slovo | definícia |
vigor (encz) | vigor,ráznost n: Zdeněk Brož |
vigor (encz) | VIGOR,druh borosilikátového skla n: [chem.] web |
Vigor (gcide) | Vigor \Vig"or\, v. t.
To invigorate. [Obs.] --Feltham.
[1913 Webster] |
Vigor (gcide) | Vigor \Vig"or\, n. [OE. vigour, vigor, OF. vigor, vigur, vigour,
F. vigueur, fr. L. vigor, fr. vigere to be lively or strong.
See Vegetable, Vigil.]
1. Active strength or force of body or mind; capacity for
exertion, physically, intellectually, or morally; force;
[1913 Webster]
The vigor of this arm was never vain. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
2. Strength or force in animal or vegetable nature or action;
as, a plant grows with vigor.
[1913 Webster]
3. Strength; efficacy; potency.
[1913 Webster]
But in the fruithful earth . . .
His beams, unactive else, their vigor find.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Vigor and its derivatives commonly imply active
strength, or the power of action and exertion, in
distinction from passive strength, or strength to
[1913 Webster] |
vigor (wn) | vigor
n 1: forceful exertion; "he plays tennis with great energy";
"he's full of zip" [syn: energy, vigor, vigour,
2: active strength of body or mind [syn: vigor, vigour,
dynamism, heartiness]
3: an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing);
"his writing conveys great energy"; "a remarkable muscularity
of style" [syn: energy, muscularity, vigor, vigour,
vim] |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
reinvigorate (mass) | reinvigorate
- posilniť |
gain vigor (encz) | gain vigor, v: |
invigorate (encz) | invigorate,osvěžit v: Zdeněk Brožinvigorate,povzbudit v: Zdeněk Brož |
invigorated (encz) | invigorated, |
invigorating (encz) | invigorating, |
invigoratingly (encz) | invigoratingly,oživeně adv: Zdeněk Brož |
invigoration (encz) | invigoration, |
invigorator (encz) | invigorator, n: |
reinvigorate (encz) | reinvigorate,oživit v: Zdeněk Brožreinvigorate,posílit v: Zdeněk Brož |
reinvigorated (encz) | reinvigorated,oživil v: Zdeněk Brožreinvigorated,posílil v: Zdeněk Brož |
vigor (encz) | vigor,ráznost n: Zdeněk BrožVIGOR,druh borosilikátového skla n: [chem.] web |
vigorish (encz) | vigorish, n: |
vigorous (encz) | vigorous,čilý adj: Zdeněk Brožvigorous,energický adj: Zdeněk Brožvigorous,mohutný adj: Zdeněk Brožvigorous,pádný adj: Zdeněk Brožvigorous,prudký adj: Zdeněk Brožvigorous,rázný adj: Zdeněk Brožvigorous,řízný adj: Zdeněk Brožvigorous,silný adj: Zdeněk Brožvigorous,statný adj: Zdeněk Brožvigorous,vitální Zdeněk Brož |
vigorously (encz) | vigorously,důrazně adv: Zdeněk Brožvigorously,rázně adv: Zdeněk Brož |
with forthright vigor (encz) | with forthright vigor,se vší rozhodností web |
debilitating vs invigorating (gcide) | debilitative \debilitative\ adj.
causing weakness. [Narrower terms: {debilitating (vs.
Syn: enervating, enfeebling, weakening.
[WordNet 1.5] |
Disinvigorate (gcide) | Disinvigorate \Dis`in*vig"or*ate\, v. t.
To enervate; to weaken. [R.] --Sydney Smith.
[1913 Webster] |
Envigor (gcide) | Envigor \En*vig"or\, v. t.
To invigorate. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster] |
forceful slashing vigorous (gcide) | dynamical \dynamical\ adj. [Narrower terms: can-do; driving;
energizing, energising, kinetic; {forceful, slashing,
vigorous}; projectile; {propellant, propellent, propelling,
propulsive}; renascent, resurgent; {self-propelled,
self-propelling}; {high-octane, high-powered, high-power,
[WordNet 1.5] Dynamically \Dy*nam"ic*al*ly\, adv.
In accordance with the principles of dynamics or moving
forces. --J. Peile.
[1913 Webster] |
Invigor (gcide) | Invigor \In*vig"or\ ([i^]n*v[i^]g"[~e]r), v. t.
To invigorate. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster] |
Invigorate (gcide) | Invigorate \In*vig"or*ate\ ([i^]n*v[i^]g"[~e]r*[=a]t), v. t.
[imp. & p. p. Invigorated ([i^]n*v[i^]g"[~e]r*[=a]`t[e^]d);
p. pr. & vb. n. Invigorating.] [Pref. in- in + vigor.]
To give vigor to; to strengthen; to animate; to give life and
energy to.
[1913 Webster]
Christian graces and virtues they can not be, unless
fed, invigorated, and animated by universal charity.
Syn: To refresh; animate; exhilarate; stimulate.
[1913 Webster] |
Invigorated (gcide) | Invigorate \In*vig"or*ate\ ([i^]n*v[i^]g"[~e]r*[=a]t), v. t.
[imp. & p. p. Invigorated ([i^]n*v[i^]g"[~e]r*[=a]`t[e^]d);
p. pr. & vb. n. Invigorating.] [Pref. in- in + vigor.]
To give vigor to; to strengthen; to animate; to give life and
energy to.
[1913 Webster]
Christian graces and virtues they can not be, unless
fed, invigorated, and animated by universal charity.
Syn: To refresh; animate; exhilarate; stimulate.
[1913 Webster] |
Invigorating (gcide) | Invigorate \In*vig"or*ate\ ([i^]n*v[i^]g"[~e]r*[=a]t), v. t.
[imp. & p. p. Invigorated ([i^]n*v[i^]g"[~e]r*[=a]`t[e^]d);
p. pr. & vb. n. Invigorating.] [Pref. in- in + vigor.]
To give vigor to; to strengthen; to animate; to give life and
energy to.
[1913 Webster]
Christian graces and virtues they can not be, unless
fed, invigorated, and animated by universal charity.
Syn: To refresh; animate; exhilarate; stimulate.
[1913 Webster] |
Invigoration (gcide) | Invigoration \In*vig`or*a"tion\, n.
The act of invigorating, or the state of being invigorated.
[1913 Webster] |
Reinvigorate (gcide) | Reinvigorate \Re`in*vig"or*ate\ (-v?g"?r*?t), v. t.
To invigorate anew.
[1913 Webster] |
Revigorate (gcide) | Revigorate \Re*vig"or*ate\, v. t.
To give new vigor to. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]Revigorate \Re*vig"or*ate\, a. [LL. revigoratus, p. p. of
revigorare; L. re- + vigor vigor.]
Having new vigor or strength; invigorated anew. [R.]
[1913 Webster] |
Unvigorous (gcide) | Unvigorous \Unvigorous\
See vigorous. |
Vigorite (gcide) | Vigorite \Vig"or*ite\, n. [L. vigor strength.]
An explosive containing nitroglycerin. It is used in
[1913 Webster] |
Vigoroso (gcide) | Vigoroso \Vig`o*ro"so\, a. & adv. [It.] (Mus.)
Vigorous; energetic; with energy; -- a direction to perform a
passage with energy and force.
[1913 Webster] |
Vigorous (gcide) | Vigorous \Vig"or*ous\, a. [Cf. OF. vigoros, F. vigoureux, LL.
1. Possessing vigor; full of physical or mental strength or
active force; strong; lusty; robust; as, a vigorous youth;
a vigorous plant.
[1913 Webster]
Famed for his valor, young,
At sea successful, vigorous and strong. --Waller.
[1913 Webster]
2. Exhibiting strength, either of body or mind; powerful;
strong; forcible; energetic; as, vigorous exertions; a
vigorous prosecution of a war.
[1913 Webster]
The beginnings of confederacies have been always
vigorous and successful. --Davenant.
[1913 Webster] -- Vig"or*ous*ly, adv. --
Vig"or*ous*ness, n.
[1913 Webster] |
Vigorously (gcide) | Vigorous \Vig"or*ous\, a. [Cf. OF. vigoros, F. vigoureux, LL.
1. Possessing vigor; full of physical or mental strength or
active force; strong; lusty; robust; as, a vigorous youth;
a vigorous plant.
[1913 Webster]
Famed for his valor, young,
At sea successful, vigorous and strong. --Waller.
[1913 Webster]
2. Exhibiting strength, either of body or mind; powerful;
strong; forcible; energetic; as, vigorous exertions; a
vigorous prosecution of a war.
[1913 Webster]
The beginnings of confederacies have been always
vigorous and successful. --Davenant.
[1913 Webster] -- Vig"or*ous*ly, adv. --
Vig"or*ous*ness, n.
[1913 Webster] |
Vigorousness (gcide) | Vigorous \Vig"or*ous\, a. [Cf. OF. vigoros, F. vigoureux, LL.
1. Possessing vigor; full of physical or mental strength or
active force; strong; lusty; robust; as, a vigorous youth;
a vigorous plant.
[1913 Webster]
Famed for his valor, young,
At sea successful, vigorous and strong. --Waller.
[1913 Webster]
2. Exhibiting strength, either of body or mind; powerful;
strong; forcible; energetic; as, vigorous exertions; a
vigorous prosecution of a war.
[1913 Webster]
The beginnings of confederacies have been always
vigorous and successful. --Davenant.
[1913 Webster] -- Vig"or*ous*ly, adv. --
Vig"or*ous*ness, n.
[1913 Webster] |
gain vigor (wn) | gain vigor
v 1: gain or regain energy; "I picked up after a nap" [syn:
perk up, perk, percolate, pick up, gain vigor] |
hybrid vigor (wn) | hybrid vigor
n 1: (genetics) the tendency of a crossbred organism to have
qualities superior to those of either parent [syn:
heterosis, hybrid vigor] |
invigorate (wn) | invigorate
v 1: heighten or intensify; "These paintings exalt the
imagination" [syn: inspire, animate, invigorate,
enliven, exalt]
2: give life or energy to; "The cold water invigorated him"
[syn: quicken, invigorate]
3: make lively; "let's liven up this room a bit" [syn:
enliven, liven, liven up, invigorate, animate]
[ant: blunt, deaden]
4: impart vigor, strength, or vitality to; "Exercise is
invigorating" [syn: invigorate, reinvigorate] |
invigorated (wn) | invigorated
adj 1: with restored energy [syn: fresh, invigorated,
refreshed, reinvigorated] |
invigorating (wn) | invigorating
adj 1: imparting strength and vitality; "the invigorating
mountain air" [ant: debilitating] |
invigoration (wn) | invigoration
n 1: quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous
[syn: animation, spiritedness, invigoration, brio,
2: the activity of giving vitality and vigour to something [syn:
vivification, invigoration, animation] |
invigorator (wn) | invigorator
n 1: an agent that gives or restores life or vigor; "the soul is
the quickener of the body" [syn: quickener,
invigorator, enlivener] |
reinvigorate (wn) | reinvigorate
v 1: impart vigor, strength, or vitality to; "Exercise is
invigorating" [syn: invigorate, reinvigorate] |
reinvigorated (wn) | reinvigorated
adj 1: with restored energy [syn: fresh, invigorated,
refreshed, reinvigorated] |
vigor (wn) | vigor
n 1: forceful exertion; "he plays tennis with great energy";
"he's full of zip" [syn: energy, vigor, vigour,
2: active strength of body or mind [syn: vigor, vigour,
dynamism, heartiness]
3: an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing);
"his writing conveys great energy"; "a remarkable muscularity
of style" [syn: energy, muscularity, vigor, vigour,
vim] |
vigorish (wn) | vigorish
n 1: an exorbitant or unlawful rate of interest [syn: usury,
2: a percentage (of winnings or loot or profit) taken by an
operator or gangster [syn: rake-off, vigorish] |
vigorous (wn) | vigorous
adj 1: characterized by forceful and energetic action or
activity; "a vigorous hiker"; "gave her skirt a vigorous
shake"; "a vigorous campaign"; "a vigorous foreign
policy"; "vigorous opposition to the war"
2: strong and active physically or mentally; "a vigorous old man
who spent half of his day on horseback"- W.H.Hudson |
vigorously (wn) | vigorously
adv 1: with vigor; in a vigorous manner; "he defended his ideas
vigorously" [syn: vigorously, smartly] |
PROPRIO VIGORE (bouvier) | PROPRIO VIGORE. By its own force or vigor. This expression is frequently
used in construction. A phrase is said to have a certain meaning proprio