speaking,mluvení Zdeněk Brož
speaking,mluvící adj: Zdeněk Brož
Speak \Speak\, v. i. [imp. Spoke(SpakeArchaic); p. p.
Spoken(Spoke, Obs. or Colloq.); p. pr. & vb. n.
Speaking.] [OE. speken, AS. specan, sprecan; akin to
OF.ries. spreka, D. spreken, OS. spreken, G. sprechen, OHG.
sprehhan, and perhaps to Skr. sph[=u]rj to crackle, to
thunder. Cf. Spark of fire, Speech.]
1. To utter words or articulate sounds, as human beings; to
express thoughts by words; as, the organs may be so
obstructed that a man may not be able to speak.
[1913 Webster]

Till at the last spake in this manner. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth. --1 Sam. iii.
[1913 Webster]

2. To express opinions; to say; to talk; to converse.
[1913 Webster]

That fluid substance in a few minutes begins to set,
as the tradesmen speak. --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]

An honest man, is able to speak for himself, when a
knave is not. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

During the century and a half which followed the
Conquest, there is, to speak strictly, no English
history. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

3. To utter a speech, discourse, or harangue; to adress a
public assembly formally.
[1913 Webster]

Many of the nobility made themselves popular by
speaking in Parliament against those things which
were most grateful to his majesty. --Clarendon.
[1913 Webster]

4. To discourse; to make mention; to tell.
[1913 Webster]

Lycan speaks of a part of Caesar's army that came to
him from the Leman Lake. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

5. To give sound; to sound.
[1913 Webster]

Make all our trumpets speak. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

6. To convey sentiments, ideas, or intelligence as if by
utterance; as, features that speak of self-will.
[1913 Webster]

Thine eye begins to speak. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

To speak of, to take account of, to make mention of.
--Robynson (More's Utopia).

To speak out, to speak loudly and distinctly; also, to
speak unreservedly.

To speak well for, to commend; to be favorable to.

To speak with, to converse with. "Would you speak with me?"
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To say; tell; talk; converse; discourse; articulate;
pronounce; utter.
[1913 Webster]
Speaking \Speak"ing\, a.
1. Uttering speech; used for conveying speech; as, man is a
speaking animal; a speaking tube.
[1913 Webster]

2. Seeming to be capable of speech; hence, lifelike; as, a
speaking likeness.
[1913 Webster]

A speaking acquaintance, a slight acquaintance with a
person, or one which merely permits the exchange of
salutations and remarks on indifferent subjects.

Speaking trumpet, an instrument somewhat resembling a
trumpet, by which the sound of the human voice may be so
intensified as to be conveyed to a great distance.

Speaking tube, a tube for conveying speech, especially from
one room to another at a distance.

To be on speaking terms, to be slightly acquainted.
[1913 Webster]
Speaking \Speak"ing\, n.
1. The act of uttering words.
[1913 Webster]

2. Public declamation; oratory.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: capable of or involving speech or speaking; "human beings
--the speaking animals"; "a speaking part in the play"
[ant: nonspeaking, walk-on]
n 1: the utterance of intelligible speech [syn: speaking,
speech production]
2: delivering an address to a public audience; "people came to
see the candidates and hear the speechmaking" [syn: {public
speaking}, speechmaking, speaking, oral presentation]
podobné slovodefinícia
- anglicky hovoriaci
- francúzsky hovoriaci
- rusky hovoriaci
Finno-Ugric-speaking, adj:
Flemish-speaking, adj:
French-speaking, adj:
German-speaking, adj:
Icelandic-speaking, adj:
Italian-speaking, adj:
Japanese-speaking, adj:
Kannada-speaking, adj:
Livonian-speaking, adj:
manner of speaking
manner of speaking, n:
not speaking
not speaking,
on speaking terms
on speaking terms,
Oscan-speaking, adj:
properly speaking
properly speaking, adv:
public speaking
public speaking, n:
Russian-speaking, adj:
Samoyedic-speaking, adj:
Semitic-speaking, adj:
Siouan-speaking, adj:
Spanish-speaking,španělsky mluvící adj: Zdeněk Brož
speaking,mluvení Zdeněk Brožspeaking,mluvící adj: Zdeněk Brož
speaking trumpet
speaking trumpet, n:
speaking tube
speaking tube,zvukovod n: Zdeněk Brož
speaking-tube,zvukovod n: Nijel
strictly speaking
strictly speaking, adv:
Turkic-speaking, adj:
A speaking acquaintance
Speaking \Speak"ing\, a.
1. Uttering speech; used for conveying speech; as, man is a
speaking animal; a speaking tube.
[1913 Webster]

2. Seeming to be capable of speech; hence, lifelike; as, a
speaking likeness.
[1913 Webster]

A speaking acquaintance, a slight acquaintance with a
person, or one which merely permits the exchange of
salutations and remarks on indifferent subjects.

Speaking trumpet, an instrument somewhat resembling a
trumpet, by which the sound of the human voice may be so
intensified as to be conveyed to a great distance.

Speaking tube, a tube for conveying speech, especially from
one room to another at a distance.

To be on speaking terms, to be slightly acquainted.
[1913 Webster]
Bespeak \Be*speak"\, v. t. [imp. Bespoke, Bespake (Archaic);
p. p. Bespoke, Bespoken; p. pr. & vb. n. Bespeaking.]
[OE. bispeken, AS. besprecan, to speak to, accuse; pref. be-
+ sprecan to speak. See Speak.]
1. To speak or arrange for beforehand; to order or engage
against a future time; as, to bespeak goods, a right, or a
[1913 Webster]

Concluding, naturally, that to gratify his avarice
was to bespeak his favor. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

2. To show beforehand; to foretell; to indicate.
[1913 Webster]

[They] bespoke dangers . . . in order to scare the
allies. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]

3. To betoken; to show; to indicate by external marks or
[1913 Webster]

When the abbot of St. Martin was born, he had so
little the figure of a man that it bespoke him
rather a monster. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

4. To speak to; to address. [Poetic]
[1913 Webster]

He thus the queen bespoke. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
English-speaking \English-speaking\ adj.
able to communicate in English.
[WordNet 1.5]
Evil speaking
Evil \E*vil\ ([=e]"v'l) a. [OE. evel, evil, ifel, uvel, AS.
yfel; akin to OFries, evel, D. euvel, OS. & OHG. ubil, G.
["u]bel, Goth. ubils, and perh. to E. over.]
1. Having qualities tending to injury and mischief; having a
nature or properties which tend to badness; mischievous;
not good; worthless or deleterious; poor; as, an evil
beast; and evil plant; an evil crop.
[1913 Webster]

A good tree can not bring forth evil fruit. --Matt.
vii. 18.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having or exhibiting bad moral qualities; morally corrupt;
wicked; wrong; vicious; as, evil conduct, thoughts, heart,
words, and the like.
[1913 Webster]

Ah, what a sign it is of evil life,
When death's approach is seen so terrible. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Producing or threatening sorrow, distress, injury, or
calamity; unpropitious; calamitous; as, evil tidings; evil
arrows; evil days.
[1913 Webster]

Because he hath brought up an evil name upon a
virgin of Israel. --Deut. xxii.
[1913 Webster]

The owl shrieked at thy birth -- an evil sign.
[1913 Webster]

Evil news rides post, while good news baits.
[1913 Webster]

Evil eye, an eye which inflicts injury by some magical or
fascinating influence. It is still believed by the
ignorant and superstitious that some persons have the
supernatural power of injuring by a look.
[1913 Webster]

It almost led him to believe in the evil eye. --J.
H. Newman.

Evil speaking, speaking ill of others; calumny;

The evil one, the Devil; Satan.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Evil is sometimes written as the first part of a
compound (with or without a hyphen). In many cases the
compounding need not be insisted on. Examples: Evil
doer or evildoer, evil speaking or evil-speaking, evil
worker, evil wishing, evil-hearted, evil-minded.

Syn: Mischieveous; pernicious; injurious; hurtful;
destructive; wicked; sinful; bad; corrupt; perverse;
wrong; vicious; calamitous.
[1913 Webster]
Forespeaking \Fore"speak`ing\, n.
A prediction; also, a preface. [Obs.] --Camden. Huloet.
[1913 Webster]
French-speaking \French-speaking\ adj.
able to communicate in French.

Syn: Francophone, Francophonic.
[WordNet 1.5]
German-speaking \German-speaking\ adj.
able to communicate in the German language.
[WordNet 1.5]
Home-speaking \Home"-speak`ing\, n.
Direct, forcible, and effective speaking. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
manner of speaking
manner of speaking \manner of speaking\ n.
The characteristic style or manner that a person uses to
express himself orally.

Syn: delivery.
[WordNet 1.5]
Plain speaking
Plain \Plain\, a. [Compar. Plainer; superl. Plainest.] [F.,
level, flat, fr. L. planus, perhaps akin to E. floor. Cf.
Llano, Piano, Plan, Plane level, a level surface.]
1. Without elevations or depressions; flat; level; smooth;
even. See Plane.
[1913 Webster]

The crooked shall be made straight, and the rough
places plain. --Isa. xl. 4.
[1913 Webster]

2. Open; clear; unencumbered; equal; fair.
[1913 Webster]

Our troops beat an army in plain fight. --Felton.
[1913 Webster]

3. Not intricate or difficult; evident; manifest; obvious;
clear; unmistakable. "'T is a plain case." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

(a) Void of extraneous beauty or ornament; without
conspicious embellishment; not rich; simple.
(b) Not highly cultivated; unsophisticated; free from show
or pretension; simple; natural; homely; common. "Plain
yet pious Christians." --Hammond. "The plain people."
--A. Lincoln.
(c) Free from affectation or disguise; candid; sincere;
artless; honest; frank. "An honest mind, and plain."
(d) Not luxurious; not highly seasoned; simple; as, plain
(e) Without beauty; not handsome; homely; as, a plain
(f) Not variegated, dyed, or figured; as, plain muslin.
(g) Not much varied by modulations; as, a plain tune.
[1913 Webster]

Plain battle, open battle; pitched battle. [Obs.]

Plain chant (Mus.) Same as Plain song, below.

Plain chart (Naut.), a chart laid down on Mercator's

Plain dealer.
(a) One who practices plain dealing.
(b) A simpleton. [Obs.] --Shak.

Plain dealing. See under Dealing.

Plain molding (Join.), molding of which the surfaces are
plain figures.

Plain sewing, sewing of seams by simple and common
stitches, in distinct from fancy work, embroidery, etc.;
-- distinguished also from designing and fitting garments.

Plain song.
(a) The Gregorian chant, or canto fermo; the prescribed
melody of the Roman Catholic service, sung in unison,
in tones of equal length, and rarely extending beyond
the compass of an octave.
(b) A simple melody.

Plain speaking, plainness or bluntness of speech.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Level; flat; smooth; open; artless; unaffected;
undisguised; frank; sincere; honest; candid; ingenuous;
unembellished; downright; blunt; clear; simple;
distinct; manifest; obvious; apparent. See Manifest.
[1913 Webster]
Speaking trumpet
Speaking \Speak"ing\, a.
1. Uttering speech; used for conveying speech; as, man is a
speaking animal; a speaking tube.
[1913 Webster]

2. Seeming to be capable of speech; hence, lifelike; as, a
speaking likeness.
[1913 Webster]

A speaking acquaintance, a slight acquaintance with a
person, or one which merely permits the exchange of
salutations and remarks on indifferent subjects.

Speaking trumpet, an instrument somewhat resembling a
trumpet, by which the sound of the human voice may be so
intensified as to be conveyed to a great distance.

Speaking tube, a tube for conveying speech, especially from
one room to another at a distance.

To be on speaking terms, to be slightly acquainted.
[1913 Webster]Trumpet \Trump"et\, n. [F. trompette, dim. of trompe. See
Trump a trumpet.]
1. (Mus.) A wind instrument of great antiquity, much used in
war and military exercises, and of great value in the
orchestra. In consists of a long metallic tube, curved
(once or twice) into a convenient shape, and ending in a
bell. Its scale in the lower octaves is limited to the
first natural harmonics; but there are modern trumpets
capable, by means of valves or pistons, of producing every
tone within their compass, although at the expense of the
true ringing quality of tone.
[1913 Webster]

The trumpet's loud clangor
Excites us to arms. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Mil.) A trumpeter. --Clarendon.
[1913 Webster]

3. One who praises, or propagates praise, or is the
instrument of propagating it. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

That great politician was pleased to have the
greatest wit of those times . . . to be the trumpet
of his praises. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Mach) A funnel, or short, fiaring pipe, used as a guide
or conductor, as for yarn in a knitting machine.
[1913 Webster]

Ear trumpet. See under Ear.

Sea trumpet (Bot.), a great seaweed (Ecklonia buccinalis)
of the Southern Ocean. It has a long, hollow stem,
enlarging upwards, which may be made into a kind of
trumpet, and is used for many purposes.

Speaking trumpet, an instrument for conveying articulate
sounds with increased force.

Trumpet animalcule (Zool.), any infusorian belonging to
Stentor and allied genera, in which the body is
trumpet-shaped. See Stentor.

Trumpet ash (Bot.), the trumpet creeper. [Eng.]

Trumpet conch (Zool.), a trumpet shell, or triton.

Trumpet creeper (Bot.), an American climbing plant ({Tecoma
radicans}) bearing clusters of large red trumpet-shaped
flowers; -- called also trumpet flower, and in England
trumpet ash.

Trumpet fish. (Zool.)
(a) The bellows fish.
(b) The fistularia.

Trumpet flower. (Bot.)
(a) The trumpet creeper; also, its blossom.
(b) The trumpet honeysuckle.
(c) A West Indian name for several plants with
trumpet-shaped flowers.

Trumpet fly (Zool.), a botfly.

Trumpet honeysuckle (Bot.), a twining plant ({Lonicera
sempervirens}) with red and yellow trumpet-shaped flowers;
-- called also trumpet flower.

Trumpet leaf (Bot.), a name of several plants of the genus

Trumpet major (Mil.), the chief trumpeter of a band or

Trumpet marine (Mus.), a monochord, having a thick string,
sounded with a bow, and stopped with the thumb so as to
produce the harmonic tones; -- said to be the oldest bowed
instrument known, and in form the archetype of all others.
It probably owes its name to "its external resemblance to
the large speaking trumpet used on board Italian vessels,
which is of the same length and tapering shape." --Grove.

Trumpet shell (Zool.), any species of large marine univalve
shells belonging to Triton and allied genera. See
Triton, 2.

Trumpet tree. (Bot.) See Trumpetwood.
[1913 Webster]
Speaking tube
Speaking \Speak"ing\, a.
1. Uttering speech; used for conveying speech; as, man is a
speaking animal; a speaking tube.
[1913 Webster]

2. Seeming to be capable of speech; hence, lifelike; as, a
speaking likeness.
[1913 Webster]

A speaking acquaintance, a slight acquaintance with a
person, or one which merely permits the exchange of
salutations and remarks on indifferent subjects.

Speaking trumpet, an instrument somewhat resembling a
trumpet, by which the sound of the human voice may be so
intensified as to be conveyed to a great distance.

Speaking tube, a tube for conveying speech, especially from
one room to another at a distance.

To be on speaking terms, to be slightly acquainted.
[1913 Webster]
To be on speaking terms
Speaking \Speak"ing\, a.
1. Uttering speech; used for conveying speech; as, man is a
speaking animal; a speaking tube.
[1913 Webster]

2. Seeming to be capable of speech; hence, lifelike; as, a
speaking likeness.
[1913 Webster]

A speaking acquaintance, a slight acquaintance with a
person, or one which merely permits the exchange of
salutations and remarks on indifferent subjects.

Speaking trumpet, an instrument somewhat resembling a
trumpet, by which the sound of the human voice may be so
intensified as to be conveyed to a great distance.

Speaking tube, a tube for conveying speech, especially from
one room to another at a distance.

To be on speaking terms, to be slightly acquainted.
[1913 Webster]
Unspeaking \Unspeaking\
See speaking.
adj 1: of or relating to people who speak Bantu; "the Bantu-
speaking people of Africa"
2: able to communicate in Bantu
broadly speaking
broadly speaking
adv 1: without regard to specific details or exceptions; "he
interprets the law broadly" [syn: broadly, loosely,
broadly speaking, generally] [ant: narrowly]
adj 1: able to communicate in English
adj 1: able to communicate in a Finno-Ugric language
adj 1: able to communicate in Flemish
adj 1: able to communicate in French
adj 1: able to communicate in Gaelic
adj 1: able to communicate in German
adj 1: able to communicate in Icelandic
adj 1: able to communicate in Italian
adj 1: able to communicate in Japanese
adj 1: able to communicate in Kannada
adj 1: able to communicate in Livonian
manner of speaking
manner of speaking
n 1: your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself
orally; "his manner of speaking was quite abrupt"; "her
speech was barren of southernisms"; "I detected a slight
accent in his speech" [syn: manner of speaking, speech,
adj 1: not capable of or especially not involving speech or
spoken lines; "had a nonspeaking role in the play" [syn:
nonspeaking, walk-on] [ant: speaking(a)]
adj 1: able to communicate in Oscan
properly speaking
properly speaking
adv 1: in actual fact; "properly speaking, they are not husband
and wife" [syn: properly speaking, strictly speaking,
to be precise]
public speaking
public speaking
n 1: delivering an address to a public audience; "people came to
see the candidates and hear the speechmaking" [syn: {public
speaking}, speechmaking, speaking, oral presentation]
adj 1: able to communicate in Russian
adj 1: able to communicate in Samoyedic
adj 1: able to communicate in a Semitic language
adj 1: able to communicate in a Siouan language
adj 1: able to communicate in Spanish
adj 1: capable of or involving speech or speaking; "human beings
--the speaking animals"; "a speaking part in the play"
[ant: nonspeaking, walk-on]
n 1: the utterance of intelligible speech [syn: speaking,
speech production]
2: delivering an address to a public audience; "people came to
see the candidates and hear the speechmaking" [syn: {public
speaking}, speechmaking, speaking, oral presentation]
speaking trumpet
speaking trumpet
n 1: a trumpet-shaped acoustic device to intensify and direct
the human voice; formerly held to the ear by a hard-of-
hearing person
speaking tube
speaking tube
n 1: a tube for conveying the sound of a voice from one room to
strictly speaking
strictly speaking
adv 1: in actual fact; "properly speaking, they are not husband
and wife" [syn: properly speaking, strictly speaking,
to be precise]
adj 1: able to communicate in Turkic
SPEAKING DEMURRER, equity pleading. One which contains an argument in the
body of it; as, for instance, when a demurrer says, "in or about the year
1770," which is upwards of twenty years before the bill filed. 2 Ves. jr.
83; S. C. 4 Bro. C. C. 254.

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