Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
Telecommunication Display Device

(TDD) A terminal device used widely by deaf
people for text communication over telephone lines.

The acronym TDD is sometimes expanded as "Telecommunication
Display Device" but is generally considered to be derived from
"Telecommunications Device for the Deaf". The deaf themselves
do not usually use the term "TDD", but prefer simply "TTY"
-- possibly the original term. The ambiguity between this and
the other meanings of "TTY" is generally not problematic.
The acronym "TTD" is also common [Teletype for the deaf?].

The standard most used by TDDs is reportedly a survivor of
Baudot code. It uses asynchronous transmission of 1400 Hz
and 1600 Hz tones at 45.5 or 50 baud, with one start bit,
5 data bits and 1.5 stop bits. This is generally
incompatible with standard modems.

A typical TDD is a device about the size of a small {laptop
computer} (resembling, in fact, a circa 1983 Radio Shack
Model 100 computer) with a QWERTY keyboard, and small
screen (often one line high, often made of an array of
LEDs). There is often a small printer for making
transcripts of terminal sessions. An acoustic coupler
connects it to the telephone handset.

With the falling cost of personal computers and the
widespread use of Internet talk systems, there is now
little reason to use this Stone Age technology.

[Standards? i18n?]

podobné slovodefinícia
ATTD,Advanced Technology Transition Demonstration [zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk
Brož a automatický překlad
CTTD,Cute Things They Do [zkr.]
German \Ger"man\, n.; pl. Germans[L. Germanus, prob. of Celtis
1. A native or one of the people of Germany.
[1913 Webster]

2. The German language.
[1913 Webster]

(a) A round dance, often with a waltz movement, abounding
in capriciosly involved figures.
(b) A social party at which the german is danced.
[1913 Webster]

High German, the Teutonic dialect of Upper or Southern
Germany, -- comprising Old High German, used from the 8th
to the 11th century; Middle H. G., from the 12th to the
15th century; and Modern or New H. G., the language of
Luther's Bible version and of modern German literature.
The dialects of Central Germany, the basis of the modern
literary language, are often called Middle German, and the
Southern German dialects Upper German; but High German is
also used to cover both groups.

Low German, the language of Northern Germany and the
Netherlands, -- including Friesic; Anglo-Saxon or
Saxon; Old Saxon; Dutch or Low Dutch, with its
dialect, Flemish; and Plattdeutsch (called also {Low
German}), spoken in many dialects.
[1913 Webster]Plattdeutsch \Platt"deutsch`\, n.
The modern dialects spoken in the north of Germany, taken
collectively; modern Low German. See Low German, under
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a German dialect spoken in northern Germany [syn: {Low
German}, Plattdeutsch]
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
Telecommunication Display Device

(TDD) A terminal device used widely by deaf
people for text communication over telephone lines.

The acronym TDD is sometimes expanded as "Telecommunication
Display Device" but is generally considered to be derived from
"Telecommunications Device for the Deaf". The deaf themselves
do not usually use the term "TDD", but prefer simply "TTY"
-- possibly the original term. The ambiguity between this and
the other meanings of "TTY" is generally not problematic.
The acronym "TTD" is also common [Teletype for the deaf?].

The standard most used by TDDs is reportedly a survivor of
Baudot code. It uses asynchronous transmission of 1400 Hz
and 1600 Hz tones at 45.5 or 50 baud, with one start bit,
5 data bits and 1.5 stop bits. This is generally
incompatible with standard modems.

A typical TDD is a device about the size of a small {laptop
computer} (resembling, in fact, a circa 1983 Radio Shack
Model 100 computer) with a QWERTY keyboard, and small
screen (often one line high, often made of an array of
LEDs). There is often a small printer for making
transcripts of terminal sessions. An acoustic coupler
connects it to the telephone handset.

With the falling cost of personal computers and the
widespread use of Internet talk systems, there is now
little reason to use this Stone Age technology.

[Standards? i18n?]


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