sophisticate,vysoce kultivovaný člověk Zdeněk Brož
Sophisticate \So*phis"ti*cate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Sophisticated; p. pr. & vb. n. Sophisticating.] [LL.
sophisticatus, p. p. of sophisticare to sophisticate.]
To render worthless by admixture; to adulterate; to damage;
to pervert; as, to sophisticate wine. --Howell.
[1913 Webster]

To sophisticate the understanding. --Southey.
[1913 Webster]

Yet Butler professes to stick to plain facts, not to
sophisticate, not to refine. --M. Arnold.
[1913 Webster]

They purchase but sophisticated ware. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To adulterate; debase; corrupt; vitiate.
[1913 Webster] Sophisticate
Sophisticate \So*phis"ti*cate\, Sophisticated
\So*phis"ti*ca`ted\, a.
Adulterated; not pure; not genuine.
[1913 Webster]

So truth, while only one supplied the state,
Grew scare and dear, and yet sophisticate. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a worldly-wise person [syn: sophisticate, {man of the
v 1: make less natural or innocent; "Their manners had
sophisticated the young girls"
2: practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about
in order to mislead or deceive; "Don't twist my words" [syn:
twist, twist around, pervert, convolute,
3: alter and make impure, as with the intention to deceive;
"Sophisticate rose water with geraniol" [syn: sophisticate,
doctor, doctor up]
4: make more complex or refined; "a sophisticated design"
podobné slovodefinícia
- dômyselný, prepracovaný, sofistikovaný
sophisticate,vysoce kultivovaný člověk Zdeněk Brož
sophisticated,důmyslný adj: Zdeněk Brožsophisticated,náročný adj: Pavel Machek; Gizasophisticated,propracovaný adj: Zdeněk Brožsophisticated,rafinovaný adj: Pavel Machek; Giza
sophisticated equipment
sophisticated equipment,moderní vyspělé zařízení Mgr. Dita Gálová
unsophisticated,nesložitý adj: Zdeněk Brožunsophisticated,prostý adj: Zdeněk Brož
Desophisticate \De`so*phis"ti*cate\, v. t.
To clear from sophism or error. [R.] --Hare.
[1913 Webster]
Sophisticate \So*phis"ti*cate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Sophisticated; p. pr. & vb. n. Sophisticating.] [LL.
sophisticatus, p. p. of sophisticare to sophisticate.]
To render worthless by admixture; to adulterate; to damage;
to pervert; as, to sophisticate wine. --Howell.
[1913 Webster]

To sophisticate the understanding. --Southey.
[1913 Webster]

Yet Butler professes to stick to plain facts, not to
sophisticate, not to refine. --M. Arnold.
[1913 Webster]

They purchase but sophisticated ware. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To adulterate; debase; corrupt; vitiate.
[1913 Webster] SophisticateSophisticate \So*phis"ti*cate\, Sophisticated
\So*phis"ti*ca`ted\, a.
Adulterated; not pure; not genuine.
[1913 Webster]

So truth, while only one supplied the state,
Grew scare and dear, and yet sophisticate. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
Unsophisticate \Un`so*phis"ti*cate\, Unsophisticated
\Un`so*phis"ti*ca`ted\, a.
Not sophisticated; pure; innocent; genuine.
[1913 Webster] -- Un`so*phis"ti*ca`ted*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Unsophisticate \Un`so*phis"ti*cate\, Unsophisticated
\Un`so*phis"ti*ca`ted\, a.
Not sophisticated; pure; innocent; genuine.
[1913 Webster] -- Un`so*phis"ti*ca`ted*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Unsophisticate \Un`so*phis"ti*cate\, Unsophisticated
\Un`so*phis"ti*ca`ted\, a.
Not sophisticated; pure; innocent; genuine.
[1913 Webster] -- Un`so*phis"ti*ca`ted*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a worldly-wise person [syn: sophisticate, {man of the
v 1: make less natural or innocent; "Their manners had
sophisticated the young girls"
2: practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about
in order to mislead or deceive; "Don't twist my words" [syn:
twist, twist around, pervert, convolute,
3: alter and make impure, as with the intention to deceive;
"Sophisticate rose water with geraniol" [syn: sophisticate,
doctor, doctor up]
4: make more complex or refined; "a sophisticated design"
adj 1: having or appealing to those having worldly knowledge and
refinement and savoir-faire; "sophisticated young
socialites"; "a sophisticated audience"; "a sophisticated
lifestyle"; "a sophisticated book" [ant: naif, naive]
2: ahead in development; complex or intricate; "advanced
technology"; "a sophisticated electronic control system"
[syn: advanced, sophisticated]
3: intellectually appealing; "a sophisticated drama"
adj 1: not wise in the ways of the world; "either too
unsophisticated or too honest to promise more than he
could deliver"; "this helplessly unworldly woman"- Kate
O'Brien [syn: unsophisticated, unworldly]
2: lacking complexity; "small and uncomplicated cars for those
really interested in motoring"; "an unsophisticated machine"
[syn: uncomplicated, unsophisticated]
3: awkwardly simple and provincial; "bumpkinly country boys";
"rustic farmers"; "a hick town"; "the nightlife of Montmartre
awed the unsophisticated tourists" [syn: bumpkinly, hick,
rustic, unsophisticated]

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