- vypínač, prepnutie, prepnúť
switch,přepínač n: [it.] síťový prvek Hi
switch,vypínač n: Cascaval
Switch \Switch\, n. [Cf. OD. swick a scourage, a whip. Cf.
Swink, Swing.]
1. A small, flexible twig or rod.
[1913 Webster]

Mauritania, on the fifth medal, leads a horse with
something like a thread; in her other hand she holds
a switch. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Railways) A movable part of a rail; or of opposite rails,
for transferring cars from one track to another.
[1913 Webster]

3. A separate mass or trees of hair, or of some substance (at
jute) made to resemble hair, worn on the head by women.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Elec.) A device for shifting an electric current to
another circuit, or for making and breaking a circuit.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Safety switch (Railways), a form of switch contrived to
prevent or lessen the danger of derailment of trains.

Switch back (Railways), an arrangement of tracks whereby
elevations otherwise insurmountable are passed. The track
ascends by a series of zigzags, the engine running
alternately forward and back, until the summit is reached.

Switch board (Elec.), a collection of switches in one piece
of apparatus, so arranged that a number of circuits may be
connected or combined in any desired manner.

Switch grass. (Bot.) See under Grass.
[1913 Webster]
Switch \Switch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Switched; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To strike with a switch or small flexible rod; to whip.
[1913 Webster]

2. To swing or whisk; as, to switch a cane.
[1913 Webster]

3. To trim, as, a hedge. [Prov. Eng.] --Halliwell.
[1913 Webster]

4. To turn from one railway track to another; to transfer by
a switch; -- generally with off, from, etc.; as, to switch
off a train; to switch a car from one track to another.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Eccl.) To shift to another circuit.
[1913 Webster]
Switch \Switch\, v. i.
To walk with a jerk. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]
n 1: control consisting of a mechanical or electrical or
electronic device for making or breaking or changing the
connections in a circuit [syn: switch, electric switch,
electrical switch]
2: an event in which one thing is substituted for another; "the
replacement of lost blood by a transfusion of donor blood"
[syn: substitution, permutation, transposition,
replacement, switch]
3: hairpiece consisting of a tress of false hair; used by women
to give shape to a coiffure
4: railroad track having two movable rails and necessary
connections; used to turn a train from one track to another
or to store rolling stock
5: a flexible implement used as an instrument of punishment
6: a basketball maneuver; two defensive players shift
assignments so that each guards the player usually guarded by
the other
7: the act of changing one thing or position for another; "his
switch on abortion cost him the election" [syn: switch,
switching, shift]
v 1: change over, change around, as to a new order or sequence
[syn: switch over, switch, exchange]
2: exchange or give (something) in exchange for [syn: trade,
swap, swop, switch]
3: lay aside, abandon, or leave for another; "switch to a
different brand of beer"; "She switched psychiatrists"; "The
car changed lanes" [syn: switch, shift, change]
4: make a shift in or exchange of; "First Joe led; then we
switched" [syn: switch, change over, shift]
5: cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation; "switch
on the light"; "throw the lever" [syn: throw, flip,
6: flog with or as if with a flexible rod
7: reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action) [syn:
interchange, tack, switch, alternate, flip, {flip-

1. switch statement.

2. command line option.

3. packet switch, circuit switch.

podobné slovodefinícia
- vypínač, prepnutie, prepnúť
switch off
switch off
- vypnúť
switch on
switch on
- zapnúť
- ústredňa
- zmenil
asleep at the switch
asleep at the switch,nedávající pozor Zdeněk Brož
dual inline package switch
dual inline package switch, n:
electric switch
electric switch, n:
electrical switch
electrical switch, n:
expenditure switching policy
expenditure switching policy,
ignition switch
ignition switch, n:
mode switching
mode switching,změna způsobu [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
on-off switch
on-off switch,vypínač n: Petr Menšík
on/off switch
on/off switch,vypínač n: Petr Menšík
portfolio switching
portfolio switching,
rail-switch,výhybka n: web
selector switch
selector switch, n:
switch,přepínač n: [it.] síťový prvek Hiswitch,vypínač n: Cascaval
switch cane
switch cane, n:
switch engine
switch engine, n:
switch grass
switch grass, n:
switch isolator
switch isolator,odpínač n: [el.] ghost
switch off
switch off,vypínat switch off,vypnout
switch on
switch on,zapínat switch on,zapnout
switch over
switch over,přepnout v: Zdeněk Brož
switch point
switch point,bod obratu [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
switch transaction
switch transaction,
switch-ivy, n:
switch-off,vypnutí n: Zdeněk Brožswitch-off,vypojení n: Zdeněk Brož
switch-on,zapnutí n: Zdeněk Brož
switchable,přepínatelný adj: Zdeněk Brož
switchback,serpentina Jaroslav Šedivý
switchblade,hypotéka Pavel Machekswitchblade,zavírací nůž Zdeněk Brož
switchblade knife
switchblade knife,
switchboard,centrála switchboard,rozvaděč n: Zdeněk Brožswitchboard,ústředna n: Zdeněk Brož
switchboard operator
switchboard operator, n:
switched,přepnutý adj: Zdeněk Brožswitched,zaměněný adj: Zdeněk Brožswitched,změnil v: Zdeněk Brož
switcher,přepínač n: Zdeněk Brož
switcheroo, n:
switches,přepínače Zdeněk Brož
switchgear,spínací ústrojí Zdeněk Brožswitchgear,spínač n: Zdeněk Brož
switching,přepíná n: Zdeněk Brožswitching,přepínání n: Zdeněk Brož
switching policy
switching policy,
switchman,výhybkář n: Zdeněk Brož
switchover,přeměna n: Zdeněk Brožswitchover,přepojení n: Zdeněk Brož
switchyard,rozvodna (venkovní) n: Tolda
three-point switch
three-point switch, n:
three-way switch
three-way switch, n:
time switch
time switch,spínač časový Zdeněk Brož
time-switch, n:
toggle switch
toggle switch,kloubový spínač Zdeněk Brožtoggle switch,kolébkový spínač Zdeněk Brožtoggle switch,přepínač páčkový Zdeněk Brož
big orange switch
Big Orange Switch,BOS[zkr.]
big red switch
Big Red Switch,BRS[zkr.]
defense switched network
Defense Switched Network,DSN[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
Knife switch
Knife switch \Knife switch\ (Elec.)
A switch consisting of one or more knifelike pieces hinged at
one end and making contact near the other with flat gripping
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Point switch
Point switch \Point switch\ (Railroads)
A switch made up of a rail from each track, both rails being
tapered far back and connected to throw alongside the through
rail of either track.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Safety switch
Safety chain \Safety chain\
(a) (Railroads) A normally slack chain for preventing
excessive movement between a truck and a car body in
(b) An auxiliary watch chain, secured to the clothes, usually
out of sight, to prevent stealing of the watch.
(c) A chain of sheet metal links with an elongated hole
through each broad end, made up by doubling the first
link on itself, slipping the next link through and
doubling, and so on.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Safety arch (Arch.), a discharging arch. See under
Discharge, v. t.

Safety belt, a belt made of some buoyant material, or which
is capable of being inflated, so as to enable a person to
float in water; a life preserver.

Safety buoy, a buoy to enable a person to float in water; a
safety belt.

Safety cage (Mach.), a cage for an elevator or mine lift,
having appliances to prevent it from dropping if the
lifting rope should break.

Safety lamp. (Mining) See under Lamp.

Safety match, a match which can be ignited only on a
surface specially prepared for the purpose.

Safety pin, a pin made in the form of a clasp, with a guard
covering its point so that it will not prick the wearer.

Safety plug. See Fusible plug, under Fusible.

Safety switch. See Switch.

Safety touchdown (Football), the act or result of a
player's touching to the ground behind his own goal line a
ball which received its last impulse from a man on his own
side; -- distinguished from touchback. See Touchdown.
Same as safety

Safety tube (Chem.), a tube to prevent explosion, or to
control delivery of gases by an automatic valvular
connection with the outer air; especially, a bent funnel
tube with bulbs for adding those reagents which produce
unpleasant fumes or violent effervescence.

Safety valve, a valve which is held shut by a spring or
weight and opens automatically to permit the escape of
steam, or confined gas, water, etc., from a boiler, or
other vessel, when the pressure becomes too great for
safety; also, sometimes, a similar valve opening inward to
admit air to a vessel in which the pressure is less than
that of the atmosphere, to prevent collapse.
[1913 Webster]Switch \Switch\, n. [Cf. OD. swick a scourage, a whip. Cf.
Swink, Swing.]
1. A small, flexible twig or rod.
[1913 Webster]

Mauritania, on the fifth medal, leads a horse with
something like a thread; in her other hand she holds
a switch. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Railways) A movable part of a rail; or of opposite rails,
for transferring cars from one track to another.
[1913 Webster]

3. A separate mass or trees of hair, or of some substance (at
jute) made to resemble hair, worn on the head by women.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Elec.) A device for shifting an electric current to
another circuit, or for making and breaking a circuit.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Safety switch (Railways), a form of switch contrived to
prevent or lessen the danger of derailment of trains.

Switch back (Railways), an arrangement of tracks whereby
elevations otherwise insurmountable are passed. The track
ascends by a series of zigzags, the engine running
alternately forward and back, until the summit is reached.

Switch board (Elec.), a collection of switches in one piece
of apparatus, so arranged that a number of circuits may be
connected or combined in any desired manner.

Switch grass. (Bot.) See under Grass.
[1913 Webster]
Split switch
Split switch \Split switch\ (Railroading)
same as Point switch.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Switch back
Switch \Switch\, n. [Cf. OD. swick a scourage, a whip. Cf.
Swink, Swing.]
1. A small, flexible twig or rod.
[1913 Webster]

Mauritania, on the fifth medal, leads a horse with
something like a thread; in her other hand she holds
a switch. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Railways) A movable part of a rail; or of opposite rails,
for transferring cars from one track to another.
[1913 Webster]

3. A separate mass or trees of hair, or of some substance (at
jute) made to resemble hair, worn on the head by women.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Elec.) A device for shifting an electric current to
another circuit, or for making and breaking a circuit.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Safety switch (Railways), a form of switch contrived to
prevent or lessen the danger of derailment of trains.

Switch back (Railways), an arrangement of tracks whereby
elevations otherwise insurmountable are passed. The track
ascends by a series of zigzags, the engine running
alternately forward and back, until the summit is reached.

Switch board (Elec.), a collection of switches in one piece
of apparatus, so arranged that a number of circuits may be
connected or combined in any desired manner.

Switch grass. (Bot.) See under Grass.
[1913 Webster]
Switch board
Switch \Switch\, n. [Cf. OD. swick a scourage, a whip. Cf.
Swink, Swing.]
1. A small, flexible twig or rod.
[1913 Webster]

Mauritania, on the fifth medal, leads a horse with
something like a thread; in her other hand she holds
a switch. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Railways) A movable part of a rail; or of opposite rails,
for transferring cars from one track to another.
[1913 Webster]

3. A separate mass or trees of hair, or of some substance (at
jute) made to resemble hair, worn on the head by women.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Elec.) A device for shifting an electric current to
another circuit, or for making and breaking a circuit.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Safety switch (Railways), a form of switch contrived to
prevent or lessen the danger of derailment of trains.

Switch back (Railways), an arrangement of tracks whereby
elevations otherwise insurmountable are passed. The track
ascends by a series of zigzags, the engine running
alternately forward and back, until the summit is reached.

Switch board (Elec.), a collection of switches in one piece
of apparatus, so arranged that a number of circuits may be
connected or combined in any desired manner.

Switch grass. (Bot.) See under Grass.
[1913 Webster]
switch engine
Switching \Switch"ing\,
a. & n. from Switch, v.
[1913 Webster]

Switching engine, a locomotive for switching cars from one
track to another, and making up trains; -- called also
switch engine. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]
Switch grass
Switch \Switch\, n. [Cf. OD. swick a scourage, a whip. Cf.
Swink, Swing.]
1. A small, flexible twig or rod.
[1913 Webster]

Mauritania, on the fifth medal, leads a horse with
something like a thread; in her other hand she holds
a switch. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Railways) A movable part of a rail; or of opposite rails,
for transferring cars from one track to another.
[1913 Webster]

3. A separate mass or trees of hair, or of some substance (at
jute) made to resemble hair, worn on the head by women.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Elec.) A device for shifting an electric current to
another circuit, or for making and breaking a circuit.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Safety switch (Railways), a form of switch contrived to
prevent or lessen the danger of derailment of trains.

Switch back (Railways), an arrangement of tracks whereby
elevations otherwise insurmountable are passed. The track
ascends by a series of zigzags, the engine running
alternately forward and back, until the summit is reached.

Switch board (Elec.), a collection of switches in one piece
of apparatus, so arranged that a number of circuits may be
connected or combined in any desired manner.

Switch grass. (Bot.) See under Grass.
[1913 Webster]
switchboard \switch"board`\ n.
1. an elctrical apparatus consisting predominantly of a panel
on which are switches or other means of completing
electrical circuits; -- used especially for the devices
used in telephone exchanges. See sense 2.

2. (Telephone) An apparatus containing switches by means of
which a connection may be made from an incoming telephone
line to any one of numerous outgoing lines. The switches
may be either mechanical or electronic, and the switching
action may be automatic, controlled by signals in the
incoming call, or manual, controlled by a switchboard
operator. In older style manual switchboards, the circuits
were connected by the use of patchcords, inserted into

Syn: patchboard, plugboard, telephone exchange.
Switch \Switch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Switched; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To strike with a switch or small flexible rod; to whip.
[1913 Webster]

2. To swing or whisk; as, to switch a cane.
[1913 Webster]

3. To trim, as, a hedge. [Prov. Eng.] --Halliwell.
[1913 Webster]

4. To turn from one railway track to another; to transfer by
a switch; -- generally with off, from, etc.; as, to switch
off a train; to switch a car from one track to another.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Eccl.) To shift to another circuit.
[1913 Webster]

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