing to the ear; "the dulcet tones of the cello"
[syn: dulcet, honeyed, mellifluous, mellisonant,
nasal consonant
nasal consonant
n 1: a consonant produced through the nose with the mouth closed
[syn: nasal consonant, nasal]
adj 1: not reverberant; lacking a tendency to reverberate [syn:
unreverberant, nonresonant] [ant: reverberant]
pharyngeal consonant
pharyngeal consonant
n 1: a consonant articulated in the back of the mouth or throat
[syn: guttural, guttural consonant, pharyngeal,
pharyngeal consonant]
plosive consonant
plosive consonant
n 1: a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some
point and suddenly releasing it; "his stop consonants are
too aspirated" [syn: stop consonant, stop, occlusive,
plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, plosive]
[ant: continuant, continuant consonant]
adj 1: characterized by resonance; "a resonant voice"; "hear the
rolling thunder" [syn: resonant, resonating,
resounding, reverberating, reverberative]
2: serving to bring to mind; "cannot forbear to close on this
redolent literary note"- Wilder Hobson; "a campaign redolent
of machine politics" [syn: evocative, redolent,
remindful, reminiscent, resonant]
resonant circuit
resonant circuit
n 1: an electrical circuit that combines capacitance and
inductance in such a way that a periodic electric
oscillation will reach maximum amplitude [syn: resonator,
resonant circuit]
sibilant consonant
sibilant consonant
n 1: a consonant characterized by a hissing sound (like s or sh)
[syn: sibilant, sibilant consonant]
adj 1: produced with vibration of the vocal cords; "a frequently
voiced opinion"; "voiced consonants such as `b' and `g'
and `z'"; [syn: voiced, sonant, soft] [ant: hard,
surd, unvoiced, voiceless]
n 1: a speech sound accompanied by sound from the vocal cords
[syn: sonant, voiced sound]

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