- dodáva
supplies,dodává Zdeněk Brož
supplies,dodávky n: Zdeněk Brož
supplies,pomocný materiál Zdeněk Brož
supplies,potřeby n: Pino
supplies,zásobování n: Zdeněk Brož
supplies,zásoby n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
Supply \Sup*ply"\, n.; pl. Supplies.
1. The act of supplying; supplial. --A. Tucker.
[1913 Webster]

2. That which supplies a want; sufficiency of things for use
or want. Specifically:
[1913 Webster]
(a) Auxiliary troops or reenforcements. "My promised
supply of horsemen." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
(b) The food, and the like, which meets the daily
necessities of an army or other large body of men;
store; -- used chiefly in the plural; as, the army was
discontented for lack of supplies.
[1913 Webster]
(c) An amount of money provided, as by Parliament or
Congress, to meet the annual national expenditures;
generally in the plural; as, to vote supplies.
[1913 Webster]
(d) A person who fills a place for a time; one who
supplies the place of another; a substitute; esp., a
clergyman who supplies a vacant pulpit.
[1913 Webster]

Stated supply (Eccl.), a clergyman employed to supply a
pulpit for a definite time, but not settled as a pastor.

Supply and demand. (Polit. Econ.) "Demand means the
quantity of a given article which would be taken at a
given price. Supply means the quantity of that article
which could be had at that price." --F. A. Walker.
[1913 Webster]
SUPPLIES, Eng. Law. Extraordinary grants to the king by parliament, to
supply the exigencies of the state. Jacob's Law Dict. h.t.

podobné slovodefinícia
- dodáva
supplies,dodává Zdeněk Brožsupplies,dodávky n: Zdeněk Brožsupplies,pomocný materiál Zdeněk Brožsupplies,potřeby n: Pinosupplies,zásobování n: Zdeněk Brožsupplies,zásoby n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
supplies and equipment
supplies and equipment,
water supplies
water supplies,vodovody Miša
SUPPLIES, Eng. Law. Extraordinary grants to the king by parliament, to
supply the exigencies of the state. Jacob's Law Dict. h.t.

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