spiraea,tavolník n: Zdeněk Brož
Spiraea \Spi*rae"a\, n. [L., fr. Gr. ???, fr. ??? a coil.]
A genus of shrubs or perennial herbs including the
meadowsweet and the hardhack.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a Japanese shrub that resembles members of the genus
Spiraea; widely cultivated in many varieties for its dense
panicles of flowers in many colors; often forced by
florists for Easter blooming [syn: spirea, spiraea,
Astilbe japonica]
2: any rosaceous plant of the genus Spiraea; has sprays of small
white or pink flowers [syn: spirea, spiraea]
3: a dicotyledonous genus of the family Rosaceae [syn:
Spiraea, genus Spiraea]
podobné slovodefinícia
spiraea,tavolník n: Zdeněk Brož
Spiraea filipendula
Dropwort \Drop"wort`\ (dr[o^]p"w[^u]rt`), n. (Bot.)
An Old World species of Spir[ae]a ({Spir[ae]a
filipendula}), with finely cut leaves.
[1913 Webster]
Spiraea hypericifolia
Saint \Saint\ (s[=a]nt), n. [F., fr. L. sanctus sacred, properly
p. p. of sancire to render sacred by a religious act, to
appoint as sacred; akin to sacer sacred. Cf. Sacred,
Sanctity, Sanctum, Sanctus.]
1. A person sanctified; a holy or godly person; one eminent
for piety and virtue; any true Christian, as being
redeemed and consecrated to God.
[1913 Webster]

Them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to
be saints. --1 Cor. i. 2.
[1913 Webster]

2. One of the blessed in heaven.
[1913 Webster]

Then shall thy saints, unmixed, and from the impure
Far separate, circling thy holy mount,
Unfeigned hallelujahs to thee sing. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Eccl.) One canonized by the church. [Abbrev. St.]
[1913 Webster]

Saint Andrew's cross.
(a) A cross shaped like the letter X. See Illust. 4, under
(b) (Bot.) A low North American shrub ({Ascyrum
Crux-Andreae}, the petals of which have the form of a
Saint Andrew's cross. --Gray.

Saint Anthony's cross, a T-shaped cross. See Illust. 6,
under Cross.

Saint Anthony's fire, the erysipelas; -- popularly so
called because it was supposed to have been cured by the
intercession of Saint Anthony.

Saint Anthony's nut (Bot.), the groundnut ({Bunium
flexuosum}); -- so called because swine feed on it, and
St. Anthony was once a swineherd. --Dr. Prior.

Saint Anthony's turnip (Bot.), the bulbous crowfoot, a
favorite food of swine. --Dr. Prior.

Saint Barnaby's thistle (Bot.), a kind of knapweed
(Centaurea solstitialis) flowering on St. Barnabas's
Day, June 11th. --Dr. Prior.

Saint Bernard (Zool.), a breed of large, handsome dogs
celebrated for strength and sagacity, formerly bred
chiefly at the Hospice of St. Bernard in Switzerland, but
now common in Europe and America. There are two races, the
smooth-haired and the rough-haired. See Illust. under

Saint Catharine's flower (Bot.), the plant love-in-a-mist.
See under Love.

Saint Cuthbert's beads (Paleon.), the fossil joints of
crinoid stems.

Saint Dabeoc's heath (Bot.), a heatherlike plant ({Daboecia
polifolia}), named from an Irish saint.

Saint Distaff's Day. See under Distaff.

Saint Elmo's fire, a luminous, flamelike appearance,
sometimes seen in dark, tempestuous nights, at some
prominent point on a ship, particularly at the masthead
and the yardarms. It has also been observed on land, and
is due to the discharge of electricity from elevated or
pointed objects. A single flame is called a Helena, or a
Corposant; a double, or twin, flame is called a {Castor
and Pollux}, or a double Corposant. It takes its name
from St. Elmo, the patron saint of sailors.

Saint George's cross (Her.), a Greek cross gules upon a
field argent, the field being represented by a narrow
fimbriation in the ensign, or union jack, of Great

Saint George's ensign, a red cross on a white field with a
union jack in the upper corner next the mast. It is the
distinguishing badge of ships of the royal navy of
England; -- called also the white ensign. --Brande & C.

Saint George's flag, a smaller flag resembling the ensign,
but without the union jack; used as the sign of the
presence and command of an admiral. [Eng.] --Brande & C.

Saint Gobain glass (Chem.), a fine variety of soda-lime
plate glass, so called from St. Gobain in France, where it
was manufactured.

Saint Ignatius's bean (Bot.), the seed of a tree of the
Philippines (Strychnos Ignatia), of properties similar
to the nux vomica.

Saint James's shell (Zool.), a pecten (Vola Jacobaeus)
worn by pilgrims to the Holy Land. See Illust. under

Saint James's-wort (Bot.), a kind of ragwort ({Senecio

Saint John's bread. (Bot.) See Carob.

Saint John's-wort (Bot.), any plant of the genus
Hypericum, most species of which have yellow flowers; --
called also John's-wort.

Saint Leger, the name of a race for three-year-old horses
run annually in September at Doncaster, England; --
instituted in 1776 by Col. St. Leger.

Saint Martin's herb (Bot.), a small tropical American
violaceous plant (Sauvagesia erecta). It is very
mucilaginous and is used in medicine.

Saint Martin's summer, a season of mild, damp weather
frequently prevailing during late autumn in England and
the Mediterranean countries; -- so called from St.
Martin's Festival, occurring on November 11. It
corresponds to the Indian summer in America. --Shak.

Saint Patrick's cross. See Illust. 4, under Cross.

Saint Patrick's Day, the 17th of March, anniversary of the
death (about 466) of St. Patrick, the apostle and patron
saint of Ireland.

Saint Peter's fish. (Zool.) See John Dory, under John.

Saint Peter's-wort (Bot.), a name of several plants, as
Hypericum Ascyron, Hypericum quadrangulum, {Ascyrum
stans}, etc.

Saint Peter's wreath (Bot.), a shrubby kind of Spiraea
(Spiraea hypericifolia), having long slender branches
covered with clusters of small white blossoms in spring.

Saint's bell. See Sanctus bell, under Sanctus.

Saint Vitus's dance (Med.), chorea; -- so called from the
supposed cures wrought on intercession to this saint.
[1913 Webster]May \May\, n. [F. Mai, L. Maius; so named in honor of the
goddess Maia (Gr. Mai^a), daughter of Atlas and mother of
Mercury by Jupiter.]
1. The fifth month of the year, containing thirty-one days.
[1913 Webster]

2. The early part or springtime of life.
[1913 Webster]

His May of youth, and bloom of lustihood. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) The flowers of the hawthorn; -- so called from
their time of blossoming; also, the hawthorn.
[1913 Webster]

The palm and may make country houses gay. --Nash.
[1913 Webster]

Plumes that mocked the may. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]

4. The merrymaking of May Day. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]

Italian may (Bot.), a shrubby species of Spiraea
(Spiraea hypericifolia) with many clusters of small
white flowers along the slender branches.

May apple (Bot.), the fruit of an American plant
(Podophyllum peltatum). Also, the plant itself
(popularly called mandrake), which has two lobed leaves,
and bears a single egg-shaped fruit at the forking. The
root and leaves, used in medicine, are powerfully drastic.

May beetle, May bug (Zool.), any one of numerous species
of large lamellicorn beetles that appear in the winged
state in May. They belong to Melolontha, and allied
genera. Called also June beetle.

May Day, the first day of May; -- celebrated in the rustic
parts of England by the crowning of a May queen with a
garland, and by dancing about a May pole.

May dew, the morning dew of the first day of May, to which
magical properties were attributed.

May flower (Bot.), a plant that flowers in May; also, its
blossom. See Mayflower, in the vocabulary.

May fly (Zool.), any species of Ephemera, and allied
genera; -- so called because the mature flies of many
species appear in May. See Ephemeral fly, under

May game, any May-day sport.

May lady, the queen or lady of May, in old May games.

May lily (Bot.), the lily of the valley ({Convallaria

May pole. See Maypole in the Vocabulary.

May queen, a girl or young woman crowned queen in the
sports of May Day.

May thorn, the hawthorn.
[1913 Webster]
Spiraea lobata
Queen \Queen\, n. [OE. quen, quene, queen, quean, AS. cw[=e]n
wife, queen, woman; akin to OS. qu[=a]n wife, woman, Icel.
kv[=a]n wife, queen, Goth. q[=e]ns. [root]221. See Quean.]
1. The wife of a king.
[1913 Webster]

2. A woman who is the sovereign of a kingdom; a female
monarch; as, Elizabeth, queen of England; Mary, queen of
[1913 Webster]

In faith, and by the heaven's quene. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

3. A woman eminent in power or attractions; the highest of
her kind; as, a queen in society; -- also used
figuratively of cities, countries, etc. " This queen of
cities." " Albion, queen of isles." --Cowper.
[1913 Webster]

4. The fertile, or fully developed, female of social bees,
ants, and termites.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Chess) The most powerful, and except the king the most
important, piece in a set of chessmen.
[1913 Webster]

6. A playing card bearing the picture of a queen; as, the
queen of spades.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster]

Queen apple. [Cf. OE. quyne aple quince apple.] A kind of
apple; a queening. "Queen apples and red cherries."

Queen bee (Zool.), a female bee, especially the female of
the honeybee. See Honeybee.

Queen conch (Zool.), a very large West Indian cameo conch
(Cassis cameo). It is much used for making cameos.

Queen consort, the wife of a reigning king. --Blackstone.

Queen dowager, the widow of a king.

Queen gold, formerly a revenue of the queen consort of
England, arising from gifts, fines, etc.

Queen mother, a queen dowager who is also mother of the
reigning king or queen.

Queen of May. See May queen, under May.

Queen of the meadow (Bot.), a European herbaceous plant
(Spir[ae]a Ulmaria). See Meadowsweet.

Queen of the prairie (Bot.), an American herb ({Spir[ae]a
lobata}) with ample clusters of pale pink flowers.

Queen pigeon (Zool.), any one of several species of very
large and handsome crested ground pigeons of the genus
Goura, native of New Guinea and the adjacent islands.
They are mostly pale blue, or ash-blue, marked with white,
and have a large occipital crest of spatulate feathers.
Called also crowned pigeon, goura, and {Victoria

Queen regent, or Queen regnant, a queen reigning in her
own right.

Queen's Bench. See King's Bench.

Queen's counsel, Queen's evidence. See King's counsel,
King's evidence, under King.

Queen's delight (Bot.), an American plant ({Stillinqia
sylvatica}) of the Spurge family, having an herbaceous
stem and a perennial woody root.

Queen's metal (Metal.), an alloy somewhat resembling pewter
or britannia, and consisting essentially of tin with a
slight admixture of antimony, bismuth, and lead or copper.

Queen's pigeon. (Zool.) Same as Queen pigeon, above.

Queen's ware, glazed English earthenware of a cream color.

Queen's yellow (Old Chem.), a heavy yellow powder
consisting of a basic mercuric sulphate; -- formerly
called turpetum minerale, or Turbith's mineral.
[1913 Webster]
Spiraea opulifolia
Nine-bark \Nine"-bark`\, n. (Bot.)
A white-flowered rosaceous shrub (Neillia opulifolia, or
Spiraea opulifolia), common in the Northern United States.
The bark separates into many thin layers, whence the name.
[1913 Webster]
Spiraea prunifolia
bridalwreath \bridalwreath\ n.
a shrub (Spiraea prunifolia) having copious small white
flowers in spring.

Syn: bridal wreath, Saint Peter's wreath, St. Peter's wreath.
[WordNet 1.5]
Spiraea salicifolia
Meadowsweet \Mead"ow*sweet`\, Meadowwort \Mead"ow*wort`\, n.
The name of several plants of the genus Spiraea, especially
the white- or pink-flowered Spiraea salicifolia, a low
European and American shrub, and the herbaceous {Spiraea
Ulmaria}, which has fragrant white flowers in compound cymes.
[1913 Webster]
Spiraea tomentosa
Hardhack \Hard"hack`\ (-h[a^]k`), n. (Bot.)
A very astringent shrub (Spir[ae]a tomentosa), common in
pastures. The Potentilla fruticosa is also called by this
[1913 Webster]Steeple \Stee"ple\ (st[=e]"p'l), n. [OE. stepel, AS. st[=e]pel,
st[=y]pel; akin to E. steep, a.] (Arch.)
A spire; also, the tower and spire taken together; the whole
of a structure if the roof is of spire form. See Spire. "A
weathercock on a steeple." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Rood steeple. See Rood tower, under Rood.

Steeple bush (Bot.), a low shrub (Spiraea tomentosa)
having dense panicles of minute rose-colored flowers;

Steeple chase, a race across country between a number of
horsemen, to see which can first reach some distant
object, as a church steeple; hence, a race over a
prescribed course obstructed by such obstacles as one
meets in riding across country, as hedges, walls, etc.

Steeple chaser, one who rides in a steeple chase; also, a
horse trained to run in a steeple chase.

Steeple engine, a vertical back-acting steam engine having
the cylinder beneath the crosshead.

Steeple house, a church. [Obs.] --Jer. Taylor.
[1913 Webster]
Spiraea Ulmaria
Queen \Queen\, n. [OE. quen, quene, queen, quean, AS. cw[=e]n
wife, queen, woman; akin to OS. qu[=a]n wife, woman, Icel.
kv[=a]n wife, queen, Goth. q[=e]ns. [root]221. See Quean.]
1. The wife of a king.
[1913 Webster]

2. A woman who is the sovereign of a kingdom; a female
monarch; as, Elizabeth, queen of England; Mary, queen of
[1913 Webster]

In faith, and by the heaven's quene. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

3. A woman eminent in power or attractions; the highest of
her kind; as, a queen in society; -- also used
figuratively of cities, countries, etc. " This queen of
cities." " Albion, queen of isles." --Cowper.
[1913 Webster]

4. The fertile, or fully developed, female of social bees,
ants, and termites.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Chess) The most powerful, and except the king the most
important, piece in a set of chessmen.
[1913 Webster]

6. A playing card bearing the picture of a queen; as, the
queen of spades.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster]

Queen apple. [Cf. OE. quyne aple quince apple.] A kind of
apple; a queening. "Queen apples and red cherries."

Queen bee (Zool.), a female bee, especially the female of
the honeybee. See Honeybee.

Queen conch (Zool.), a very large West Indian cameo conch
(Cassis cameo). It is much used for making cameos.

Queen consort, the wife of a reigning king. --Blackstone.

Queen dowager, the widow of a king.

Queen gold, formerly a revenue of the queen consort of
England, arising from gifts, fines, etc.

Queen mother, a queen dowager who is also mother of the
reigning king or queen.

Queen of May. See May queen, under May.

Queen of the meadow (Bot.), a European herbaceous plant
(Spir[ae]a Ulmaria). See Meadowsweet.

Queen of the prairie (Bot.), an American herb ({Spir[ae]a
lobata}) with ample clusters of pale pink flowers.

Queen pigeon (Zool.), any one of several species of very
large and handsome crested ground pigeons of the genus
Goura, native of New Guinea and the adjacent islands.
They are mostly pale blue, or ash-blue, marked with white,
and have a large occipital crest of spatulate feathers.
Called also crowned pigeon, goura, and {Victoria

Queen regent, or Queen regnant, a queen reigning in her
own right.

Queen's Bench. See King's Bench.

Queen's counsel, Queen's evidence. See King's counsel,
King's evidence, under King.

Queen's delight (Bot.), an American plant ({Stillinqia
sylvatica}) of the Spurge family, having an herbaceous
stem and a perennial woody root.

Queen's metal (Metal.), an alloy somewhat resembling pewter
or britannia, and consisting essentially of tin with a
slight admixture of antimony, bismuth, and lead or copper.

Queen's pigeon. (Zool.) Same as Queen pigeon, above.

Queen's ware, glazed English earthenware of a cream color.

Queen's yellow (Old Chem.), a heavy yellow powder
consisting of a basic mercuric sulphate; -- formerly
called turpetum minerale, or Turbith's mineral.
[1913 Webster]Meadowsweet \Mead"ow*sweet`\, Meadowwort \Mead"ow*wort`\, n.
The name of several plants of the genus Spiraea, especially
the white- or pink-flowered Spiraea salicifolia, a low
European and American shrub, and the herbaceous {Spiraea
Ulmaria}, which has fragrant white flowers in compound cymes.
[1913 Webster]
genus spiraea
genus Spiraea
n 1: a dicotyledonous genus of the family Rosaceae [syn:
Spiraea, genus Spiraea]
n 1: a Japanese shrub that resembles members of the genus
Spiraea; widely cultivated in many varieties for its dense
panicles of flowers in many colors; often forced by
florists for Easter blooming [syn: spirea, spiraea,
Astilbe japonica]
2: any rosaceous plant of the genus Spiraea; has sprays of small
white or pink flowers [syn: spirea, spiraea]
3: a dicotyledonous genus of the family Rosaceae [syn:
Spiraea, genus Spiraea]
spiraea prunifolia
Spiraea prunifolia
n 1: shrub having copious small white flowers in spring [syn:
bridal wreath, bridal-wreath, Saint Peter's wreath,
St. Peter's wreath, Spiraea prunifolia]

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