slovo | definícia |
unicef (encz) | UNICEF,Dětský fond Organizace spojených národů n: [zkr.] dnes United
Nations Children's Fund, zkratka vznikla z původního United Nations
International Children's Emergency Fund xkomczax |
unicef (wn) | UNICEF
n 1: an agency of the United Nations responsible for programs to
aid education and the health of children and mothers in
developing countries [syn: {United Nations Children's
Fund}, {United Nations International Children's Emergency
Fund}, UNICEF] |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
unicef (encz) | UNICEF,Dětský fond Organizace spojených národů n: [zkr.] dnes United
Nations Children's Fund, zkratka vznikla z původního United Nations
International Children's Emergency Fund xkomczax |
unicef (wn) | UNICEF
n 1: an agency of the United Nations responsible for programs to
aid education and the health of children and mothers in
developing countries [syn: {United Nations Children's
Fund}, {United Nations International Children's Emergency
Fund}, UNICEF] |