virtual storage access method
Virtual Storage Access Method
Virtual Sequential Access Method

(VSAM) An IBM disk file storage scheme first used
in S/370 and virtual storage. VSAM comprises three access
methods: Keyed Sequenced Data Set (KSDS), {Relative Record
Data Set} (RRDS), and Entry Sequenced Data Set (ESDS).

Both IMS/DB and DB2 are implemented on top of VSAM and use
its underlying data structures.

["Storage" or "Sequential"?]

podobné slovodefinícia
virtual storage access method
Virtual Storage Access Method
Virtual Sequential Access Method

(VSAM) An IBM disk file storage scheme first used
in S/370 and virtual storage. VSAM comprises three access
methods: Keyed Sequenced Data Set (KSDS), {Relative Record
Data Set} (RRDS), and Entry Sequenced Data Set (ESDS).

Both IMS/DB and DB2 are implemented on top of VSAM and use
its underlying data structures.

["Storage" or "Sequential"?]


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