trilogy,trilogie n: Zdeněk Brož
Trilogy \Tril"o*gy\, n. [Gr. trilogi`a; pref. tri- (see Tri-)
+ lo`gos speech, discourse: cf. F. trilogie.]
A series of three dramas which, although each of them is in
one sense complete, have a close mutual relation, and form
one historical and poetical picture. Shakespeare's " Henry
VI." is an example.
[1913 Webster]

On the Greek stage, a drama, or acted story, consisted
in reality of three dramas, called together a trilogy,
and performed consecutively in the course of one day.
[1913 Webster] Triluminar
n 1: a set of three literary or dramatic works related in
subject or theme

A strongly typed logic programming language
with numerical constraint-solving over the {natural
numbers}, developed by Paul Voda
at UBC in 1988. Trilogy is syntactically a blend of
Prolog, Lisp, and Pascal. It contains three types of
clauses: predicates (backtracking but no assignable
variables), procedures (if-then-else but no backtracking;
assignable variables), and subroutines (like procedures, but
with input and system calls; callable only from top level or
from other subroutines).

Development of Trilogy I stopped in 1991. Trilogy II,
developed by Paul Voda 1988-92, was a declarative general
purpose programming language, used for teaching and to write


["The Constraint Language Trilogy: Semantics and
Computations", P. Voda, Complete Logic Systems, 741 Blueridge
Ave, North Vancouver BC, V7R 2J5].

podobné slovodefinícia
trilogy,trilogie n: Zdeněk Brož
n 1: a set of three literary or dramatic works related in
subject or theme

A strongly typed logic programming language
with numerical constraint-solving over the {natural
numbers}, developed by Paul Voda
at UBC in 1988. Trilogy is syntactically a blend of
Prolog, Lisp, and Pascal. It contains three types of
clauses: predicates (backtracking but no assignable
variables), procedures (if-then-else but no backtracking;
assignable variables), and subroutines (like procedures, but
with input and system calls; callable only from top level or
from other subroutines).

Development of Trilogy I stopped in 1991. Trilogy II,
developed by Paul Voda 1988-92, was a declarative general
purpose programming language, used for teaching and to write


["The Constraint Language Trilogy: Semantics and
Computations", P. Voda, Complete Logic Systems, 741 Blueridge
Ave, North Vancouver BC, V7R 2J5].


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