spade,pik n: Zdeněk Brož
spade,piky n: barva v kartách Ritchie
spade,rýč n:
Spade \Spade\ (sp[=a]d), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Spaded; p. pr. &
vb. n. Spading.]
To dig with a spade; to pare off the sward of, as land, with
a spade.
[1913 Webster]
Spade \Spade\, n. [Cf. Spay, n.]
1. (Zool.) A hart or stag three years old. [Written also
spaid, spayade.]
[1913 Webster]

2. [Cf. L. spado.] A castrated man or beast.
[1913 Webster]
Spade \Spade\, n. [AS. spaed; spada; akin to D. spade, G.
spaten, Icel. spa[eth]i, Dan. & Sw. spade, L. spatha a
spatula, a broad two-edged sword, a spathe, Gr. spa`qh. Cf.
Epaulet, Spade at cards, Spathe, Spatula.]
1. An implement for digging or cutting the ground, consisting
usually of an oblong and nearly rectangular blade of iron,
with a handle like that of a shovel. "With spade and
pickax armed." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. [Sp. espada, literally, a sword; -- so caused because
these cards among the Spanish bear the figure of a sword.
Sp. espada is fr. L. spatha, Gr. spa`qh. See the Etymology
above.] One of that suit of cards each of which bears one
or more figures resembling a spade.
[1913 Webster]

"Let spades be trumps!" she said. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

3. A cutting instrument used in flensing a whale.
[1913 Webster]

Spade bayonet, a bayonet with a broad blade which may be
used digging; -- called also trowel bayonet.

Spade handle (Mach.), the forked end of a connecting rod in
which a pin is held at both ends. See Illust. of {Knuckle
joint}, under Knuckle.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a playing card in the major suit that has one or more black
figures on it; "she led a low spade"; "spades were trumps"
2: a sturdy hand shovel that can be pushed into the earth with
the foot
3: (ethnic slur) extremely offensive name for a Black person;
"only a Black can call another Black a nigga" [syn: nigger,
nigga, spade, coon, jigaboo, nigra]
v 1: dig (up) with a spade; "I spade compost into the flower

Specification Processing And Dependency Extraction.
Specification language. G.S. Boddy, ICL Mainframes Div,
Statistical Packet Anomaly Detection Engine (Snort, IDS)
podobné slovodefinícia
- piky
call a spade a spade
call a spade a spade,nazvat věc pravým jménem Pavel Cvrček
ditch spade
ditch spade, n:
garden spade
garden spade, n:
in spades
in spades, adv:
long-handled spade
long-handled spade,lopata s dlouhou rukojetí Ivan Masár
of spades
of spades,pikový adj: o hrací kartě, např. Three of Spades - piková
trojka Pino
plains spadefoot
plains spadefoot, n:
southern spadefoot
southern spadefoot, n:
spade,pik n: Zdeněk Brožspade,piky n: barva v kartách Ritchiespade,rýč n:
spade bit
spade bit, n:
spade casino
spade casino, n:
spade work
spade work,
spadefish, n:
spadefoot, n:
spadefoot toad
spadefoot toad, n:
spades,piky n: pl. Zdeněk Brožspades,rýče n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
spadework,přípravné práce n: Zdeněk Brož
trenching spade
trenching spade, n:
western spadefoot
western spadefoot, n:
mít spadeno
mít spadeno,pick onv: Zdeněk Brož
Royal spade
Royal spade \Royal spade\ (Auction Bridge)
A spade when spades are trumps under the condition that every
trick over six taken by the successful bidder has a score
value of 9; -- usually in pl.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Spade bayonet
Spade \Spade\, n. [AS. spaed; spada; akin to D. spade, G.
spaten, Icel. spa[eth]i, Dan. & Sw. spade, L. spatha a
spatula, a broad two-edged sword, a spathe, Gr. spa`qh. Cf.
Epaulet, Spade at cards, Spathe, Spatula.]
1. An implement for digging or cutting the ground, consisting
usually of an oblong and nearly rectangular blade of iron,
with a handle like that of a shovel. "With spade and
pickax armed." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. [Sp. espada, literally, a sword; -- so caused because
these cards among the Spanish bear the figure of a sword.
Sp. espada is fr. L. spatha, Gr. spa`qh. See the Etymology
above.] One of that suit of cards each of which bears one
or more figures resembling a spade.
[1913 Webster]

"Let spades be trumps!" she said. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

3. A cutting instrument used in flensing a whale.
[1913 Webster]

Spade bayonet, a bayonet with a broad blade which may be
used digging; -- called also trowel bayonet.

Spade handle (Mach.), the forked end of a connecting rod in
which a pin is held at both ends. See Illust. of {Knuckle
joint}, under Knuckle.
[1913 Webster]
Spade handle
Spade \Spade\, n. [AS. spaed; spada; akin to D. spade, G.
spaten, Icel. spa[eth]i, Dan. & Sw. spade, L. spatha a
spatula, a broad two-edged sword, a spathe, Gr. spa`qh. Cf.
Epaulet, Spade at cards, Spathe, Spatula.]
1. An implement for digging or cutting the ground, consisting
usually of an oblong and nearly rectangular blade of iron,
with a handle like that of a shovel. "With spade and
pickax armed." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. [Sp. espada, literally, a sword; -- so caused because
these cards among the Spanish bear the figure of a sword.
Sp. espada is fr. L. spatha, Gr. spa`qh. See the Etymology
above.] One of that suit of cards each of which bears one
or more figures resembling a spade.
[1913 Webster]

"Let spades be trumps!" she said. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

3. A cutting instrument used in flensing a whale.
[1913 Webster]

Spade bayonet, a bayonet with a broad blade which may be
used digging; -- called also trowel bayonet.

Spade handle (Mach.), the forked end of a connecting rod in
which a pin is held at both ends. See Illust. of {Knuckle
joint}, under Knuckle.
[1913 Webster]
spade toad
Spadefoot \Spade"foot`\ (sp[=a]d"f[oo^]t`), n. (Zool.)
Any species of burrowing toads of the genus Scaphiopus,
esp. Scaphiopus Holbrookii, of the Eastern United States;
-- called also spade toad.
[1913 Webster]
Spadebone \Spade"bone`\ (sp[=a]d"b[=o]n`), n.
Shoulder blade. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]
Spade \Spade\ (sp[=a]d), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Spaded; p. pr. &
vb. n. Spading.]
To dig with a spade; to pare off the sward of, as land, with
a spade.
[1913 Webster]
Spadefish \Spade"fish`\ (sp[=a]d"f[i^]sh`), n. (Zool.)
An American market fish (Chaetodipterus faber) common on
the southern coasts; -- called also angel fish, moonfish,
and porgy.
[1913 Webster]
Spadefoot \Spade"foot`\ (sp[=a]d"f[oo^]t`), n. (Zool.)
Any species of burrowing toads of the genus Scaphiopus,
esp. Scaphiopus Holbrookii, of the Eastern United States;
-- called also spade toad.
[1913 Webster]
Spadeful \Spade"ful\ (sp[=a]d"f[.u]l), n.; pl. Spadefuls
(sp[=a]d"f[.u]lz). [Spade + full.]
As much as a spade will hold or lift.
[1913 Webster]
Spadeful \Spade"ful\ (sp[=a]d"f[.u]l), n.; pl. Spadefuls
(sp[=a]d"f[.u]lz). [Spade + full.]
As much as a spade will hold or lift.
[1913 Webster]
Spader \Spad"er\, n.
One who, or that which, spades; specifically, a digging
[1913 Webster]
Turf spade
Turf \Turf\ (t[^u]rf), n.; pl. Turfs (t[^u]rfs), Obs. Turves
(t[^u]rvz). [AS. turf; akin to D. turf peat, G. torf, OHG.
zurba turf, Sw. & Icel. torf turf, peat, Dan. t["o]rv, Skr.
darbha a kind of grass, a tuft of grass. [root]242.]
1. That upper stratum of earth and vegetable mold which is
filled with the roots of grass and other small plants, so
as to adhere and form a kind of mat; sward; sod.
[1913 Webster]

At his head a grass-green turf. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

The Greek historian sets her in the field on a high
heap of turves. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. Peat, especially when prepared for fuel. See Peat.
[1913 Webster]

3. Race course; horse racing; -- preceded by the. "We . . .
claim the honors of the turf." --Cowper.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Turf is often used adjectively, or to form compounds
which are generally self-explaining; as, turf ashes,
turf cutter or turf-cutter, turf pit or turf-pit,
turf-built, turf-clad, turf-covered, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Turf ant (Zool.), a small European ant (Formica flava)
which makes small ant-hills on heaths and commons.

Turf drain, a drain made with turf or peat.

Turf hedge, a hedge or fence formed with turf and plants of
different kinds.

Turf house, a house or shed formed of turf, common in the
northern parts of Europe.

Turf moss a tract of turfy, mossy, or boggy land.

Turf spade, a spade for cutting and digging turf, longer
and narrower than the common spade.
[1913 Webster]
Turfing spade
Turfing \Turf"ing\, n.
The act or process of providing or covering with turf.
[1913 Webster]

Turfing iron, Turfing spade, an implement for cutting,
and paring off, turf.
[1913 Webster]
ace of spades
ace of spades
n 1: the ace in the spade suit; sometimes taken as a portent of
ditch spade
ditch spade
n 1: a spade with a long handle for digging narrow ditches [syn:
ditch spade, long-handled spade]
garden spade
garden spade
n 1: a spade used by gardeners
genus spadella
genus Spadella
n 1: marine worms resembling the sagittas but with a broader
body and only one pair of lateral fins
in spades
in spades
adv 1: without question and beyond doubt; "it was decidedly too
expensive"; "she told him off in spades"; "by all odds
they should win" [syn: decidedly, unquestionably,
emphatically, definitely, in spades, by all odds]
long-handled spade
long-handled spade
n 1: a spade with a long handle for digging narrow ditches [syn:
ditch spade, long-handled spade]
plains spadefoot
plains spadefoot
n 1: this spadefoot toad lives in plains and hills and river
bottoms in areas of low rainfall east of the Rocky
Mountains [syn: plains spadefoot, {Scaphiopus
southern spadefoot
southern spadefoot
n 1: this spadefoot toad lives in the southwestern United States
[syn: southern spadefoot, Scaphiopus multiplicatus]
n 1: a playing card in the major suit that has one or more black
figures on it; "she led a low spade"; "spades were trumps"
2: a sturdy hand shovel that can be pushed into the earth with
the foot
3: (ethnic slur) extremely offensive name for a Black person;
"only a Black can call another Black a nigga" [syn: nigger,
nigga, spade, coon, jigaboo, nigra]
v 1: dig (up) with a spade; "I spade compost into the flower
spade bit
spade bit
n 1: a thin bit with a center point and cutting edges on either
spade casino
spade casino
n 1: a form of casino in which spades have the value of one
adj 1: shaped in the form of a spade [syn: spade-shaped,
adj 1: shaped in the form of a spade [syn: spade-shaped,
n 1: deep-bodied disk-shaped food fish of warmer western
Atlantic coastal waters [syn: spadefish, angelfish,
Chaetodipterus faber]
n 1: a burrowing toad of the northern hemisphere with a horny
spade-like projection on each hind foot [syn: spadefoot,
spadefoot toad]
spadefoot toad
spadefoot toad
n 1: a burrowing toad of the northern hemisphere with a horny
spade-like projection on each hind foot [syn: spadefoot,
spadefoot toad]
n 1: the quantity a shovel can hold [syn: shovel, shovelful,
n 1: dull or routine preliminary work preparing for an
trenching spade
trenching spade
n 1: a hand shovel carried by infantrymen for digging trenches
[syn: entrenching tool, trenching spade]
western spadefoot
western spadefoot
n 1: this spadefoot toad live in California [syn: {western
spadefoot}, Scaphiopus hammondii]

Specification Processing And Dependency Extraction.
Specification language. G.S. Boddy, ICL Mainframes Div,
Statistical Packet Anomaly Detection Engine (Snort, IDS)

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